2. Mr. Handsome

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"Swati. " Sanyukta sat beside Swati on the bench of the park.

"Mumma. " Swati wrapped her tiny hands around Sanyukta's frame.

"Um, Masi Swati, I'm your Masi. " Sanyukta corrected.

"But I call you Mumma,  you have a problem? " She asked crossing her arms.

Sanyukta sighed and looked at her lifeline.

"No problem. " She said pulling the little bundle of joy in her arms.

"Now, a birdie told me that you didn't had your food. This is really wrong Swati. " Sanyukta said pulling away from her and resting her chin on her hand.

"That birdie didn't tell you what she did? " Swati asked twisting her lips.

"She did, and you know she was joking. " Sanyukta defended her best friend.

"She must know that I don't like jokes. Her sense of humor is the worst." Swati said looking away causing Sanyukta to sigh.

"She's your mom Swati, she loves you more than anybody, she can never even think of sending you away. " Sanyukta said making her look at her.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry. " Swati pouted.

"That's like my Baby, now let's go back home, we need to feed this little tummy. " Sanyukta said tickling Swati's belly causing the little girl to giggle.


Delhi,  India.

Randhir Singh Shekhawat's pov.

"Randhir. " Hearing Masi's voice,  I immediately hid the photo inside the drawer.

The door of my cabin opened and Masi entered with a tiffin box in her hand.

"Have some food,  you didn't even had your breakfast. " She said without even sparing me a glance.

She started serving the food in the plates she brought and I sighed before getting up and walking towards the couch.

I sat on it and looked at her who was not even looking at me for once.

"You hate me Masi,  don't you? " I finally asked the question, I've been gathering courage to ask from her for the past ten years.

She stopped serving and looked at me with an emotionless face.

"You have any doubts? " She asked sternly.

I chuckled without humor and looked down.

"Then why did you took care of my business in my absence? Why do you take care of me Masi? " I asked and she looked at me again without any emotion.

"Don't mistake my actions Randhir, I'm not doing all this for you, it's all for my sister, Supriya cause I love her. I couldn't take care of you in your childhood, when you needed me the most, so now I'm doing this,  just for her. All my love for you died with my daughter. " She said and passed me the plate.

I took it without a word and after taking a deep breath, started eating.

"I'm going to Nainitaal tomorrow." Masi informed and I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked then looked down. "If you don't mind me asking. " I added.

"I mind. " She said and stood up.

"But Masi it's not safe. " I too got up.

"Like I care. " She said looking at me.
"I don't see the point of living anymore. " She said and a tear escaped her eyes.

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