17. Finally!

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Swara's pic up there☝

So here's a news, I'm having my unit tests from 24th July to 30th July so won't be able to update next week but I'll try to compensate later.



I was about to start the last round but stopped when someone called out my name.

"Randhir " I looked at the door to find her standing on the doorstep. Looking at her only her name left my mouth.


"Randhir, what's all this? " She asked looking around with frown and uneasiness on her face.

"I'm sorry Swara but I'll have to do this. " I apologized beforehand and her frown deepened.

I signalled my guards and in no time Swara was held captive.

"What are you doing Randhir? " She shouted before they covered her mouth with tape.

"I'm sorry Swara, trust me I never wanted to do this but I don't have any choice now. Nobody can stop this wedding. " I apologized and she wriggled.

"What are you waiting for? Continue! " I demanded and the priest nodded hurriedly before continuing the mantras.

Then, I turned to ok at Angel who was already frowning at me. "I'll explain later, I promise. " I promised and she looked down.

Play Moh Moh ke dhaage (male version)  from Dum Laga ke haisha.

"Shall we? "I asked and she nodded slowly before we began the last round.

The seventh vow from the groom- We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I'm yours for eternity.

The seventh vow from the bride- As God is witness, I'm now your wife. We'll love, honor and cherish each other forever.

Finally, the thing I wanted more than my life happened, we are husband and wife, she's my wife, my Angel's my wife. The dream which was shattered ten years ago has became reality today, finally she's mine, forever.

I looked at her with all the love in me to find her standing there like a living corpse. Her face was emotionless and eyes were fixed on particularly nothing, I felt my heart break at her condition but I was helpless. I couldn't marry anybody else, never ever, so in order to prevent my marriage with Swara, I had to prepone our wedding.

I know you're hating all of this Angel but I promise, one day you'll love the fact that you're my wife, I'll love you with my everything and won't even let a small frown appear on your face. I'll give you all the happiness you deserve Love, I'll love you forever and ever. I promise.

"Now please sit down." The priest asked but Angel was too engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't hear him.

"Angel, sit down. " I held her shoulders and she jumped a bit in shock. Then she looked at my hands on her shoulder before jerking it.

"Sit down, please. " I pleaded softly and she looked down before following.

We sat and he asked Mohini to bring the vermilion. She brought it with a small smile and offered it to me.

Taking a pinch of vermilion, I filled my Love's partings and she closed her eyes as a lone tear escaped them.

Wiping that tear off her cheek, I asked her to open her eyes and she obeyed.

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