14. Trespassing!

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Play 'Heeriye' from Race 3.

----About Tonight Club----

Randhir's pov.

Loud music could be heard even from outside of the club. The bouncer opened the door for me and I entered into the dim light area.

The club was packed with sweaty people dancing, grinding and drinking. Ignoring all of them I headed towards the VIP area followed by my guards.

A drunk girl tried to come near me but Sanket was quick enough to stop her. Then he opened the door of the VIP room for me to enter.

I stepped inside and saw him sitting on the middle couch with a girl in his either arms. He was busy gawking at the foreigner girls with lust who were doing pole dance for him.

One of his guards went to him and said something, after which he looked at me. A smirk plastered on his face, he stood up and signalled me to come inside.

Narrowing my eyes, I went to him with an emotionless face and he offered me a seat beside him.

"Are you sure? " I asked raising an eyebrow. "What if I stab you? " I added and he chuckled.

"I trust you Randhir, you won't kill me this soon." He said chuckling.

We settled down and he offered me a drink.

"I know that you know that I'm not here for drinks, so let's just cut to the point. " I told him and he chuckled again.

"Oh Randhir, straight forward as ever. We'll come to the point but first, let's enjoy the dance. " He said pointing at the girls who were still dancing.

"Not interested."

"Too bad. " He said shaking his head and signalled the girls to stop.

The music turned off and many of them left but some came towards us. I showed them my hand who were trying to cling onto me and they went away.

"One woman man, I see. " He said looking at me intently and I looked away.

"Anyways Randhir, how's your girl? I heard she's alive. Well played. " He said narrowing his eyes at me and I looked at him with no emotions.

"She's safe. " I replied looking at his eyes and he chuckled.

"For how long? " He asked in a dangerous voice.

"Forever. " I replied confidently and he smiled.

"Well who knows. "

"I do and don't you think you are underestimating me too much? " I asked raising a bow and he looked down smiling.

"I can say the same. " He replied looking at me again, dangerously.

"Your era is over. " I told him getting up and he smirked.

"You think so Prince, but it can never." He too got up.

"I don't really care but I won't let you even touch her. " I told him in an intimidating tone.

"I won't even think of doing that Randhir, only if you do something for me. " He said sitting down again causing me to frown.

"What? " I asked and he motioned me to sit down but I didn't.

"Sit down Prince, obey your King. " He said causing me to roll my eyes.

"You're not the King anymore and we both know it. " I told him through my teeth but he just smiled calmly.

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