42. Truth Or Trick?

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"Shouldn't you be happy? You both will die together. " He said smirking and coming closer and I stood up gulping.

"We are not dying. " I told him shaking my head.

"Really? " He asked in amusement and I nodded slowly.

"And what made you think so? " He asked wickedly and I looked down before looking at him again.

"The fact, that I know how to protect myself. " I answered before immediately kicking him in his gut and snatching the gun from him.

I pointed it at him and he looked at me in pain.

"You tried to kill my husband. " I mumbled feeling immense hatred for the person lying on the floor in front of me.

"You are the one responsible for my baby's murder. " I said and he shook his head gulping.

"I don't have a single reason to leave you, but enough of them to kill you. " I told him and he continued shaking his head in negative.

"No, you can't. " He said trying to get up.

"Don't move or I'll shoot you right now. " I told him and he raised his hands in surrender.

"You can't kill me Sanyukta, it won't be correct. " This man, the ultimate villain of my life was telling me what's correct and what's not. Amazing.

"Give me one reason why. " I challenged and he looked here and there thinking.

"Your time is up. " I told him reloading the gun. My finger reached the trigger and his eyes widened.

"I don't care what your last wish is, because you are not worth anything. " I told him with hatred and pointed the gun properly at him.

"I'm your father. " He yelled and I was left stunned. Bloody hell!

"How dare you? You freaking liar! How the—" "Trust me Sanyukta." He intervened my outburst, panting.

"I'm your biological father. You are in this world because of me and you are trying to kill me? " He asked gulping, increasing my hatred for him even more.

"Shut the fuck up! Why am I even listening to your bullshit?" I mumbled shaking my head in fury.

"Why do you think Randhir never killed me even after knowing that I killed his father. He was capable, and why didn't he kill me today when he could have easily done that. Why do you think he took the blame of killing your child to himself? Because he knows it. He knows that I'm your father and he cannot harm the person who brought you to this world. " For a moment, just a moment, I believed him. What if he's actually my father? But how is this even possible? I know who were my parents, I've lived with them for thirteen years of my life. He's just trying to play with my mind, that's all.

This man is a big bastard.

"He didn't kill you because you have took care of him like your own son. That's all, don't try to be smart, I know what you're trying to do. " I told him fuming and he shook his head.

"No, he couldn't kill me because he knows I'm your father. And why do you think he never told you about me? Sanyukta, I'm your father." I was getting disgusted now. This man, is comparing himself with my father. I've had enough.

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