60. In The End, It's All Worth It!

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Here's the last chapter ❤

"You are my Hero. " I told him smiling and he shook his head.

"Took you long enough to understand that. " He said putting me on the bed and covering me with quilt.

"I don't want to sleep. " I told him pouting.

"Then don't. " He said shrugging and I tried to get out of the quilt but he stopped me.

"But you are not leaving the bed. Walking is prohibited. I'll carry you to washrooms and then bring you back, you are not allowed to leave this bed otherwise. " He said crossing his arms.

"What? Are you crazy? " I asked him in disbelief.

"You doubt? " He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Randhir, I'm pregnant, not sick. " I told him and he sat next to me.

"I know and that's exactly why you are in our bedroom and not in the hospital. " He told me smiling.

"You are being overprotective. " I told him.

"And you are being extremely careless. Masi told me how you ran to the outhouse. " He scolded narrowing his eyes.

"Swady was in danger." I reasoned.

"And what about our baby? " He asked looking at my belly. "You forgot about her? " He added looking at me.

"Of course not Randhir, I knew nothing will happen to the baby and why are referring to the baby as 'her'? " I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Because it's a girl. " He replied confidently.

"How do you know? " I asked.

"Because I want a baby girl to spoil. I've spoiled you enough. " He said shrugging causing me to look at him with wide mouth.

"And what if it's a boy? " I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Then the next one will be a baby girl. " He said nodding causing me to chuckle.

"And why do you think there's going to be a next one? " I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Because I won't stop until I have a baby girl to spoil. " He told me and I chuckled.

"Wow!" I exclaimed laughing.

"Okay, so coming back to the point. " He got serious and I knew what was coming.

"Whatever happened today, I don't want a repeat telecast of that at all, so you are going to be under my supervision 24×7 until, I have my baby girl in my arms. " He told me and I frowned.

"And after that? " I asked.

"After that, you both will be in my supervision 24×7." He replied causing me to chuckle.

" Randhir why are you worrying so much? We just got rid of the biggest problem of our lives. " I held his hand and he looked down.

"Angel, you know, when I saw you there,  through that window, with that man, he had you on gun point, I thought I lost you forever. That fear, shook me from inside and for a second, I went numb. I couldn't think of anything. It was good that you bought us some time and I was able to shoot via that window and you were saved.

I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't reached there on time. You know, those few seconds when I saw you there, I lost my sanity, I don't want that again, never and I'm willing to do everything to protect you and my child, even if that means I have to be around you all the time, I will do that too. " He told me holding my hands tightly and I took him in a tight hug.

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