36. Just A Beast!

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The loud sound of gunshot made me close my eyes and I exhaled deeply. But nothing happened to me, no pain, nothing at all, causing me to frown.

I opened my eyes to find Angel looking at something behind me with wide eyes. Confused, I turned too and for the first time after ten years, I felt fear engulf me.

He was here. To ruin it for me. Like he did, ten years back.

"Don't worry Prince, the bullet wasn't directed to anyone, as of now. " He said smirking before walking towards me, followed by around fifty men in white.

"My bullets can never be directed to you, you know that right? " He asked and I looked away.

"Because I've promised my daughter, the only daughter I'm left with. " His tone was depicting anger and hatred really well.

"That's not true." I intended to waste some time because I'm very well aware of his reason of showing up here. I had asked my men and Swara to join me and Angel, for the surprise that I had for her, so they must be coming after around half an hour from now. So if I can indulge him in a conversation till then, he won't be able to do anything.

"It is true. " He said with loathe.

" I know, you like to believe that, but everything you believe is not true. " I told him narrowing my eyes and he raised his eyebrows in anger.

"Shikha is dead. " He stated causing me to look down.

"Swara is the only one I have and you are trying to snatch her too, away from me, like you did with Shikha. " His allegation made my heart pain but it was not the time to get emotional.

"I did not. You know how much I loved Shikha." I told him and he looked away chuckling without humor.

"Really Randhir? Is that why you killed her? " He asked shaking with anger.

"I didn't kill her. " I told him and he narrowed his eyes.

"You killed my daughter and now, it's my turn. " He said loading his gun.

"You've already killed my child, what else do you want? " I asked making a straight face but from inside, I was extremely scared for my Angel.

"You were just twelve years old when I met you for the first time. I've seen you growing up in front of my eyes, I've nurtured you Randhir, I've made you what you are today, so you clearly can't pretend in front of me. I know you're scared and you know what? You should be because today, you won't be able to save her like you did ten years back." He said pointing behind me and I turned my head to look at Angel who was frowning deeply.

"You love her, like I loved my daughter. She hates you because of me , like my daughter hated me because of you." He said smirking and I stood in front of Angel, covering her completely.

"You think I killed your daughter, so you killed my unborn child, why are you not done yet ?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes.

"Why am I not done yet? Seriously Randhir? We both know what Shikha was to me. Shikha was the replica of her dead mother, my whole world, you know how much I loved her. You took my world away from me, now I'll do the same with you. And then, we'll be on the same page Prince. " He said smirking causing me close my eyes.

"You said you know me, and still you think I'll let you even touch her? " I asked and he chuckled.

"You know what your problem is? You underestimate me way too much Prince, you forgot everything who the King is. " He said crossing his arms.

"Look at all these people Randhir, you still think you'll be able to save her this time? " He asked pointing at his people who were pointing their guns at me.

"I won't kill you because I've promised my daughter but there is no promise as such about the one you're trying to save. " He said pointing at Angel again.

"You know me King, nothing can happen to her until I'm alive. You'll have to kill me first, which you can't. "  I told him smirking and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I can't kill you or get you killed but who said I can't assault you? I'll leave you in such a condition where you won't be able to do anything. You'll see her dying in front of your eyes like I saw Shikha. " He said and I took a step back, wrapping my hands around Angel from backside.

"When I came here,  she was about to shoot you. I saved you from her and you still want to protect her. What are you Randhir? " He asked in disbelief.

"Just a beast. " I told him and he frowned.

"Beasts don't act this way. " He said and causing me to frown.

"They do, just around their Beauty, for her, always. " I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"This love of yours has led her to her death. The games that you play Randhir, have led you here. " He said pointing a finger at me.

"I never played any games. It was always you. " I was falsely accused, when it was always him who did everything.

" She would have died ten years ago, I would have done it myself but then you said that you'll kill her on your own. You promised me Randhir and see what you did! You just killed the baby and sent her away, acting all this while that she's dead. If only you had killed her then, the situation would have been completely different today. Now pay for playing your stupid game because this time, I won't show any mercy. Her dead will be brutal and you will witness it all. " He said pointing the gun at me.

"Any last wish, His Angel ?" He asked her tilting his head a bit to look at her but I blocked his way.

"Oh, I know what it is. You want to kill him before you die, right? " He asked with amusement causing me to look away.

"See Randhir, the love of your life, your wife, your Angel, wants you dead and you are still here, standing like a soldier, protecting her. " He mocked me but I didn't respond.

"What is with this crazy love? Can't you see her real face? You should thank me for saving you from her. " He continued causing me to exhale deeply.

" You are talking about her real face? Let me tell you what her real face looks like, it looks Angelic, and that's what every Angel looks like. This girl that I'm protecting right now is more precious to me than anything in this world, and I promise you one thing, you will never be able to harm her until I'm alive. " I promised and he looked away.

" Why do you love her so much? Swara is far better than her. If you had chose her and got married to her, I would have left this girl and we would have started fresh. " He said and I looked away.

"Like I said, Swara deserves to be loved and me, well, I can't even love my own self more than this woman behind me, ever since I've began loving her, forget about loving anyone else. " I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay then, get ready to lose the only person that you love. " He said walking further and my hold on Angel became tight.

"Randhir, gun." I heard Angel whisper and shook my head.

I can't shoot him and I can't even let  her shoot him, this will never happen.

But I won't let him succeed him either, no one can harm my Beauty.



Randhir's first love?

May be!

Some actions and revelations are coming up!

I'm hell excited cause we are reaching the peak point.

Don't forget to turn the white star orange and drop a comment before you leave.


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