52. Romeo And Juliet!

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Sanyukta Randhir Singh Shekhawat

" This is Will and his wife Mary. " Randhir introduced me to the beautiful couple, who had come all the way to the airport to receive us.

"And this is my wife." He said and they smiled at me.

"Sanyukta. " Mary completed for Randhir causing me to smile.

"It's really nice, meeting you. "  She said taking me in a warm hug.

"Same here Mary, I've heard a lot about you guys from Randhir. " I told her smiling and she looked at Randhir.

"I'm glad you finally brought her here to meet us. " She told Randhir who just smiled.

"We will get a lot of time for talking, but for now let's just head home. You guys must be tired from the journey. " Will suggested and I looked at Randhir to find him looking at me already.

"Um, actually Will—" " We are very well aware that you guys are here for your honeymoon and we will make sure we don't intrude your privacy for too long. Tomorrow is Xander's birthday, at least stay with us till then. " Mary intervened Randhir's sentence and I looked down in embarrassment.

"And we are not taking no for an answer. " Will said and I looked at Randhir to find him raising his eyebrows for my answer. I blinked in agreement and he smiled causing me to smile as well.

"Let's go then. " Randhir agreed and the couple smiled.

"Let's go. " Will said and we began following the couple to their car.

While we were walking, I saw a lot of girls checking my man out while passing by causing me to frown. Even a girl wandered around us twice just to look at Randhir and this really pissed me off.

I held Randhir's arms and he looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and he held my hand. Looking around, I found the girls looking at us with disappointment and a smirk came on my lips.

He is my husband and I won't let anyone even dream of him!

"I love it when you hold my hand. " I heard Randhir speaking and looked at him.

"Then never let me leave it. " I told him and his smile grew.

"Never ever. " He said and I looked down smiling.

"Aww, learn Will, learn from him. " I heard Mary and looked at her to find her looking at us in complete awe.

"I knew this will happen, we both know how big of a Romeo he is. " Will said pointing at Randhir who chuckled in answer.

And I'll make sure he remains that Will.

"People can only wish to get a Romeo like him. " Mary said and he looked at me.

"Surely they can wish, but what's mine is just mine. " I stated looking at Randhir in the eyes with determination and he looked a bit confused.

"Of course! He has always been yours. " Mary said smiling and I looked at her.

"And he'll remain that for the rest of our lives. " I added and she looked amused.

"And now we know why is this guy a Romeo, because he has a Juliet who is equally passionate about him. " Will complimented and Randhir snaked his arm around my waist causing me to look at him.

He was looking behind me with the coldest look possible and I followed his gaze to find him glaring at a guy who was looking at me.

Smirking, I held Randhir's hand and he looked at me.

"Absolutely Will, he's Juliet is equally passionate about him. " I said looking at Randhir in the eyes with all honesty and felt him relax.

"Okay now stop giving us goals, let's head home, the car is here and Xander must be waiting." Mary said and we all settled inside the car.

Randhir and Will sat in front while I was in the back seat with Mary because she wanted to talk.

" You are really pretty Sanyukta. " Mary complimented smiling and I smiled back.

"Look who's talking, you know I've always had this obsession with green eyes like yours. The prettiest. " I told her and she grinned.

"Really? " She asked and I gave her a nod.

"Absolutely. " I told her and heard Randhir cough.

"I think I'll need a lens soon." He said causing the couple to chuckle while I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You don't have to, I'm sure, I'll find a lot of hot guys with green eyes here." I teased and he turned towards me really quickly with narrowed eyes that made both me and Mary laugh.

"Go around and find them, and the very next moment they'll lose their lives. " He said with so much seriousness that made me content.

"Woah relax Beast." Mary said raising her hands up in surrender and I smirked.

"But what if I do all of it secretly? " I was in a mood to push Mr. Shekhawat a bit.

"You cannot hide anything from me for too long. " He said and though he was pretending, he is confident but a little fear was visible in his eyes.

"But if I'm already hiding something from you? " I asked pushing him a bit more and he looked at me with intensity.

"I know what you are trying to do, don't push me too much Mrs. Shekhawat, it won't be pleasant for both of us. " He said with a confident smile causing me to smirk.

I leaned towards his ear and whispered " Who's looking for pleasant things? " I whispered before leaning back and he looked at me with raised eyebrows while I winked at him.

"Ahem, unfortunately we are still here. " Mary said and I looked down hiding my blush.

"Really unfortunate." Randhir commented causing my eyes to widen.

Mary smacked his arms and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll get enough privacy. " Will assured causing Mary to chuckle.

"Hey Sanyukta, don't you wear your wedding ring? " Mary asked holding my hand and I looked at Randhir.

"I don't have any. " I told her and Randhir turned to look at us.

"We never really got engaged, directly got married. " I mumbled and Randhir looked at me with guilt.

"Angel I'm sorry. " He apologized causing him to sigh.

"You shouldn't be. " I told him holding his hand.

"But—" "Shh, no more discussion about those days now. " I told him and he smiled before nodding.

I heard the sound of something clicking and looked at Mary to find her clicking our picture.

"Beautiful. " She commented before showing me the picture.

It was indeed beautiful, we had our eyes locked and I was holding his hand.

"Thank you Mary. " I thanked her and she shrugged.

"She always wanted to be a photographer. " Will commented and I looked at Mary.

"Really? Then why didn't you pursue it? " I asked curiously but before she could answer Randhir spoke.

"Because she's really bad at it. " He said and my eyes widened.

He bumped his fist with Will, laughing and Mary smacked both of them causing them to laugh even more.

"How mean Randhir!" I disapproved holding Mary's hand who was throwing daggers at the guys through her eyes.

"Just stating facts Angel." He said laughing and I shook my head.


Poor Mary!

Anyways, how was the chapter?


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