Her story

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When it was dawn Nandini asked "Yuvaraj can I go and perform puja? You too need to do"
"Ok" he lifted in his arms she gasped he is only gazing her. He took her to her room placed her near pool "Shall I join you?"
She widened her eyes blushed lowered her eyes Manik removed his shirt and stood Nandini removed his chains, waist belt of pearls, then removed his knifes loosened his lower pant he removed it he jumped in water making slash on her she turned her face but she is drenched in water, Manik gestured her to come she turned back removed her blouse. Manik is watching her carefully, she took cloth from side wrapped around her above boobs till her knees then removed lehengas and came inside water Manik went near her took water in tumbler and poured on her face water are flowing down Manik leaned to her neck and started to drink playing with his tongue on her neck she is reacting he took her waist hugged her tight came to her cleared her eyes started nuzzling his nose on her cheeks "you make me loose every time and I am liking this to loose to you let me have you"
"Why only night?"
"In sacred books it is written to get best offspring's we should do it only at night time"
"I want you not offspring"
"Yuvaraj?????" She gasped
"Yes, I want you now"
"It's wrong Yuvaraj"
Manik took deep breath "ok let me play with you" he removed the cloth and started to kiss her neck playing with boobs "Yuvaraj can you control?"
"You control me" he started to suck her boobs she is moaning he played with her body for half an hour and with great plead left her.

They performed puja together, she left him alone and went to kitchen he is just relaxing by sitting under tree near sea watching moon light in water.

"Why is she doing all this? She is definitely hiding something one thing is sure she safe but what is she hiding???? Did I miss anything??? It is clear that people in my kingdom are very much worshipping me as their Yuvaraj they can die for me but this one no... no lady want to sacrifice her own son to me definitely not at cost of life never then why???? Why Nandini you are puzzle to me which I want to always solve,"

"Yuvraj food is ready Shall I serve?"Nandini asked politely
"Ok let's move in"
Both walked in Nandini served food Manik bowed his head near plate prayed and took morals "food is good" he ate all she served herself in plate and started to eat "Shall I ask you a question will you answer?"
"Yes Yuvaraj"
"What do you want?"
"Nothing Yuvaraj"
"Are you enemies pawn?"
She paused for a second then became normal "No Yuvaraj!!! Bhramin ladies are not allowed to be part and parcel of politics and boundaries we are free from all those things you know it very well"
"Then why are doing all"
"I have my own reasoning Yuvaraj which you have nothing to do with I request you stop thinking about it and get stressed out"
"Ok I will but I have a condition"
"What Yuvaraj?"
"Say me everything about you"
Nandini looked at Manik as if she is having battle within her then she looked at him firmly and then opened up "I am ...... Shanker murthy daughter"
Manik got up in jerk and looked at her shock "the Shanker murthy daughter?"
"I enquired they said you died"
"I myself declared"
"Say me whole thing"
"Actually I am elder one at house, I had a brother, I learnt many things from my father as everyone knows he is master of all . on that day I said to my father not to started the journey to dwaraka but denied saying to visit god we shouldn't check time and date. We all started at middle of our journey some thieves have killed my family being a very young girl they all wanted to rape me....." she bit her lips to control her tears "I..... I got away from them reached madhuria I stayed their cleaning steps of temple and its surroundings pujari asked about me I didn't reveal my identity but just said I am orphan being very old man he asked me to help him in temple works and household works in return of staying with him. I agreed he took good care of me.

I used clean temple house then prepare prashad sing arthi and look after him one day while I was singing pandit came he asked about me I just said I am an orphan he went away hukhum came he kept this proposal I agreed on one condition"
"To kill you after delivery" Manik said
She looked at him and said "yes"
"You think Yuvaraj I am orphan I don't have future and life it's better I become useful to you and this country by giving you son"
"Why didn't you return home???"
"For my safety, I am only one left if I return I am giving open axis to everyone saying I am alone come to me and my previous incident didn't allow me do so"
"I would have protected you by giving security"
"Security means men men means again something"
Manik became silent for sometime "still you should have come to me say all this, at least before I jumped on you you should have said who are you?"
"I don't want to"
Manik became silent Nandini too became silent

"What what talents you have? I know your father he is gifted one in knowledge it's different that he won't teach"
"I learned politics, using all weapons, economics Veena fortune reading some gyan and morals of all communities ethics about society he was teaching me kuttnethi but....."
"You know fortune reading? Say about me"
"You will become best king. Your name will be written in golden words in history"
"Acha do I have son?"
"Definitely next year by spring"
"What more is written?"
"There is an intruder who already entered your kingdom who will cause great damage Rajaji is having tough time may be he may not see your son face"
Manik raised his hand to beat her but stopped "it can't be"
"Sorry Yuvaraj"
"Say me more"
"I will become reason of destruction in your family life that is why I beg you to kill me after my delivery"
Manik turned to her lifted her and placed in bed she started to move away "we can move to our room"
Manik hovered her and started kissing her "from now on this is our room and you will never oppose me"

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