1. Little Angel!

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A new beginning! It feels fresh, isn't it?

So the first one to vote was Supriya_parsh. So the chapter's dedicated to you 😘

Delhi, India.

Stepping out of his Lamborghini, he took a deep breath. Inhaling the air deeply, he walked further.

The view from that corner is beautiful.

His own words rang in his ears.

Closing his eyes, he remembered how she looked in that bridal attire. Beautiful, like some queen, his queen. And what he did? He killed her, with his own hands.

Kneeling on the place where she was struggling for life, he took handful of soil in his hand and brought it near his heart. Looking up, at the sky, he gulped and repeated the lines he has been saying here daily ever since he got released from the prison.

"Loving you was a big mistake... but killing you was the biggest." He whispered before keeping the soil in his pocket and getting up.

The end of the cliff, where she stood that day, was now the place he visited daily. Regretting his deeds and chanting those lines.

"Do you really think coming here daily can help? " Maya Suryavanshi's voice held loathe dripping from it.

"Nothing can help and I know it Masi. " He got up and turned to face her accusing stare.

"Then why do you waste your time daily by coming here? " She asked glaring.

"To feel her." His answer made her grit her teeth.

"Really?" She asked through her teeth.

"At least now let my daughter rest in peace Randhir, I beg you. " She joined her hands in front of him and a tear escaped her eyes.

"Stop it Masi, please. " He held her hand but she jerked it away.

Taking a deep sigh he walked towards his car.

"I wish Supriya was here. " Maya's words stopped him and he looked at her.

"I wish the same Masi, the whole scenario would have been different. If only Ma was alive. " He added coming close to her.

"Your Mom must not be very proud of you Randhir. " Maya's words were directly hitting his heart but now he was used to it.

"I know but trust me Masi, neither am I. If she was alive, I would have never been like this. " He said looking down.

"Are you blaming her? " He immediately shook his head.

"Of course not Masi, it's not her fault. " Maya looked away.

"To be honest Randhir, I think it's all my fault. I should never have trusted you with my daughter. " She said before walking towards her car.

She left without sparing him a second glance and he stood there closing his eyes.

Randhir Singh Shekhawat was feared by the whole underworld ten years back but today, he was feared by the whole country, even the law. No body dared to go against him but he was against himself.

People believed his heart was made up of a stone but only he knew that there's nothing left. His heart was gone, with her, forever. So there was no way he could feel any emotion. There was no way he could feel anything except her.

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