22. I Need An Answer Dammit!

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Play "Tere Liye " from the movie Fitoor.


"Give me your hand." I asked forwarding my hand again and she took it.

I pulled her to me and she looked at me in the eyes with utter annoyance.

Can't help Love!

She kept her hand on my shoulder and I entwined the fingers of her another hand with mine, while my other hand held her waist.

We started moving with the music in sync which made me realize how much I missed this. Dancing with her in my arms, without any choreography, in sync, matching each other's steps effortlessly like we have been practicing this for ages.

"Is it still your favorite song? " I asked twirling her around and she took a deep breath.

"No. " She said with a straight face and I immediately knew with her posture that she was lying. This woman has forgot to lie, or may be, I have finally learned how to read her like an open book.

"What happened to your lying skills? They really suck nowadays, I think you need practice Angel. " I teased pulling her to me and she looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Whatever! And don't call me that." She said looking away.

"Don't call you what Angel? " I teaser further.

Her face reddened in frustration causing me to smile inwardly. She's so cute.

"This, this bad word. " She pointed out.

"What are you talking about? Be more clear Angel. " I used Angel again, more to her irritation. This is getting funnier!

"This Angel word, the same bad word you use all the time. " She said making a face causing me to shake my head.

"It's not a bad word Angel. " I told her softly and she huffed.

"It is, don't call me that." She said stubbornly.

"It's not! It's a beautiful endearment and you are an Angel, my Angel. I've had enough of this Angel, don't ever call it a bad word again if you want your former family to be safe. " I threatened in a serious tone and she looked hell frustrated.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and looking at me.

"Okay fine, whatever!  Just don't call me that,  can you do me this favor? " She asked controlling her anger and she looked so cute again.

"Fine, I won't call you that, Wifey. " I intentionally called her wifey and she looked at me with utter annoyance.

"Urg! Why can't you call me by my name? Call me Sanyukta, that's my real name. " Her cheeks swell in anger and I had a hard time controlling myself from pulling her cheeks.

"Nope, that's the name everybody else uses, I can't call you by that. But I can help you, choose one. Angel or Wifey? " I gave her the choice and her irritation level upped.

"Urg! You know what? I don't care anymore. " She said leaving my hand and going away but I held her wrist and pulled her back to me.

Her back collided with my chest and she stomped her feet on my feet causing me to jump a bit and loosen my grip on her.

She took it as an advantage and tried to escape but failed.

Chuckling at her cuteness, I pulled her in a tight hug and her body stiffened.

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