10. Known Truths !

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Weekly update, as promised.


"Angel." The word escaped his mouth and my steps came to a halt. I couldn't move further and I knew, this was it.

"It still affects you. " I heard him whisper and did what I was fearing the most, I broke down.

"Angel. " He ran to me and I sat on the floor crying my heart out. He sat beside me and took me in his embrace without wasting any time.

I wriggled but it was of no use, I was weak, emotionally and physically. Not being able to control the flood of emotions, I finally gave up and snuggled more into his chest, crying harder with each passing second.

"I know I've hurt you to no extent, sorry is just nothing, but I can't live without you, Angel. I know I'm sounding selfish but it's the truth, I don't know if you'll ever be able to forgive me, but I still want you to give me a chance. " He cried and I felt even more miserable.

"I hate you. " I stated, snuggling my head in his chest.

" I know, I'm sorry. " He whispered and broke down harder, hugging me tightly.

He kissed my hair and his grip became tighter. Pulling me even more to him, he made me sit on his lap and I wrapped my hands around his neck, snuggling my face into his chest.

He caressed my hair, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck.

"I love you, Angel. " I felt goosebumps as soon as these words left his mouth. Ten years, after whole ten years that I've spent hating him with every fibre of my body, when these words left his mouth, I felt those emotions arouse inside of me again, the emotions, I didn't knew existed anymore, the emotions that left me when he left the emotions that I didn't believed I'll ever experience again.

The effect those words had on me, couldn't be described in words, it was just something else, something magical which was forcing me to forget everything and run back to him, in his arms but again, I'm not that spineless. These words can't make up for the pain I've gone through in all these years, the frustration, the hatred, the feeling of being used and betrayed, I've gone through so much and these words are just not enough.

I gathered all the courage in me and started wriggling again.

"Don't, please. " He begged crying and I felt my chest tighten. He was begging.

"Leave me Randhir. " I said trying to stop myself from breaking down again.

"I can't please Angel, please. I know I'm a jerk but I can't live without you, please, I need just one chance. " He begged desperately and I felt pain.

He looked miserable and it didn't suited him at all. He was begging, The Randhir Singh Shekhawat was begging in front of me and despite of all the hatred I had for him, this was unbearable for me.

I can't see him begging, he made my life miserable but I can't see him like this and I hated myself for this.

No matter what he did to me, I hated the fact that somewhere in the extreme corner of my heart, I still had feelings for him, I still loved him.

The way he was looking at me and begging, made my heart clench but I can't give up. I can't fall for this trap again.

May be he's doing this to break me more, again but I'm already shattered, what will he get know? Why is he doing this? Why don't he just kills me and end this here, anyways I'm tired of this life.

But then, may be what Mumma said was right, he needed me, like a drug addict needs his drug for survival he needed me for the peace and solace. That means I'm not his love, I'm just his need.

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