40. The Only Secret Keeper Left.

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Finally some of your questions are gonna get answered by the one and only Aryan.

Sanyukta's pov.

My head felt heavy and I stirred coughing, before I opened my eyes. Due to extreme light, I closed my eyes again and then opened them slowly, giving my pupil time to adjust.

I looked around to find myself in a hospital room causing me to frown.

"What am I doing in a hospital room?" I wondered looking here and there.

"Sanyukta." I looked immediately towards the door where Swara was standing.

"Swara. " I tried to get up but I felt really weak.

"Don't get up. Are you okay? " She asked coming towards me.

"Yeah, what happened? " I asked and she looked cautiously.

"Sanyukta, you still don't remember anything? " I frowned at her question.

"What? " I asked and she bit her lip.

"About Randhir? " She asked slowly and that's when it hit me.

Randhir! The memories of me pointing my gun at him, the attack and then the bullet that he took came flooding in my mind causing me to sit up with a jolt.

"Randhir! Swara where's Randhir? " I asked holding her hand and she looked down with tearful eyes.

"Under observation. " She replied and I stood up but sat down again as my head began spinning.

"Sanyukta don't get up please. " Swara requested and I breathed heavily.

"How's he Swara? Truth. " I demanded and she closed her eyes.

"He's not okay Sanyukta. He's not. He's just not responding to anything. " She cried and I felt myself shivering.

I know I had pointed my gun at him but I would never have shot him. I just can't! Even if I want to, it's impossible for me to do that because of the love that I have for him despite of whatever has happened between us. He's my husband, of course I love him and this cannot change no matter what.

He took the bullet that was fired for me without even thinking for a second. He is in this condition just because of me and I know why he isn't responding to all these treatments. Because he just doesn't wants to live anymore, because of me. But I can't let him go, I can't let anything happen to him.

"Swara, take me to him. Please. " I requested and she wiped her tears.

"But we are not allowed." She told me and I looked down.

"We both know how important it is for me to be with him right now. It's because of me that he's not responding, he thinks I want him dead, he won't respond until I'll ask him to." I told her and and she looked in thoughts.

"Is this how you want to go to him?" I looked towards the door to find Aryan standing.

"With more questions and doubts and less trust and love ? " He asked coming towards me.

"Aryan. " I cried and he took me in a hug.

"I need to be with him. " I whispered.

"Of course but not like this Sanyukta, not anymore. Go to him with only faith and love, after getting the answers to all your questions. You have no idea how much this guy loves you, it's just unbelievable." He said shaking his head causing me to frown.

"What are you trying to say? " I asked and he looked down.

"I'm his only secret keeper left Sanyukta and I know stuff that you can't even imagine, the stuff that he's been protecting you from. " My eyes widened at his words. He and Randhir's secret keeper? Unbelievable!

"Aryan what are you saying? It's really indigestible. How? " I asked and he smiled.

"I'll tell you everything, but let's start with the start. " He said and I gave him a nod.

"But why didn't you tell me this before and why are you telling me now? " I asked and he looked away.

"I didn't tell you because he never let me but now I'm telling you because you have become a threat to his life." I was ashamed of myself. Totally.

"Sanyukta, you remember the night before New year, when you were with Randhir, according to Vardhan Suryavanshi's plan? When you had attended Raghav Mahant's party with Randhir?" He asked causing me to frown.

It took me a minute to recall and finally I remembered, this was the first time I had accepted my love for him. How can I forget!

"Yeah. " I told him and he nodded.

"Raghav Mahant was killed, by Randhir's people. " He said and I gave him a nod.

"I know, he got him killed because Raghav had attacked me. " I told him and he exhaled deeply.

"Exactly, he got Raghav killed because he had attacked you, Sanyukta that Raghav, was Shikha's boyfriend and Shikha was King's daughter. " My eyes widened at this revelation.

"Shikha di really loved Raghav, she couldn't survive after he was murdered, she committed suicide. " I was stunned when Swara told me this. That's why King blames Randhir for Shikha's death, now I got it.

"Randhir wasn't aware that Shikha di loved Raghav, or else he would have never killed him. Randhir has always treated us like his own sisters, only if he knew. But Dad loved Shikha di way too much to understand this. He considered Randhir as Shikha di's murderer and decided to kill you, to avenge her death. " Swara explained causing me to exhale deeply.

"When you went to the doctor back then and got to know that you were pregnant, the doctor had immediately informed Randhir about it and trust me Sanyukta, his happiness knew no bounds. He was on top of the world and just wanted to reach you but before he could, he got to know about King's intentions and decided to confront him about Shikha. He even told him that you were carrying his baby, but King was too adamant, so Randhir took this one chance and this whole plan came into existence.

He told him that he'll kill you by himself but in reality, he had planned your survival. He wanted to keep you safe, so he contacted Mohini because she was someone he trusted the most with you. " Aryan explained but I was still confused.

"But then why did he killed our baby and how did you got to know all this? And why wasn't he telling me anything? And why on earth Randhir didn't fight that King? He could have fought for us instead of killing our baby and sending me away. " I asked and Aryan's eyes welled up.

"That's not my story to tell you Sanyukta, neither do I have the courage nor the right to tell you this. It's his story to tell, now go, get him right and seek your answers. " He said causing me to frown.

"Even I'm not aware of this part." Swara said and a small smile came on Aryan's lips.

"Other than Randhir, only three people know the whole truth, one is King, the second one is in front of you. " He said pointing at himself.

"And the third one?" I asked and he exhaled deeply.

"The third one is dead, Sanyukta. " I gulped at this information and he stood aside, making way for me to go.

"Who? " I asked nervously.

"Go and ask your husband." He said and I stood up exhaling deeply.

Swara took my hand and led me outside with her, to him.

It's high time you get well and answer me Shekhawat! You just can't escape now.


Wooh! Aryan had a lot of dialogues! But that's all for him.

Ab apna Hero bolega 😉

Agar thik hua toh...

Anyways hope you liked the chapter.

Shikha confusion is over, pr picture abhi baaki h mere dost 😂

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