59. Last Thought.

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2nd last!

3 days later.

"I don't want to eat this. " I told Badi mumma who sighed shaking her head.

"But you will have to. I came here just to look after your health and you need to eat these fruits in order to stay healthy." Badi mumma insisited.

"But I had my meal half an hour ago. " I argued.

"Eat it for your baby. " She insisted, inserting the apple slice inside my mouth.

"Baby doesn't wants this. " I told her pouting.

"Then what does Baby wants? " She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Dad. " I told her and she smiled.

"He'll be back soon." She assured me.

"When? He didn't even contacted me, I wonder if he even read my letter. " I sighed and she shook her head.

"He called me at 1 am and asked me to come here as soon as I can and you wonder if he has read your letter? " She asked me and I looked away.

"Then why didn't he talk to me? I haven't received a single call or text from him. " I complained.

"There must be a real valid reason, we both know him well enough to guess this." She explained but I didn't wanted to understand.

I just want him here with me and our baby. I want to know how he is feeling after getting this news, I just want to hear him, see him, feel his presence and assure his well being.

"Sanyukta look at your phone." Badi mumma shook me slightly and I came back from my wonderland and checked it to find Swady calling me.

Why is she calling me when she's in the same house as me?

"Why are you calling me? Just come to the room. " I asked received the call.

"Sanyukta help! Outhouse!" I heard her gasping for breath before the call went off.

Getting scared, I immediately got up and ran towards the outhouse.

"Sanyukta don't run. What happened? " Badi mumma came running behind me.

"Swady is in danger, I need to save her. " I told her running and she followed.

"Security. " I yelled and ran out of the house without waiting for anyone.

I ran to the outhouse and opened the main door, which was already unlocked.

"Swady? " I yelled upon entering and found the outhouse completely dark.

I felt the door behind me close before Badi mumma could get in and complete darkness surrounded me.

"Sanyukta." I heard Swady cry and a small bulb lit up.

I saw Swady tied up in a chair with a man holding her on gunpoint.

"Swady. " I took a step towards her but was stopped by a deep voice.

"Stop. " I felt chill running down my spine when I heard this familiar voice.

My throat became dry and I felt someone standing beside me but I couldn't see them because of the darkness.

"Don't move my lovely daughter. " I gulped at that disgusting man's words.

"You are alive. " I mumbled realising that my heart beats were raising.

"Of course, your dear husband couldn't kill me even after everything. Ain't you happy to see your father alive? " He asked and the lights were turned on.

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