53. Alexander

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"And this is Xander. " Mary introduced us to the little kid who came to welcome us on the doorstep.

Alexander is a gorgeous kid with the green eyes that his mother too owns. Well dressed in a white shirt, black bow and pants, he welcomed us in the most polite manner.

"Welcome. " He welcomed us bowing slightly and I got on my knees to match his height.

"Thank you Alexander." I thanked him with a smile and he smiled back.

"Thank you Alexander Adrian Knight. " Randhir to got on his knees.

"The pleasure is all mine. " I was shocked seeing how nicely this little was speaking.

"He's definitely not a regular kid. " Randhir said looking at Will who sighed.

"Oh don't even ask! The kids of his age love playing, but this Master loves studying all the time. He is stubborn, but just in getting marks, that's all. He has never even asked for any toy from me till date." Will said shaking his head and I looked at Alexander in disbelief.

"You look like a Prince Alexander. "I told him and he smiled slightly.

"Looking for his princess. " I chuckled at Mary's words.

"Already? " I asked in amusement and she shrugged.

"Somebody told him that a Prince is incomplete without his Princess, so he's looking for a Princess. " Mary told us causing us to chuckle.

"How cute!" I ruffled his hair and he immediately set it again.

"Sorry. " I apologised and he just smiled.

"It's okay. " He said causing me to smile.

"I think you guys should take some rest now." Mary suggested and we got up.

"Sure. " Randhir said and they showed us our room, which was really beautiful to be honest.

"Tired Angel? " Randhir asked pulling me to the bed with him.

"A bit. " I told him, resting my head on his chest and snaking my arms around him, while he covered me too with his hands.

"I love you Baby. " I told him and he caressed my hair.

"But I thought you love the guys with green eyes. " I chuckled at his words and looked at him.

"I do actually. " I teased him and he narrowed his eyes at me causing me to chuckle.

I pecked his lips before closing my eyes again.


"Happy Birthday Xander. " We all exclaimed excitedly upon entering his room at 12 o'clock in midnight and he got up with a jolt.

He looked at us, rubbing his eyes and shook his head before lying on the bed again and closing his eyes.

We all looked at each other in confusion and Mary went close to him.

"Xander, Baby it's your birthday, we have got you a cake, get up. " She insisted and he opened his eyes again.

"Mom I'm really sleepy and we are doing this in the evening anyways. " He said with completely uninterested.

Okay, hasn't he turned just three today?

He closed his eyes again and Mary turned to look at us.

We silently came out of his room and looked at each other awkwardly.

What just happened!

"Are you sure he has turned three? " Randhir asked after a minute of silence.

"You were present there when he was born, I should be asking this instead. " Will said out of blue only to receive a really hard glare from Mary.

"I mean of course we are sure, he's our kid. " He corrected himself gulping and I couldn't help but laugh.

"He's different, really different but cute in his own distinct way. " I said shrugging and Mary sighed.

" I'm glad at least he got ready to celebrate his birthday." Will sighed and Mary shook her head.

"There's a big reason behind this. " Mary said nodding causing us to frown.

" What can be a bigger reason than his birthday Mary?" Randhir asked raising his eyebrows.

"There is Randhir. I don't know who but someone has told him that he'll get his Princess in a party and this is the only reason why he agreed for this party. " She told us leaving us confused.

"He's just three and he's already looking for a Princess and someone is encouraging him by telling him these stupid stories. He's a kid, this is just not the way to talk to him. " Will said getting a bit furious and I looked at Mary to find her biting her lower lip. Okay.

" He's a kid, he'll forget about all this very soon, don't worry. " Randhir assured him but he shook his head before heading towards his room.

"I'm really sleepy Angel, join me soon
" Randhir said before heading to our room and now I was left alone with Mary.

"Good night Sanyukta. " She wished and took a step further to leave but I held her hand stopping her.

"Mary, why do I feel this 'someone' is none other than you? " I asked suspiciously and her eyes widened.

"How do you know? Don't tell Will please Sanyukta. " She pleaded causing me to shake my head.

"Relax, I won't tell anyone. But you will have to tell me why did you say all that to Xander. " I asked her and she sighed.

"Has Randhir told you about Adria? My daughter? " She asked and I gave her a nod.

"I was always fond of girl children and when I lost her, I lost a part of me. I wanted another daughter but got Xander instead and it's not like I'm complaining about it. I love Xander way too much. But I still feel that hollowness in my heart.

So I thought, I'll just fulfill all my dreams with Xander's female friends but here my kid, didn't even used to talk to girls leaving me heart broken.

So I decided to ask him get himself a Princess, and that Princess for him will be just a female friend and I'll get what I want. But see I never lied to him, he is indeed our Prince and which Prince isn't incomplete without his Princess? " She asked causing me to shake my head in disbelief.

"You are crazy Mary. " I told her chuckling and she just shrugged.

"I just hope he befriends at least one girl in our circle now. " She told me sighing and I just shook my head at her childishness.

"Xander is way too mature than you Mary. " I told her and she chuckled.

"I don't get who he is like! " She said sighing causing me to smile.

"He is really different like I said, really very different from the other kids and that's what makes him special. " I told her and she nodded.

"It's getting late, you should sleep too. " Mary suggested and I gave her a nod.

"Good night Mary. " I wished her.

"Good night. " She wished me back and we headed towards our respective rooms.

Xander is really cute, if I ever have a son, I want him to be like Xander.


Here's another chapter.

I don't want to write it's end 😣😣


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