12. Papa!

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A cute chapter ahead, for a change!

May be ;)


Randhir's pov.

I saw people looking at me with horrified expressions on their faces as soon as I got out of my car in front of Swati's school.

But my one look was enough for them to look away hurriedly and I looked at the school properly. It looked huge from outside, and I was sure, it was double from inside.

"Go, get her." I ordered my guards who left after giving me a nod. Meanwhile, I decided to look around a bit as kids made me feel elated with their innocence.

It seemed like it was lunch break, as many kids were playing in the ground. Smiling a bit at their cuteness, I moved further when my eyes met a frown worthy scenery.

A guy, about the age of 15-16 was proposing a girl, who too looked of the same age. She gladly accepted his rose and pecked his cheeks causing my frown to deepen.

I'll never let anyone come this close to my daughter. If I ever have a daughter with my Angel, I'll open an all girls school for her to study in. She doesn't needs to interact with guys. I'll protect my princess with everything I have.

"She's here Sir. " Sanket's words made me turn back and come face to face with a frowning Swati.

"You?" She asked widening her eyes, which reminded me very much of Mohini. She was a replica of Mohini and it was really sweet, even I want my daughter to be just like my Angel.

"You remember me? " I asked kneeling in front of her to come in her height.

"Of course, you used that bad word for me. " She said crossing her arms causing me to sigh.

"Bring her to the car. " I ordered getting up and heading towards my car followed by them.

"Where are you taking me? Help! " Swati shouted but nobody dared to come forward and help her as they clearly knew who I was.

The whole school went silent and I stepped inside the car, followed by Swati, beside me in the back seat.

"Where are you taking me? " She asked fuming, which really amused me. I was expecting her to cry, like any other kid of her age would do, but then again, she was Mohini's daughter and my Angel has brought her up.

"Nowhere, not until you permit me to take you. " I assured her smiling and a cute frown came on her face.

"Then why have you brought me here? " She asked crossing her arms.

"To ask something but before that lemme introduce myself, I'm Randhir Singh Shekhawat, your Sanyukta Mumma's husband. " I half lied and her eyes widened in shock.

"What? " She asked standing up in the car.

"Sit down or you'll hurt yourself." I told her and she sat down.

"I don't believe you. " She said looking away.

"Why? Didn't your Mumma ever told you about me?" I asked trying to hide my smile after seeing her cute expressions.

"Um, no. " She said looking down causing me to smirk.

"Haww! Really? I thought she tells you everything. " I said and she looked at me with narrow eyes.

"Yes she does, that's why I don't believe you. " She was too much determined and adamant for her age.

"Okay, you don't believe me now, but what if I show you a proof?" I asked raising an eyebrow and she looked nervous.

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