She is pregnent

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Here in seaside mahal Manik is injured so Nandini is all time worried, she applied medicine called doctor she treated Manik asked him not to take bath just wipe the body with warm water for two days Manik obeyed

Nandini took all required medicines and instructions from doctor, and sent her back, she came to Manik
"It's all my fault I should have taken him in first chance I thought we can find his truth by keeping him alive I didn't expect that this will happen, I am sorry"
"Shhhhhh come here" she came sat besides him
"When you want some one to submit, you should never waste time fighting you should harm him badly so that he cannot run nor say lies so places like either sides of stomach, right side chest, thighs, feet like places you can cut they will shout cry and say truth Ok?"
"Ok I will next time"
"Now my time" he started to nuzzle in her neck crock smelling her scent and making her moan little"
"Yuvaraj!!!!! You need proper rest sleep na"
"I am worrier Nandini this type of  pains are common but this type of pleasure when I get pain is different"
He is placing butterfly kisses all over neck she is moaning slowly and softly.

Manik slowly hovered her and planting kisses on her bare skin where ever he found like waist cleavage neck jawline she is enjoying his touch, Manik got up from bed and ordered "strip fast"
"Yuvaraj! You need rest" she is again begging him
"Ok let me tear it off"
"No" she got up turned her back to him indicating to open her knot of blouse he smiled "you know how to play cards" he opened it and grabbed her boobs from back like a hungry bull pressing mounding nibbling she is enjoying his touch and removed lehenga from her  body he removed his dhothi and made her one leg placed on bed asked to hold the bedpost tight slightly bent her and positioned his dick at her entrance while playing with boobs entered inside her she leaned her head back manik felt satisfied by her reaction and started to move in and out

Manik took Nandini chin and made her lean on his chest seeing into her eyes asked "Don't you like my thick dick inside your soft pussy?"
She blushed
"Say it my little bride"
"Yes" she said with shy closing her eyes he thrusted more she is trying to match him. He is making her jump on his dick by lifting her in air with his strong arms both felt building of orgasm both started move fast screamed each other name and climaxed

Manik placed her on bed safely he too joined her she checked his wound it's not bleeding she felt happy
"Don't worry!!!! This will make it heal fast"
"Chi Yuvaraj you are breaking all my rules" she complained
"Make new rule and the rule is listen to Yuvaraj and give him what ever he want whenever he wants how ever the circumstances are"
She pouted he again took her lips in his mouth she blushed
"You purposely do this I came to know now you directly ask me for kiss when you want or you can kiss me" he said again kissing her
"I can't talk to you, always you do and say such things"she slept on his chest where wound far away without giving him any trouble
Manik smiled kissed her hair "I always want you all naked touching me sleeping side by me playing with your body mostly this soft boobs and having sex with you I love it and teasing you is my favourite one when you blush I feel more wanted"
She kissed his chest
His hand is around her the other one on her boob playing softly
When sleep engulfed them they too didn't realise.

When Nandini woke up it was dawn she got up took bath went to do some snacks for Yuvaraj and then went to mandir did arthi
She came to room lighted all the diyas woke up Manik made him eat some snacks drink hot turmeric milk and she read some economic books for him when it was dinner time she cooked hot and made him eat properly. She too ate it when she was giving him paan Nandini vomited all of sudden

Manik got Panick she is vomiting more he called dasi asked to clean the room he lifted her washed her up wrapped her in a cloth ordered solider to bring doctor he took her to his room and made her sleep as she almost like dead corpse. He is kissing her forehead cheeks made her drink water rubbed her back slowly. After an hour doctor came till then Nandini slept due to weakness

Doctor checked Nandini, she first looked at her eyes, then tongue she counted pulse asked about her periods Manik said from last two months he didn't see her sitting outside doctor smiled
"Yuvaraj she is pregnant"
Manik smiled widely gave her pearl chain which he is wearing thanked her. Manik took all the list what she has to do and what she does do, eating list and taking rest all he noted in mind sent her and came back to Nandini she is sleeping peacefully.

When Nandini woke up in the morning Manik is holding her hand seeing at her he smiled she too smiled when she was about get up he hugged her tight "You are pregnant Nandini" she when heard she got tears with happiness. She hugged him tight
"From now on no work you just take rest eat laugh that's it"
She laughed
"Why are you laughing???"
"Yuvaraj this is your fifth child still you are saying all this I will be careful happy and I will take good care of your sons"
Manik smiled "I know still you will rest"
"So that you will get a lazy son"
"No my son will be world ruler, emperor"
"Then mother should be active do small works read good books perform puja on time eat properly sleep well and walk little"
"You know everything?"
"Yes, when I was in temple a lady asked me to help her in her pregnancy as she doesn't have mother and she was alone with her husband I took care of her for eight months she had son I even took care of him too so don't worry Yuvaraj"
Manik felt relaxed he hugged her again

"Won't you inform Raja ji?" She asked
"No till one more month only you and me will know this not even any dasi I even warned doctor not to spell it anywhere"
Manik made a good security around Nandini, he removed all dasi working now and appointed new one who can fight perfectly as he checked everyone personally by fighting with them. He brought a doctor from royal house and made her live with Nandini in this mahal as she is single widow women she accepted. He is taking everything very seriously and observing each and everyone carefully. He don't want Nandini in any danger nor want her to be in any pain.

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