13. Caty Cat!

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After that controversially normal chapter, here's a not-so-normal chapter.



Looking to the side,  my eyes widened when I saw the person standing outside. And before I could say something, I heard Swati calling out her name.

"Swady Masi! "

Swadhinta narrowed her eyes at me and knocked again on the window.

Giving Swati a glance, I stepped out of the car, opening the door and closed it behind me.

Straightening my suit, I was about to say something when she kneed me hard in the stomach.

"Fuck! " I cursed and she elbowed me on my back causing me to fall on the ground.

"How dare you? " She shouted and I looked at her. My men were about to attack her but I showed them my hand, stopping them.

"What's your problem Caty Cat?" I asked coughing and getting up.

"Caty huh? Should I scratch you? " She asked displaying her nails.

"What else can you do? " I mocked and she opened her mouth.

"Lemme show you. " She raised her hand but I held it before she could attack me again.

"Stop! I have a reputation Goddammit!" I told her looking at the people who were giving us horrifying looks.

"Like I care! " She mocked causing me to roll my eyes.

"I know but I do, okay? So shut the fuck up and get inside the damn car." I held her arm.

"You just can't order me around like this! " She said crossing her arms.

"Oh yes I can, now get inside fast. " I ordered and she narrowed her eyes.

"NO. " She denied stubbornly and looked away. I signalled a guard to open the car's door and after he followed, I picked her up and threw her inside the car, closing it behind.

She hit her head slightly and gave a murderous look before rubbing her head.

Shaking my head, I went to the other side and got inside the car. Settling, I looked at Caty who had her arms crossed and mouth swollen in anger.

"Stop acting like a kid okay! " I told her and she looked at me with narrow eyes.

"Excuse me? " I heard Swati and bit my tongue. Swadhinta chuckled and I looked at Swati nervously.

"I didn't mean to offend you. " I clarified and Swati rolled her eyes mouthing "whatever".

Too much attitude for a kid of her age!

"Is Swady Masi too going to the park with us? " Swati asked with a disapproving look.

"No way! Not with this one. " Caty said pointing at Swati.

"Exactly. " Swati agreed looking at her and then at me. A really good bonding they share. Note the sarcasm.

"Seeing how well you too get along, Swadhinta will accompany us but I'll make sure she stays out of your way Swati. " I told Swati politely who looked unconvinced.

"I'm not going with you guys. " Caty whined.

"As you can see through your not-so-useful eyes that the car's already moving and I've put child lock in your door so you have no option but accompanying us. " I told Caty who made a face.

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