38. Traumatized.

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No further updates till 23rd of Jan because I'm having my pre boards.


Swara's Pov.

I felt the world shattering as Randhir closed his eyes with a smile. Stupid man!

I was beyond shocked and scared but the overpowering emotion was anger that I felt for my father.

I looked towards where he was standing to find him gone. Where the hell did he go?

"Randhir. " A guy of around Randhir's  age came running towards us and sat down near him. Others too came running and picked Randhir up, taking him outside.

I got up too, to go with them but stopped when I saw Sanyukta sitting in the same position, motionless.

"Sanyukta." I called her name but there was no response from her.

"Sanyukta. " I shook her slightly but the woman didn't got affected even a bit. She looked like a corpse but I had no time to spend sitting here with her. I needed to go to Randhir, so I ran outside and sat inside the car with Randhir, the guy and Sanket.

"Fast. " The guy told Sanket as he began driving and Sanket drove like there was no tomorrow.

The speed was beyond speed limits but who cared? Right now, nothing is important than saving Randhir's life.

"Swara, try to wake him up. " The anonymous guy said and I gave him a nod before patting Randhir's cheek lightly.

"Randhir. " I patted his cheek harder and the guy passed me a bottle of water.

I sprinkled water on him but it was of no use.

"We are here. " Sanket announced and they took Randhir out of the car, to the hospital.

Randhir was still breathing and we had hope. Doctors didn't even waste a second before taking Randhir inside the operation theatre, and why not, after all it was Randhir Singh Shekhawat, the owner of this place.

"Where's Sanyukta?" The unknown guy asked me.

"She's still there, she wasn't moving." I told him and he held his head.

"I'll get her. " He said and began leaving.

"I'll come with you. " I told him. Sanyukta is the most precious person to Randhir and since I personally don't know this person, I can't take any risk.

"But I thought you'd want to stay with Randhir. " He said and I shook my head.

"Sanket is here, and all this security too, I'll come with you. " I told him and he nodded before we headed outside.

"Randhir will be fine, right? " I asked him as we sat inside the car and we looked at him.

"Absolutely. " He assured me before igniting the engine.

He was driving really fast and in no time we reached the place.

We ran inside to find Sanyukta still sitting in the same position, we had left her. I stood silently on the doorstep and he took steady steps towards her.

He sat beside her and kept his hand on her shoulder.

"Sanyukta." He called her name but she didn't respond. Her eyes were fixed on the spot where Randhir had fallen.

"Sanyukta. " He called again slowly and softly but it seemed Sanyukta was in some other world.

"Sanyu. " The guy's voice was breaking now and he took Sanyukta in his embrace.

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