18. Game Time Masi!

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Thanks for being patient enough, and this one is dedicated to littlecutestar011 PriyanshiMehta105 because they asked me to update this first❤

"Go after her and make sure she is safe." I instructed my guards and they left behind Swara.

"Sanket, you too go behind her, her safety is my priority right now. " I ordered him and he left after nodding.

"I shall be leaving. " The priest said and I instructed a guard to bring the suitcase.

"Thank you so much, here's your fees. " I offered him a suitcase filled with money and his eyes widened.

"This is too much. " He said looking at the money.

"Nothing compared to what you've done for me today, you have no idea what it means to me. Take it and my guards will drop you. " I gave it to him and he nodded with a smile.

"May you prosperous, your family stays happy, healthy and wealthy. May you get all you wish for, I wish you both a happy married life ahead, may God bless you with talented children who make you two proud. God bless you. " He blessed and left followed by my guards.

I smiled at his retreating figure and looked at Angel to find her looking at the holy fire.

"Karan. " I called out and he came with the lawyer and marriage certificate.

"Let's make this official Angel. " I told her smiling and she looked at me.

"What is this ? " Adarsh asked coming towards me.

"School' admission form, for mine and Angel' child." I said rolling my eyes.

"Really? For the child whom you killed? " He asked through his teeth and I completely lost it.

"You. " I took a step towards him but before I could attack him Caty came in between us.

"Please. " She yelled covering her face in fear and I had to stop.

"Get. Out. " I said through my teeth and he smirked.

"Did it hurt Shekhawat? " The bastard asked.

"It'll hurt you more if you stayed here for another minute, get the hell out of my house. " I yelled and Caty held his hand.

"We are leaving. " Caty said before going to Angel and hugging her tightly. She whispered something in her ears before parting from her.

"Um, Swati? " Mohini asked.

"She's sleeping, I'll send her. " I assured and she nodded.

Then she came forward and did the same as Caty. Rohan caressed her hair with a small, apologetic smile, like an elder brother and then that Bastard came forward.

"Don't you dare touch her. " I warned and his jaw clenched.

"And you think I'll do what you tell me? " He asked.

"Take him away Swadhinta or I won't be able to stop myself. " I told Caty and she held his hand.

"Let's go, please. " She pleaded and his eyes soften looking at her.

He looked at Angel for the last time before leaving with Caty and others.

I punched the pillar in frustration and blood started oozing out of my hand. Just because he's Caty's husband, he's still alive.

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