Happiness all around

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Nandini woke up early, when she got she like puking she ran out throw everything out of her system, she washed face when she was about to go on daily work, a lady came and made her sit, "yuvarani!!!!! Work completed, I will bring your clothes and accessories then I will make you bath, and about you morning sickness smell this leaf you will feel better" she gave a small leaf

Nandini felt better both walked to seaside, the lady made Nandini sit on a rock, she washed Nandini with special herbs then washed with water she helped her in dressing up, then she brought flowers made Nandini wear flowers like bangle on neck as garland she even made her long hair with full flowers. Nandini felt fresh and very happy seeing herself in new varieties dressing up.

She did puja, made food for Manik, she when came to their room to wake up Nandini she found place empty she searched for Manik and found him in near by place practicing sword, she stood their staring at him. His sharp moves his forceful attacks, his so easily twisting body and most very well toned body which is now half naked

Manik is fully concentrated in his practice, she soon took the sword which was kept a side and walked softly infront of him and showed him her sword indicating that she want to fight
He frowned smiled and waved his sword, both started to fight he is so easily playing with his sword towards expecting her to be gentle but she is taking all strength and playing with him

Manik took her in embrace from back "No!!!!! My dear sweetheart you can't take stress and not body stress, it's just two months pregnancy we need to be careful in these early stage so after delivery we will fight and I will show you how sexy we can fight" he said touching her nipples with single hand brushing softly making them hard

She blushed, "Ok I will take care of it"
Both smiled walked to backside giving swords to dasi
Nandini made him bath, kept all required things for his puja when he completed, people came to meet him. He went out with them

Nandini started new things which made her love them like making special herbal paste for medicines and beauty, making special decoration with flowers, she even planted so many flower plants around her house, she learnt to wear their dresses, and she made herself filled with designs by Kajal on her back

She was always surrounded by either children or ladies some time elder ladies too come and spend time with her. She is enjoying to fullest. Since she lost parents it's first time she is this happy, and getting this much attention and care.

The love all the tribes showing is bliss for Nandini she even learned that Manik frequently visit them, help them in many ways and even brings so many things which they don't have. They even said about his battle for them with one of the king. All ladies here dream for him. She envy on them but also felt proud on Manik

Manik here is very much refreshed and happy he is at his best times. This tribal area is his one of the most important place. Once when he was so much shattered because of Hema he came here unnoticed they captured him and took to their head, when got consciousness both had big fight Manik won head surrender but Manik smiled and hugged saying it was just friendly fight.

Offering friendship hand was major thing for them, they made Manik their all time friend, from them on Manik entry to this area is always welcomed with happiness, then after two years so the tribal head had problem with near by king Manik stood with them and fought with king obviously Manik won. From that moment they started to make him as their god.

Every festival they invite Manik and offer him so many things, always Manik comes alone it's first time he came with his wife, and even asked shelter for her so they all made tree house in just five days arranged everything as each person in tribes are his fan they when heard from their head that Manik wife will stay here from some months they jumped in happiness and shared works and started the very moment

Manik want Nandini and his sons to be safe after Latha stunt he didn't trust anyone than this tribals. Entering into this place is nothing but entering to hell, all land will be placed traps, tree have patrolled men, and they only use different type of medicines to make men who enter faint, so no one can reach Nandini.

Manik knows Hema and Latha cat fight will turn to ugly one or the other day as he literally want king to ban them and send away from mahal. He is even planing to make Nandini enter mahal so that he can stay with her forever but for that he want mahal to be safe for her so he made most dangerous ladies fight with each other,

Manik even want Nandini be healthy, here in tribes food herbs and nature are very fresh pure and untouched one. honey milk ghee flowers fruits and fresh vegetables which are very very nutritious and healthy can make her much more healthier than before as she is carrying twins and she is so fragile in body very weak some times.

Manik knew his lust for her is making her weak, as he always claim her where ever and when ever he want to, and he even know it's not just his fault as he always finds her most attractive and loose his control which he never looses nor loosed  till now it's only Nandini who makes him weak.

In this all she is becoming weak on top of it morning sickness is worsening it day by day so bring here was only option for Manik . Safety health and best care and best nature mostly her happiness is only found here. Manik is very much relaxed and enjoying her giggles with children, her cute curiosity among young girls, her antics when it comes to taking medicines and her dressing with ladies and learning from old ladies all are making Manik crazy for and he want to keep her always with him but always this happy too.

*guys!!!!!!!! I am obliged overwhelmed with you all support and blessings

I am sorry that I felt of stop writing but you guys explained me that's not true, I have to be myself, Thank one and all I owe you guys I salute all for standing for me and bow infront of your love

Believe me I love you all
Thank you very much from my bottom of my heart.

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