15. Welcome!

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Sanyukta's pov.

"I knew it's him. Many people saw him taking Swati and Swady from school, initially they were scared to confess but after I promised that their names won't be disclosed, they confessed. " Adarsh said and I sat on the couch, numb.

My fear became reality. He took them away, that Monster took my lifelines away. My best friend and my daughter are with him, all because of me. What they must be going through, I can't even imagine! And I'm responsible for everything.

"I'm sorry. " I whispered looking down and Mumma hugged me.

"It's not your fault Sanyukta. " Mohini assured with tears in her eyes.

"Stop it Mohini, stop being so nice to me, I don't deserve this! I can't even imagine what your daughter must be going through because of me and here you are saying that it's not my fault! It's all my fault, I shouldn't have stayed here it's all my fault. Everything is happening because of me, their lives are in danger because of me I'm responsible, they don't deserve this, they have done nothing, I'm so sorry. " I broke down and Mohini too hugged me.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything Sanyukta, all of this is happening because he's crazy, you are not responsible. " Adarsh said kneeling in front of me and wiping my tears.

"You are wrong Adarsh, he's doing this to see me in pain, it's all because of me. I should have left. " I cried and he sighed.

"Stop blaming yourself and use your officer brain, we need to rescue them. I know you left the job ten years back but that doesn't means your brain can't think like the old Sanyukta anymore, think, help me and get rid of your guilt." Adarsh said looking at me in the eyes.

Can I do this? Can I save them? Can I think like the Police Officer Sanyukta Agrawal?

The chain of my thoughts were broken by the ringing of my phone. I immediately looked at the screen to find a private number, then I looked at Adarsh who nodded. He signalled the other policemen to start recording and tracing.

Receiving the call, I put it on speaker for everyone to hear.

"Tracing or recording is of no use so cut the crap Adarsh Sinha. " were Randhir's words. I looked at Adarsh who huffed looking away.

"Anyways, how are you Angel? " Randhir asked causing me tighten my fist. I hate this endearment, it sounds like a curse word to me.

"Great, until you stepped in again. " I replied and heard him chuckle.

"I love it when you unknowingly satisfy me by answering, I missed this. Didn't you miss me Angel? " He asked causing me to take a deep breath.

"Where are Swati and Swadhinta? " I asked and heard him sigh.

"You know I hate being ignored by you. Answer me first Angel. " He said calmly and looked at my family. They all nodded and I closed my eyes.

"I didn't miss you, not even a bit. " I lied and heard him chuckle.

"Now now, my Angel can't lie to me. I finally know you well enough to catch your lies. You know, I hate it when you lie Angel, don't you? " He asked, his tone turning dangerous.

"What do you want Randhir? " I asked controlling my tears.

"Is this even a question to ask Baby? Isn't it the most obvious thing ever? But if you still want me to tell this, then fine, your wish is my command. I want you my life. " He said and I closed my eyes.

"Leave them Randhir. " I mumbled.

"Even I'm not planning on keeping them with me forever. I'll leave them once you do what I say. " He said and I looked at Adarsh who was in a deep thought.

"What do you want me to do? " I asked.

"I don't like it Angel, you love them too much that you agreed in no time, I don't like it. " He said and I looked at Mumma with fear who looked equally scared.

"I agreed because I know I don't have any option." I covered up immediately.

"I don't care as long as you're coming to me." His words made me frown. He's damn bipolar.

"What should I do? " I asked and he hummed.

"I'm sending a car for all of you, sit and come to me. And Adarsh you can bring your whole Police Force too, no issues. " He said and I looked at Adarsh to find him gritting his teeth.

"See you very soon Angel, love you. " He said and before he could cut the call, I interrupted.

"Randhir. " I called his name.

"Every time you take my name, I love it even more. " He said causing me to look away.

"How do I believe that you'll leave them once I come to you?" I asked.

"Do you have any option Angel? " He asked causing me to close my eyes.

"I know I don't, but can't you assure me? And are they okay? Did you hurt them? " I asked on the verge of tears.

"Are you crying Angel? Listen don't cry okay, please, I'll leave everybody and I haven't harmed them. Swati is busy eating her Butterscotch ice cream and Swadhinta is watching her favourite tv series, they are absolutely fine. Don't cry please. " I frowned at him words and looked at others to find them frowning as well.

They are enjoying there? Seriously?

"I won't hurt them Angel, I know they are important to you, they've took care of you, they'll be fine. I just want you Baby, I'll leave everybody. Just don't cry. " He almost begged.

"We are coming. " I told him and cut the call.

"They are enjoying? " Mohini asked.

"I don't believe him. " Rohan said and Adarsh nodded.

" I know he's not lying." I told them.

"How? " Adarsh asked.

"Because how would he know that Swati loves Butterscotch ice cream otherwise? " I asked and he looked down.

"I don't understand why is he calling all of us, what does he wants? " Rohan asked.

"I'm wondering the same. " Adarsh said and I looked at the entrance door to find 3 men.

"The car's ready. " One of them informed and we followed them.

They didn't even blind fold us,  which was strange cause gangsters don't usually want people to know the address of their place but then it's Randhir  he fears none so it's justified.

We reached quite earlier than expected and stepping out of the car, my eyes met with a huge mansion.

We followed the guards inside, after the security checks and my eyes widened at what I saw inside.

The whole hall was decorated with flowers, curtains, lights and candles and in the center was a heavenly decorated Mandap.

"Welcome my Bride. " Randhir's voice made me look at the stairs where he was standing.

My throat went dry looking at him and I immediately looked down.

"What's all this Randhir? " Mumma asked and he came towards me.

"We are getting married Masi. " He said holding my hand causing my eyes to widen.


What do you think, will they finally get married this time?

Who knows 😉

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