Self punishment

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Manik reaches the palace of Samanth, his name is Raja Randeer Singh, he is been appointed by king as he is loyal and well known for his fighting skills, his ability of war winning skill made him Samanth. Now he is taking advantage of it and even tried to kill Yuvaraj is worst part of his life.

Manik did not attack the Samanth instead he want to release the people who Samanth has kept in his jail, Manik with help of the people who invaded his room, entered the mahal of Samanth, when he entered he found lots of people guarding the place. Manik with his talent he entered inside of the place without any one noticing him.

He slowly walked to the coroner and reached a cell their were two old couple, Manik slowly checked the lock then he walked to the other end and found two guards chatting he slowly walked towards them and made one go unconscious by hitting on head and other hit by his head too. Both fell down Manik took keys bunch and started opening one by rooms and making all walk very slowly without making noise.

When all reached main area Manik signalled his men who were standing out for it, they all jumped and made all men sit on knees, seeing Manik and knowing as Yuvaraj they immediately gave up.

Manik without wasting time made everyone walk in small groups and let them reach out of village to near by village where Samanth of that village is good person, Manik made a letter official one and gave it head of his men and ordered to take them safely.

There were about hundred people been arrested all are almost old people, small children and women. Manik felt very bad, he tasted his own failure as his people are suffering so much when he is Yuvaraj.

All folded hands to Yuvaraj and started to traveling to next village with the help of five officials and ten soldiers, whom Manik appointing to guard them and lead them safely. Manik when felt they are safe Manik too travelled with them as common man.

Manik when found his men returned back, Manik came home it's already noon, seeing Manik in such state, Nandini felt scared, she made everything ready for him, she was about to serve him Manik stopped "from today on give me only mirchi powder and two cups of rice, and place them in banana leaf not in any plate"
"Hukum????" Nandini got tears
"Don't worry Nandu! It's my punishment and I hope you will make me do this in correct process"
Nandini nodded "she brought banana leaf and served rice and mirchi powder, Manik without any talk ate it and asked Nandini to prepare atleast ten people food extra, for night. She nodded.

Manik asked all those three men who broke into his house to bring all victims family men who was been released today to bank of river. They agreed and when it's dusk they all came to meet Manik

Looked at them, Manik said "being a Yuvaraj I am shame full, I couldn't protect you people in correct time, but I promise until and unless the real culprit is not punished I will not leave this place.

I know you all are angry and disheartened still I request you all to please for one last time believe me."

Among the group one stood up, "Why are you not punishing the Samanth when you know he is culprit?"
"I want you people to unite and punish him so that if anytime or in any place this repeats people have every right to punish the officials, so officials too will be in fear to commit any sort of mistakes we are your servants we are here to make your life happy and delightful not to rule and make disaster. Look, we all should motivate all the youth here and form a team, all middle age people will help us to collect evidences so that we can submit to king, and old age people will help us in providing their experiences in making tools and available ways to attack Samanth without any notice of his own army."

"How to detect they are of our side or not?"
"From now on add a dot of sandal wood paste on your forehead as our team sign who ever wears it they are our team members"
"If in our team they are any rivals then?"
"As Yuvaraj I can make things on official way as long have me all rights to do so"
"Ok we are with you"
"No my dear people I am back of you it's you people make a plan and make Samanth defeat spread like water under blanket without any sound and any clue finish him and his power game"
All made strong face
"From now on daily at 6 come to temple as devotees and I will meet you there as a Prasad supplier" Manik said all agreed

Manik took some poor men who are struggling for food with children to come home and made them pack food for their families and sent them back. Nandini filled their cans with required food and milk was supplied in pots who are having kids.

Nandini took a note of some women and children who are suffering with lack of food and asked Manik to bring required materials and started cooking for all of them daily for two times and serving all of them

Murthy's when found Manik as Yuvaraj they gave their total house to Nandini and Manik they are just helping the couple with all necessities

Nandini seeing all these made herself strong and started helping Manik in all ways. She is cooking food for needy people, she is even making some arrows, some things like kali mirch powder to throw on men who will attack innocent people as to make them distract and help innocent one. She even made some catapult and gathered pebbles when she goes for bath near river and brought them and stored them in kitchen, living room and even in bedroom.

Nandini made all her know family ladies as groups and started training them to use catapult, and even guided them to prepare some kali mirch powder, asked everyone to use the household things to protect themselves and their kids when needed.

For young girls around seven to eight years she even started giving training of arrows and sword playing, and using them. Along with catapult.

Manik felt proud seeing Nandini so co operative and understanding. He started planning more even asked ladies and children to keep a close eye on all officials who ever are involved in all cruel activities.

As expected after release of so many people from jail and not founding them in village makes Samanth go crazy, he even sent men to bring all the family members of the escaped people to his palace.

Manik changed his get up and went along with all the men to Samanth palace.


Guys thank you very much for your views on my request, I just want to know can you guys can read in inkitt? If you can't effort then I won't give my story to them, you guys are my asserts not money I can earn in so many ways but without you guys I can't write

In spite of me disappearing for so many days you guys still support me and read my books then how can I loose you people?

I feel the comments you write are my returns I just want your comments that's it
Thank you once again
If you guys are comfortable I want to write an epilogue for business rivals new love story and give it to inkitt please make me know is it ok with you guys

Waiting for your comments
Yours Sunitha

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