I hate you

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Manik came to his room, startedwas getting ready dasi brought food, usually he won't eat this early but last day he didn't had food and night he almost drained out by ahmmmm ahmmm.... so without thinking sat infront of food plate. One dasi is giving him fan and other one is serving him, he prayed and started to eat when he took first moral he understood it's made by a bhramin by its texture and softness in food and mildness.

Manik has his training of politics, war training and also moral sciences discipline and ethics from a bhramin guru, his wife used to cook same but this is more tastier. He completed food again joined his hands to plate and washed his hands took cloth to wipe water and said "I am Kshatriya I need spicy food not bhramin food ask her to add spices and mirchi to dinner" dasi nodded
He took his sword and crown started to go out when he was about to go he found Nandini making Malla of flowers her back is facing him, her almost naked blouse dupatta is kept on left hand hair is done in neat braid which is kept on right shoulder she is sitting on floor, her already thin waist made more curved and shown most thin fair soft then he found some marks which are almost blue and black in colour and even her back carry some nail marks which are black coloured he felt bad same time he is aroused totally. He walked in cleared his throat she turned stood up and adjusted her dupatta on her head, head lowered

Manik closed door and started to remove his dress Nandini in one jumped took back step and was about to run away he grabbed her tight he is already half naked "why are running away?"
"It's sin to make love at day time we can't do it now only nights are designed for such activities please Yuvaraj forgive me and leave me I can't let you make sin"
Manik started kissing her neck inhaling her body scent which is mix of turmeric and sandal wood. "You are here to please me not to rant come to bed"
"Please Yuvaraj I beg you leave me" she started fighting he pinned her to wall removed dupatta kept his hand back of her and removed knot of her blouse and removed it and started sucking her nipple and pressing other one while his lower body is pressing her firmly so that she can't move he is now hungry beast, she is like a kitten scared and fighting
"You are so soft and you came here to serve me all you need is pleasure from me and money so shut up about your morals and ethics even your gyan just co operate"
"No Yuvaraj!!!! It's for you, you should not be cursed or get into any sin so stop please" she jerked him he got angry and was about to slap her but stopped "you will pay for this at night" he left her she fell on floor she adjusted her blouse and dupatta when he is wearing his dress she started to help him. he didn't deny when he is done he held her hand tightly she hissed in pain "don't you dare refuse me again and tempt me again, keep some medicine on your marks and be ready to night you have to pay for this" he kept his face on her neck and gave her harsh bite "you are like a drug did you do any spell on me???? Why am I so much dragged towards you I hate you the most more than any thing in life still my dick is standing for you I hate you" he again gave one more hard bite which pierced her skin and blood started to ooze out, she hissed hard tears stared flowing like rain he sucked the blood and kissed the area softly "I hate you most" he left her and went out and climbed horse and started to go to mahal.

Manik all day busy with minster as they all are planning for new law which has to be implemented in upcoming days, he observed some changes in near by villages due to new planning done last year. While it was evening he was free he went to his room and straight away went to pool to swim it's his favourite relaxing thing, while swimming he got flashes of Nandini face eyes her naked body her reaction on his touch he couldn't stay more he came changed his dress and started to go to sea side mahal.

Total mahal is silent, evening puja is going on he washed his feet and came straight to puja room, Nandini gave him arthi prashad as morning, he took. She again bowed to him this time he kept his hand on her head as sign of blessing she got up.
"I am hungry serve me food"
She nodded and sent food with dasi
Manik refused to take food without her so she came to his room "daily you will serve me" she nodded
She placed plate served all items poured glass full of lassi and water in respective glasses. She took fan from dasi and started fanning him
He prayed and started to eat it's now spicy and tasty. He took more food than earlier. He left some items wantedly in plate when he washed hands she was about to remove the plate he asked her to eat, she without hesitation started eating in his plate he felt happy, Why he don't know.

After dinner, Manik asked dasi to arrange for chess she did "do you know how to play chess?"
She nodded no
"Sit I will teach you"
She obeyed he started explaining rules she listened carefully both started to play she is trying to observe his moves carefully and trying to play but she failed he won she pouted cutely he smiled. They again played again he won she this time pouted more he at once took her arm jerked towards him and took her mouth in his mouth started to chew her lips roaming his hand all over her bare back

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