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Whole mahal is silent, only Nandini screams are been heard. Manik is in shock, everyone knows that Hema will be the one responsible for such distractions but they didn't expect it will be this soon. A day back everyone are happy enjoying marriages now whole mahal is crying and praying for king's life.

Doctor is trying hard to make the blood stop but he couldn't, Manik called his messenger bird and sent letter to his friend tribal king and requested him to send a doctor to save his father.

With in two hours tribal king came along with doctor, Manik took him to king's room, doctor checked him and started his work.

Nandini screams are going worse Manik came to her room, dasi stood in front of her saying "Yuvaraj!! She is in pains you can't go in"
Manik with anger shouted "move" he walked in seeing Nandini in pain he walked to her took her in arms "Nandu!!!! Look at me"
She looked at him "I need you by my side so please be strong father..... father is in danger I can't stay with you can you be safe?"
"Hukum!!!!! Father will be alright nothing happens to him be strong go to him I will be fine seeing your son face he will live for so many years just be strong Hukum"
Manik kissed her forehead and went away.

The tribal doctor did stitches to king's stomach, he added herbs to wound and gave some medicines to king. He came out with king's doctor.
"Yuvaraj!!! King is safe but his wound is nasty one, no one are allowed to go in nor touch him, he will ok by next day morning till then I added some herbs to him so that he will take best rest in sleep,
Manik hugged him and thanked him, tribal king to hugged Manik.

Mothers are happy listening to this they prayed to god and requested allow them in, tribal doctor just asked them to go and see him and come back so that no infection should go in, they agreed.

Manik kept a strong team to guard his father, mothers went to see Nandini she is going through pains from last four hours, her screams are growing and growing Manik too came to check her, this time he didn't go in.

Next morning Nandini delivered a boy then she got again sever pain and she delivered one more boy. Both are identical twins. Mothers are happy that Manik finally got sons. Manik took his sons in hands both looked a like. He kissed both of them.

Doctor came running saying king came to consciousness all ran to him, they took two kids along with them. King looked at them with eternal happiness. He is so happy that he named them immediately as "Rudra Prathap sigh and Shakthi Prathap Singh" all smiled with happiness.

King is not cured totally, his internal organs too damaged so he is on bed. Where as Nandini is so weak, she is hardly able to move, her two sons are crying at a time, if not sleeping at a time. Manik is enjoying their moments. His two daughter who are still young are playing with them all time.

When king woke up, he called Manik and his mothers "Manik beta!!! Now I am not well, I don't know when I will be ok? I want to make you king now"
"No father no you are king and you will be king as always"
"Yes but everyone will have this phase, I know how you are feeling I went through same when my father made me king it's that ki now you have two sons you can become a king"
"But father..."
"No manik no more arguments, this is my final order as king to you" he raised his voice Manik cried he hugged him patted his back "you will become great king my son, I made you get married so many ladies in greed of having so many children but I failed miserably and made your life hell for that I am regretting from this very moment you can rule this country and your own life, whom want to make queen and whom you want to be punished that is totally your decision I will not involve in any of your decisions from now on. I will just enjoy my life with grand daughters and grand sons I will teach them all naughty things to make you worried always" all laughed Manik hugged them all.

Manik didn't sit in chair as king, though his father insisted him a lot, being Nandini delivered the family cannot perform any such occasions and being king unhealthy they all postponed his rajabhishek till ten days.

Manik is happy that Nandini is healthy, she is not allowed to come out of the room nor Manik is allowed to enter her room, only  kids are allowed to come out to play with Manik and king for some time at day time.

When naming ceremony was held, only close relatives are invited, tribal king also invited. Nandini came out of her room after Sudhakaran puja, with both kids. Manik when saw her after so long long time he felt as if it was eternity, he skipped his heart beat she is breathtakingly beautiful.

Nandini was applied with turmeric paste and sandalwood paste all time for twenty one days her beauty enhanced most. It made Manik drool on her. She too felt same seeing Manik after so long time.

Manik took one child in his arm, both walked to king took blessings of all four and then sat in puja of naming ceremony. When naming ceremony completed, king announced Manik's Rajabhishek. Manik is not happy but king didn't listen.

Manik's two married daughters came home for naming ceremony, the king's who heard about Manik's father health came to visit him and attend naming ceremony, when they heard about rajabhishek they are happy. Hearing about Hema family and their deeds they bit disappointed which made Manik feel more bad.

Nandini felt as if it was her entry in family is the main reason for this destruction.

King's love and obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now