Trying to understand him

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Nandini is still, he is playing with her body as he want he lifted her and placed her in bed she stopped him "can we go to other room?"
"Why?" He asked irritating
"It's not appropriate to do here only Queen has right on this bed" she said softly
He stood back she came out of bed and started to walk out he grabbed her from back "when you came here for money and lust why do you care for all this? You know I hate you you know you are here for only to get fucked till I make you pregnant then why all this rules?"
"To give you best heir not the one who doesn't make a best king. I want a son like you who is loved by public"
Manik felt more disgusting "so that you can rule him?"
"No!!!! I don't have right to see him once even after birth"
"Then why are you worried?"
She is silent
He jerked her more towards him "I hate you most" he lifted her and placed her on his shoulder walked to the room where they slept last night he thrown her on bed harshly and closed the door ripped his lower which was only thing he was wearing and ripped her too, when she is naked he started to bite her all over body making her cry "see how much cruel I am how much I hate you, if it was dasi I would have spared but being an upper class bhramin lady you came to just get pleasure and money? I heard ladies of bhramin are most kind hearted and patience's lady but you are just disgusting lady I ever saw I hate you for this forever. You are reason I am doing such things you should have refused but no??? You want to get fucked by me and you are throwing so many attractive methods to make me loose for you, I hate" he is thrusting more harshly than last night she is sobbing with pain in her lower parts and even in her heart for his words.

Manik is careless, he couldn't stop himself from making love to her whole night why he don't know but he is not at all feeling like leaving her and sleep he just want to be inside her forever. He even hates the feeling. He came outside of her she hissed he slid from her slept beside she got up with great difficulty, dressed up quickly wanted away from that room with small steps as she is sore.

Manik couldn't sleep he twist and turned in bed he want to grab her and be inside again but she don't allow him now still he walked to her room, guards opened the door she is not in room "where is she?"
"Yuvaraj she is in wash area" dasi said Manik walked in, when he was about to go he heard "o lord krishna!!!! These many buried and scares???? Is Yuvaraj this cruel? Can't he see how soft and fragile are you?"
"Shut up Shanta!!!!! Never dare to say a word against Yuvaraj I will not spare you, he is not cruel I am most sensitive never blame him and don't forget his our Yuvaraj and you know how noble he is?" Nandini voice is cold and stern
Manik has smile on his face
"Then why is he so harsh on you?"
"Leave it Shanta!!!! We should never doubt him or ask reasons for his actions we can only serve him nothing more today Iam too sore Shanta please make me relax I had to cook before Yuvaraj wake up so hurry up"
"Ok baby, you dip your body in this medicinal water you will feel better at least from next time beg him to be little soft on you"
"I don't want to,let him release all his stress and anger on me Shanta I deserve it don't think too much"
Shanta started giving her massage Manik came to Shanta signed her to stand away she did he started giving massage Nandini is too tired so she didn't concentrate, she is trying to relax her body
"Shanta!!! How can I make him relax???? I know Yuvaraj had twelve wives I am just dasi for him still I feel like I should try to make him relax how I don't know"
"Men are kids baby!!!!! They love caring attention and unconditional love mostly they love food I even heard Yuvaraj is fond of best tasty food try them all"
"I will but I failed in cooking he didn't like my food"
"Night did Yuvaraj said anything about food?"
"No but he left some food"
"Try and try until you success in making him eat all"
"I will my lord I am late come on let me dress up"
She got up from water and stood naked Manik saw her she busy in wiping her body he want to go to her but dropped idea as she will go for prayer he left silently. Shanta smiled silently, she now knows that Yuvaraj cares Nandini

"Why is she thinking about me??? Why she wants to make me relax??? Is she cunning?" Manik thought for some time and slept. When it was sunrise he woke up did puja and then breakfast Nandini served him. He ate it all. She smiled Manik cleaned hands took her dupatta and wiped his hands

"Daily cook for me I don't want to repeatedly saying something"
She nodded
"Buy some dresses"
She nodded while he is getting ready he is watching her. Nodding her head made him angry mostly that dupatta draped around her head, he turned jerked her to his hard chest and held her waist tight "answer me with words don't make me look at you all the time, and this stupid dupatta remove it when I am around and wear it mostly when you turn your back towards door of your room I don't want anyone eyeing you mostly the soldiers around you"
She nodded
"Words" he raised tone
"Yes Yuvaraj" he removed the dupatta and throw it on bed she crossed her hands infront of chest he showed his wide eyes she tried to remove her hands slowly he took her hand placed it around his neck she followed other one he pressed her tight to him
"Always add flowers to you long hair and I want to see naked so keep some diyas around our bed from today"
She dropped her head started biting her lips "what happened?"
"I feel shy Yuvaraj"
"Now or night"
"Night both"
He smirked "do I care?"
She nodded no "no" she said remembering his warning
"So...... do I say" he pressed her more close and kissed her softly on lips and left her "daily do all my works all no dasi allowed to do my works here and I hate saying the things second time and shouting your name all time so make all things in time"
"Yes Yuvaraj"
He took seat at dressing table she took his crown and placed it on his head then placed his sword on his right side and small knife on his left side the next small knife on his left leg she gave him chappal he wore it he lifted her "You are bhramin don't do that"
"I am your dasi here so it's my duty"
"Why??? Why did you accept this in first place?" He gritted teeth
"Am I lacking in any of work Yuvaraj?"
"Then why are you at same questions? You are Yuvaraj ! This doesn't suits you"

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