28. His God!

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"He sent me to his gang house and there, I met Parth for the first time." His eyes lit up as he took Parth's name and I looked down with a bit of guilt. I know what I did was for the country but still...

"I was told that I will have to work for them and in return they'll pay me well. And that's how it all began. I worked hard, not because I wanted to earn for myself, but because I wanted to earn for Caty, I wanted her happy.

We were together, until a couple adopted her. After that we couldn't meet much but were still in touch until I turned fifteen. Her new parents sent her to abroad for further studies and I was left alone. I used my work against my loneliness and it really worked. And as a result, I got all this. " He finished and I looked at him.

"When did you meet her again? " I asked and he smiled.

"A few days back. Later that day when, I saw you for the first time in your cafe. I was informed that a crazy woman was yelling outside my villa so I looked out and since her face hasn't changed much, it wasn't difficult to recognise her. I ran outside and engulfed her in a hug but instead of hugging me back, she kneed me hard. " He said chuckling causing me to chuckle as well.

I can imagine this!  Swady is one heck of a fierce woman and that's what Adarsh loves the most about her.

"She said that I was an ass for hurting her best friend and she was going to kill me. I had to make her calm down and when she did, she began crying. My men almost believed that she was psychotic and I had to tell them that she's no harm.

That's how I met her again. She seemed the only person I could trust you with, today, so I made her bring you here and as it concerned your safety, she agreed and did everything I asked her to do. Mohini's demise has shook her from inside and that's why she was behaving a bit weirdly but I know she'll be fine.

And why do you think Adarsh is still alive? He's Caty's husband, that's the only reason why I haven't killed him yet after all the drama he does. " He said causing me to chuckle again.

" Now I understood. Even I was wondering how you haven't killed him yet, I got my answer today. " I told him and he huffed.

"If that King means so much to you, why didn't you ever took me to meet him? He's like your dad, isn't he? " I asked curiously. We know each other for the past fourteen years now but never even took his name in front of me.

"I cannot take you to meet him and he can never be like my father." His eyes darkened and posture became firm. All the fondness he had in his eyes when he was talking about Swady and Parth were long gone.

"Why? " I asked and he looked outside the window.

"It was my seventeen birthday, he threw a party for me since I was really close to him and his family. They treated me like a family member and by that time I had established myself in our field. People knew me by my name and I even had people working under me.

After the bash, when all the members were drunk as hell, one of his most trusted man blurted out that King was the one who got my father killed. " I was beyond shocked as the words came out of his mouth. I can't even imagine what he must have gone through.

"I didn't believe him, King was like a God to me and one never questions God, but Parth got suspicious and asked the King himself. He looked flabbergasted at Parth's question and I punched Parth for this. He got up from his throne and walked towards me without any expressions on his face.

'He had to die. ' was what he said and my whole world crashed. He was my father's murderer. The man I worshipped like a God was the biggest satan of my life. After that, I left his place and my trustworthy people followed me. Me and Parth started our own business and I can't deny that thought indirectly, but he always supported us.

The man may be a Satan but for me he was my God, and to be very honest Angel, despite of our differences, still in the corner of my heart, I have a little love and respect for him. I can't help it." He shook his head and I exhaled deeply. Rubbing his shoulder, I hugged him from side and he closed his eyes with a sigh.

"I always knew you had your struggles but I had no idea that it was this hard. I'm sorry. " He shook his head at my words and took me in his embrace after opening his eyes.

" I'm sorry Angel, I bored you didn't I? " He asked chuckling and I shook my head.

"No, not at all. I'm glad you shared this with me. Randhir, I really want you to trust me, I really want you to be able to tell me anything and everything. You know what I mean? " I hinted and he looked down, hesitatingly.

By now, I was aware that what he did with me, was not because he wanted a revenge or something but instead it had a big reason that he was hiding. I want him to be comfortable enough with me to tell me what was he hiding deep inside. I want him to share it with me, why he chose to be the villain of my life when he can't even bear a tiny tear drop in my eyes. I need to know this.

"Where's Swara? " I asked diverting the topic since he was getting a bit awkward. He has started sharing his past with me and right now I don't want to pressurise him much. I'll give him some more time and I really hope he'll open up.

"She's with the guards in another jet. By the way, we are going back home. " He told me with a really genuine smile.

"Home? " I was hesitant and he held my hand in his.

"Yes, home, our home. Delhi. " He told me and I gave him a nod with a small smile on my face. Home.

"Since you are telling me things for the first time, I really want to know one more thing. " I asked and he tensed.

"Angel—" "Relax, it's not what you are thinking. " I assured and he looked down before nodding.

"Who actually is Swara? " I asked and a smile came on his lips.

"Are you jealous Wifey? " I asked cockily causing me to roll my eyes.

"Why? Don't you think you should be the jealous one, since she loves stealing your clothes and wife. " I asked raising my eyebrows and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I know. She can take as many as clothes she wants but I'm never ever giving my Wifey to anybody else. " He said snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me more to him.

"You didn't answer me? " I asked and he looked down.

"She's his daughter. " He whispered sighing causing me to frown.

"King's? " I asked and he looked at me for a moment before nodding. I saw something really strange in his eyes.

"And she's going to live with us? " I asked and he nodded. "But I thought you were not in touch with them? " I asked and he shook his head.

"I broke all my ties with him not his family, since they were my family too. " He said before getting up and forwarding his hand for me.

I took it and stood up.

"And why did you tie Swara on our wedding day? " I asked further before sitting on the seat beside him.

"Because I thought may be he has sent her. " He replied causing me to frown.

"So what? " I asked and he sighed.

"Angel, he wanted me to marry Swara. " He told me and I felt strange, wrong.

"Why? " Was all I could ask. Doesn't the King knows that Randhir loves me?

"Every father wants the best for his daughter. " He replied with a proud wink causing me to roll my eyes.


Another revelation 😉

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