57. Separation.

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"Why are you sleeping Baby? " He asked in confusion.

"I ate too much, now I'm really sleepy Baby, so good night. " I told him pecking his cheek and closed my eyes.

" But Baby what about Babies? " He asked and I really wanted to laugh but I controlled myself.

"Some other time Baby. " I told him faking a yawn and he looked at me with a really sad face and I just couldn't control my laughter anymore.

He looked at me frowning for a moment before he understood my game and looked at me with narrowed eyes and I got up immediately before running away.

He followed me and I was laughing uncontrollably.

"You were tricking me, I need to teach you how to be a good girl now. " He said and I stuck my tongue out at him before running outside the room, towards the living area of the suite.

He chased me around before finally catching hold of me and pulling me in his arms.

"You have really become naughty, you need to be taught some lessons." He told me and I was still laughing.

"I'm sorry but I'm not sorry. " I told him laughing and he twisted my arm causing me to yelp.

"Now I'll show you how do we play. " He said before making me turn to face him.

He picked me up in his arms and threw me on the bed before jumping on the top of me and making it one of the most memorable and beautiful nights of my life.


2 months later.

"You look really pale Sanyukta, what happened? " Swady asked holding my hand and I looked down.

"I don't know, I just don't feel too good. I don't feel like eating." I told her my condition causing her to frown.

"Did you consult a doctor? " Swady asked and I shook my head in negative.

"Let me tell Randhir, he'll take you to the doctor. " She said before getting up but I made her sit again.

"No you won't, I'll go to the doctor on my own, don't bother him. " I told her and she frowned.

"Bother? Seriously Sanyukta, he's your husband, he needs to take care of you. And I can't believe he's not taken you to the doctor already after your seeing your condition." She said in disbelief and I looked down.

"He hasn't noticed yet. " I told her and tears formed in my eyes for no reason at all.

"What? How? It's so evident, anyone can tell just by looking at you. " She was confused.

"He doesn't looks at me. " I told her lowly and she was shell shocked.

"What? " She got up exclaiming.

"Sit down Swady. We are not getting divorced." I told her and she sat down frowning.

"What is going on Sanyukta? " She asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"I don't know either. After we returned from Paris, he's been really busy with work. He spends most of the time in office and just comes home occasionally for sleeping. He looks really stressed and tired and when I asked him what is happening, he apologized for not being with me and said that it's concerned with the business. But I can't believe him because Sanket is always around him and he is the security in charge, he has nothing to do with the business.

He's lying to me and he is really worried about something, I just hope he tells me what is bothering him. You know, I would have made him utter everything if he spent some time with me but he's too busy to even look at me. Whenever he comes home, he just sleeps hugging me like I'm some soft toy. I'm really frustrated with him and probably this is why I'm feeling nauseous and tired.

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