55. Babies Plan!

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"This is the prettiest thing I've ever seen." I told him over the phone in a complete awe.

This dress looks straight out of a fairy tale.

"I'm glad you liked it

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"I'm glad you liked it. Now get ready and join me soon. " Randhir replied causing me to grin.

"I will. Now byee, I have to get ready and I love you." I told him.

"I love you more. " He said before we disconnected the call and I sighed at the pretty gown. I've noticed this, he really loves white on me. He gets me a lot of white.

I donned the dress and did my hair and a little bit of makeup, just the way my husband likes.

Putting on his favorite flavor lip balm, a smirk came on my lips. It's going to be a really long night for sure and I'm going to love it for sure!

He had sent the driver to pick me up and after I got completely ready, I went outside and sat inside the car.

The location was still unknown to me. It was our last night in Paris and we'll be leaving tomorrow noon. We'll just come back tomorrow to meet Will and Mary and take our stuff, I guess.

It's been two days to Xander's birthday and since then he has been really very nice to both Randhir and I, and I know know just why!

I think it was really wrong of me to give such a false hope to that kid. He's just a little kid!

The car stopped and I looked outside to find myself in front of a really huge building. My side's door was opened by the security and they led me inside, what it seemed like, a hotel.

The hotel's interior screamed expensive and luxurious, just what I expected! It's Randhir giving surprise, so definitely it has to be this way. It's his way.

I was led to a suite by the manager himself and he left dropping me outside the suite after opening the door.

I got in and there was complete darkness engulfing the room. Typical surprise!

"It's getting cliché and typical Mr. Shekhawat! Nothing I couldn't predict. " I teased him smirking, standing with my arms crossed.

He still hadn't come out, so I decided to mock him a little more.

"I wish your surprise was actually a surprise. " I mocked smiling and the very next moment, I was pulled by the strong arms to the safest place there exists for me, my husband's embrace.

Play "Tera Ban Jaunga" From Kabir Singh.

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes sighing.

"I love you. " I whispered in his chest and he hugged me tighter.

"I love you more. " He replied before I opened my eyes and the lights were on.

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