39. He's Dead!

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Aryan's pov.

"Why are we here Aryan? " Sanyukta asked looking at the door of ICU.

"Will you stop acting now? " I asked getting fed up with her drama.

She frowned causing me to roll my eyes.

"What are you saying? " Swara asked and I looked at her.

"She's faking all of this, don't fall for it. " I told her glaring at Sanyukta.

"What do you mean? " She asked and I exhaled deeply.

"When I was coming inside the hall, I found a musician outside who told me how he saw her pointing her gun at Randhir before Randhir asked them all to leave. She would have killed him herself if King wouldn't have arrived. " I told her through my teeth and her eyes widened.

"What nonsense! Where's Randhir Aryan? " Sanyukta yelled making me even more mad.

"You call it nonsense? It's the truth, it's your reality! I had warned Randhir but he was too blind in love that he didn't even consider my words. He trusted you blindly and this is what he got." I yelled back and she shook her head.

"I didn't do anything. " She defended herself lying causing me to shake my head.

"Are you even the Sanyukta I knew? I can't believe this. " I said shaking my head.

"I don't care Aryan! I have done nothing. " She said shaking her head.

"You know what? I don't care what you think about me just tell me where's Randhir. " She said and I narrowed my eyes.

"Why? So that you can kill him now? Let me tell you Sanyukta, congratulations, your wish came true without you even trying. He's DEAD. " I yelled and received a sharp slap on my face from her.

"How dare you? How dare you say this?" She asked breathing heavily.

"Why? Isn't it what you wanted? At least now stop your drama! It's done! He's gone. " I yelled on the verge of tears and she shook her head.

"Rubbish! Where is he? Let me see him at least! " She yelled looking here and there and my blood boiled.

"What kind of a person are you? You can't be my Sanyukta! This is ridiculous. At least don't act now Sanyukta! Even when he knew that it's only you behind his every misery, that guy loved you like a crazy person. He took all your hatred, all the pain without even letting you know that whatever he has done, it's for you, because of you!

He has protected you by taking all the problems, all the blames on himself and even today, if he has suffered this, it's just because of you! Every fucking thing has happened to him because of you. And now he's not with us anymore, that too because he was protecting you woman! At least now stop! " I yelled on the top of my voice breathing heavily and she looked stunned.

She held her head, with tears coming from her eyes.

"I didn't do anything. " She was repeating the same thing.

"You have no idea what I'm feeling right now Sanyukta. Randhir was an idiot for loving you. You just don't deserve it. "I told her through my teeth.

"Where is Randhir? " She yelled.

"Now that I know your real intentions, I won't even let you see his corpse. Trust me Sanyukta, you are still alive, just because you are my sister. " I told her and she looked at me shocked.

"Aryan stop now, she had no idea about anything." Swara tried to defend her coming in between us.

"Don't come in between Swara, and I think she is the one who called King too." I accused and Sanyukta shook her head before closing her eyes.

"She's responsible for everything. " I yelled and Sanyukta fell down unconscious causing Swara to panic.

"Sanyukta. " Swara sat down tapping Sanyukta's cheeks and I took deep breaths.

"Aryan what you did? We both know she wasn't aware of anything. You said way too much. And we all know that even if she was pointing her gun at Randhir, she wouldn't have killed him, she can't. She's angry, but she can never take his life. " Swara defended her and I kneeled in front of Sanyukta.

"Doctor. " I yelled and a doctor came running with others.

They took Sanyukta to another room and I held my head.

"Aryan what was that? " Swara asked holding my shoulder and I closed my eyes.

"And who told you about, Randhir? Is he really?" Swara asked hesitatingly but I didn't respond.

I heard her sob and exhaled deeply.

"Aryan, why did you do that to Sanyukta? You know Randhir would have never wanted that. And above all she's your sister. She needs you at this point in her life and you are doing this. How can you? " She asked and I looked at her.

"I know she knew nothing, she would never have killed him but I had to behave this way to get her out of her trauma. I know she's innocent but I had to do something that could affect her brain harshly and get her out of that zone. " I told her and she looked shocked.

"Does that means Randhir? " She asked hopefully and I gave her a nod.

"He's not dead. " I told her and she sighed in relief, laying back her head.

"Oh my god! " She exclaimed with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Yet. " I added and the colour faded from her face.

"Yet? What do you mean? " She asked and I looked down.

"A lot of blood has drained from his body and he's in coma. I didn't wanted to tell you this, but he's very critical. " I told her holding my head and she looked down breathing heavily.

"And how do you know all this? " She asked and I looked towards Sanket who was standing silently all this while.

"Before entering the hospital, when I sent you both inside, he had called me and told me about Randhir's  condition. I asked him to let me talk to the doctor to tell him about Sanyukta's condition and that's when doctor told me what should I do to get her out of her trauma. " I told her and she nodded.

"But now what? " She asked looking at me and then at Sanket.

"It's high time Sanyukta gets to know the whole truth. " I told her and her eyes widened.

"No way! Do you even realise what will Randhir do to you if you tell her this? " She asked and I closed my eyes.

"I wouldn't have told her but now she has become a threat to Randhir's life. I knew she wouldn't have forgiven him this easily but I had no idea that she'll point a gun at him. She needs to know the whole truth before hatred overpowers her love.

I don't care what Randhir does, but he can't protect her from this all her life. She'll have to know now and understand to what extent that crazy guy has endured for her. " I told her and she gave me a nod.

"I think you are right. " She agreed.

"We'll tell her as soon as she gains consciousness. " I told her and she nodded with determination.

Sorry Randhir, your only secret keeper won't be able to keep your secrets anymore.


Too many heavy dialogues!

I hope you enjoyed the mini heart attack in between the chapter😂

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Also my book HOW TO BREAK : BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING  is complete now. You can check it out if you haven't yet.


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