58. The Letter!

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After biding farewell to my wife, I headed out and my private jet was ready to take off.

I heard a notification on my phone and chose to ignore until I settled in.

Closing my eyes, I saw Angel's smiling face that I saw before I left and a sigh escaped my mouth.

"I love you Wifey. " I whispered and felt the jet take off.

I decided to check the notification and saw it was a message from Angel.

Check your coat's pocket.

Confused, I checked the pocket to find a paper folded. Taking it out, I found it was a handwritten note from Angel.

Dearest Mr. Shekhawat,

Before I begin, I would like to tell you that you have my swear, you won't come back immediately and finish your work first and then come back, because knowing you, I don't think you'll be able to stay there for too long. Now now, don't overthink Baby, I'm not leaving you.

Breathe and calm your racing heart beats, this letter may leave you in tears but I promise you won't feel bad. And remember, I love you.

So,  Mr. Randhir Singh Shekhawat, you love your Angel way too much that it was getting difficult for your Angel to handle all of that all alone, so she needed help and God was kind enough to send her the help that is apt for the situation.

Baby, I know you say that I'm enough but there was something that was incomplete, the happiness that we deserve was lacking, after going through so much for the past so many years and losing so much, it's finally time that we gain back the happiness we deserve.

The time has come Baby, when you'll love me a little less and someone else a little more, someone who's a part of you, who's a part of me, a part of us.

I'm sure you must have guessed by now and I can imagine your teary eyes like me but still I want to tell you.

Mr. Randhir Singh Shekhawat, my husband, the love of my life, my everything, I'm proud and happiest to inform you that soon, your responsibilities are going to be doubled.

Yes! I wanted to tell you in person but couldn't, so here it is, Randhir Singh Shekhawat, get ready to embrace the biggest happiness of your life, get ready to be a father soon.

Randhir, I'm pregnant, we are pregnant and we are going to be parents real soon. I got to know today only and can't wait to hug you Baby and cry in your arms, so please be back soon and safe, 'we' love you would be Dad, and 'we' miss you.

Your child's mother❤

Speechless, numb and overwhelmed. I was feeling a mixture of so many emotions right now and I couldn't even move.

Tears were continuously rolling down my eyes and a sudden fear of unknown was surrounding. No, history won't repeat itself, this time, I won't let anything happen to my child, this time I'll protect it from everything. This father is not weak anymore, he can protect his child and wife from everyone and everything.

I love you Angel, you have literally changed my life. From being a traumatized orphan to being a father, how far all this has come, and you've made it happen. And now, I'll have another Angel, to take care of, to love and cherish forever. I can't believe I got this lucky.

I wanted to call her immediately but stopped myself from doing it, I can't talk to her right now or I'll lose my control and get back to her. But this is really important for me to assure a great future for both my wife and child.


Sanyukta Randhir Singh Shekhawat's pov

"You wrote it in a letter? Seriously? " Swady was in disbelief.

"Yeah, I had no other option. " I told her and she shook her head.

"You are impossible!"

"What else I could do? He left like that and I wanted to let him know. If I would have spoken, he wouldn't have left and I want all of this to end and for this he had to go. I can't wait for him to be back and now even he has a stronger reason to be back soon. " I told her smiling at his picture.

"You are going to be a Masi. How do you feel ?"  I asked her grinning and she grinned back.

"I can't even tell you how happy I'm right now. And don't forget I'll be a bua as well. " She said and I gave her a nod.

"He must be going crazy. " I mumbled thinking about Randhir.

"I know right, poor being can't even celebrate. " Swady pouted causing me to sigh.

"I hope you had brought Swati here with you. " I told her.

"I know but she had finals and you have no idea how I have convinced Adarsh." She told me and I gave her a nod.

" I know but nothing can be done about it. But you know what, I'm glad that Badi Mumma is staying there and raising Swati, I was really worried otherwise. " I told her and she nodded.

"Swati misses Mohini and you but she has gotten really close to aunty." She informed and I gave her a nod.

"And Rohan? "

"He's not fine Sanyukta, he misses Mohini like crazy but doesn't shows it in front of us. He has stopped talking much and keeps himself busy with work most of the times. But still manages to spend time with Swati and that's the only good thing. " I sighed in sorrow and tears came in my eyes.

"I'm responsible for all this, ain't I? " I asked her and she shook her head in denial.

"No Sanyukta, that monster is responsible for everything and if you had any idea that this will happen, you would never have Mohini get inside the car." She consoled me and I hugged her.

"She was a selfless human and I miss her. " I mumbled and Swady nodded.

"Sanyukta, don't stress out, it's not good for the baby. " She reminded me and I wiped my tears.

"Nothing will happen to my baby this time. " I told her and she nodded.

"I won't let anyone harm my baby this time. " I added holding my belly.

"Of course Sanyukta, neither will the baby's father. Don't worry and don't stress out. Eat something and be happy. " She told me and I gave her a nod.

"How is Adarsh by the way? He doesn't speaks to me much. " I asked and she looked down smiling.

"Sanyukta he keeps me really happy and fulfills all my wishes but..." She trailed off causing me to frown.

"But? " I asked and she sighed.

"Sanyukta I want to be a mother too but he isn't ready yet. " I was shocked at her statement.

"Why? I'm sure Randhir must be crying out of joy right now." I told her and she nodded.

"I know Sanyukta, Randhir always wanted to be a father but this is not the case with Adarsh. " She told me disappointed.

"I think, probably he is scared, but if you'll have a baby, I think he'll be the happiest. Trust me, these guys can get nervous but when they see their wife carrying their child, all the nervousness and fear vanishes in thin air. I still remember when Rohan got to know about Swati, that happiness and sense of responsibility was something else.

Swady,  we both know how much Adarsh loves you, I'm sure his nervousness will vanish too. Talk to him, you know how to make him understand." I assured her and she nodded in understanding.

"I'll talk to him once I get back. " She told me smiling.


Congratulations janta! They are going to be parents, finally ❤


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