54. A Promise

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"I don't see any point in this." He told me in annoyance and I looked away trying to control my tears.

"Look at me when I talk to you Angel." He demanded and I looked at him.

"I don't want to talk anymore. Just go to them, they must be waiting. " I told him sitting on the bed and he looked at me in disbelief.

"What are you even talking about? Wait, are you jealous? " He asked chuckling and I looked at him in disbelief.

"It's not funny Randhir." I told him and he chuckled again sitting on his knees in front of me.

"Are you really jealous? " He asked laughing.

"I can't believe this! It's not funny! But you'll never understand forget it ." I told him getting up but he made me sit again and looked at me cupping my face.

"Tell me what it is Angel? And why are you crying? " I asked wiping my tears and I broke into more tears.

"What happened? " He asked worriedly sitting beside me and taking me in his arms.

"I don't want you to talk to any woman. " I told him and he caressed my hair.

"Okay, I won't but will you just tell me why? " He asked me and I looked at him.

"Because I don't want to lose you. " I told him and he looked at me with a frown.

" What? And who said you are losing me? " He asked and I looked down.

"You won't understand. " I told him.

"I will Angel, just tell me. " He insisted and I cuddled in his arms.

"I used to love my parents the most and I lost them. Then I loved Bade papa the most and he betrayed me and so did my sister. Randhir, I lose everyone I love, I can't risk it with you. I won't let anything take you away from me. Nothing, not even God. " I told him what was inside me for so long.

I have got him after so many difficulties, now, I won't let anything come between us.

"And since when you started thinking that I'll let you go? Mrs. Sanyukta Randhir Singh Shekhawat, you are my wife, my better half, my world, my Angel and Randhir Singh never let's anything that's his go. I know how to keep my everything to myself and you are my everything." He assured me and somewhere I knew but after whatever happened this fear isn't just leaving me.

"I know Randhir and I trust you but you know whatever happened in the past—" "Whatever happened in the past is in the past, now nothing can go wrong. We've suffered enough, actually more than enough, now I won't let anything happen. " He assured me, hugging me tightly.

" But you know, if you want we can shift to an island, just you and me. We'll live our life there." He suggested causing me to chuckle.

"Randhir. " I whined.

"I'm serious Angel, just think about it. Only you and me, no jealousy, no insecurities and no fear. " His eyes were shining as he said these things causing me to chuckle again. My husband is one crazy man!

"And lots and lots of animals and insects. " I added and his face fell.

"No no I'll make sure no one interrupts us. " He told pulling me into him.

"I love you. " I pecked his lips.

"I love you more. Now tell me what can I do to eradicate this fear of yours from our lives? " He asked and I looked down biting my lip.

"I don't know how to put it. " I mumbled shyly and he made me look at him.

"Just tell me, you know I can do anything for you. " He assured me and I cupped his face.

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