Cooking for her

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It is the day of fights started between Hema and Nandini. A hall full so many officials and people well known is present. King, his three wives Manik and his all wives present both the players are sitting opposite as ladies are components great care is taken to safe guard them

Competition started first day is about politics. So minister of the country came forward and started asking questions each ten questions each question carries ten marks and time will be 5mins to think and answer. Both ladies said they ate ready.

Toss been twisted and dropped Hema won so first questions were for her, Hema is a lady of authority so politics is her favorite subject. So she rocked it easily.

When Nandini turn came she answered them all but she is not that fast as Hema. When both completed the questionnaire Minster took his place deewan kept calculation and declared both got equal marks they both answered total questions.

King throw a lunch to all who came so there was a festival. The dancers singers lunch was followed. Manik is happy that Nandini could do it well. When all finished Nandini came to room to take rest.

Now a days pregnancy sickness took Nandini, she is vomiting now and then, sleeping less eating less always catching smells which are leading to vomiting
She automatically became weak. Manik is hell worried, even his mothers.

Rajavidhya is called and Nandini got check up, he said it's common in this stage of pregnancy. For her weakness he gave some herbs and to stop vomiting he recommended to smell a root of herb so that she can feel better.

Manik made her bed arrest all Dasis are surrounded by her she is not allowed to stepout of the bed. She is been given healthiest food. Manik is with her. Dasi brought lunch for her, she made face
"hukum I can't eat this please, I want some thing eatable "
"is it not eatable?"
"No" she said firmly
Manik chuckled, he learned that when ever Nandini doesn't like food she says same thing Manik took some food and started to eat to make her realize it's tasty but to his surprise food is tasteless and Nandini always makes very crispy and mouth watering taste to eat it is no where to match. Manik got angry

Manik walked straight to kitchen when they saw Yuvaraj all panicked and stood up with bowing heads.
"Who made food for choti bahurani sa?"
A man came forward
"who gave you menu?"
"Dasi brought the menu Yuvaraj"
"who's Dasi?"
"Badibahu rani sa"
Manik clutched his fist "my Dasi didn't come to inform?"
"She came Yuvaraj"
"Yuvaraj!!!!! Hema rani sa Dasi made her runaway saying she is senior here"
"bring her now" Manik ordered
Manik walked to kitchen washed hands, ordered things he wanted and started cooking food for two all the persons standing their are stunned and spell bound as Manik never in his life since childhood entered kitchen nor ordered anything special for himself today he is cooking

When the Dasi of Hema came "Pranam Yuvaraj" she said with shock
Manik looked at her, she is Hema head Dasi personal one  "why did you send away my Dasi from ordering food?"
She shivered a little but tried to stay still "it is bahurani sa turn so just made to her notice"
"Maharaj ji can't cook more??? And from when come my interest is kept a side?"
She stood still
"guards!!!!! Send her to cell and make her starve till she can't stand still and when she is about to die give her food send her to her village back she is not needed here any more"
"Yuvaraj I beg your pardon please excuse me forgive me hukum I beg you I will never do it again"
Manik is cooking seriously guards dragged her away
Manik cooked dal, ghatta, kadi, some parathas hot hot rice. When he was about to complete all the varieties ladies including his mothers and father came running to kitchen listening to the news that Manik is cooking
"Manik what is this???? Why are you cooking?" His father yelled
"in my own mahal I am not getting food which I ordered nor my pregnant wife is getting her food so I am cooking when she is healthy she always cooked for me it's now my turn she is starving excuse me" he  asked Dasi to carry things and walked to his room.

King got angry he enquired everything, he is more pissed  off he turned to Maharaj ji "you will cook only choti bahurani interested food for her separately every day, till she walks into kitchen, all ladies from now will not be allowed to order food of your choice ranisa!!!!! You make menu daily. Shame on you all Yuvaraj cooked himself no no you throw this cook and bring new one who cooks best" he left in angry

Badima taunted everyone specially Hema, New chef appointment was going on. When Manik brought food Nandini was sleeping like baby. He waked her up and made her with his hands Dasi came to Nandini "bahurani sa!!! Yuvaraj cooked food for you"
"Shut up" Manik shouted on Dasi she ran away
"hukum!!!! This is wrong you are not allowed to do all" she said with tears
"chuppppp!!!!! My wife and children are starving what am I supposed to do? Let them starve?"
"no! It's my fault I brought you and I am giving all this stuff always giving you pain one or the other way which you never deserve so be quite and eat" she did so
"where I am lacking I don't understand all the things which are always were supposed to keep  in organize but in time get messed up why?" Manik said in frustration
"because you never keep a tabs of them"
"You made all elder people in country get some amount of money did you check whether the money is reaching them or not???? Is that money is been used by them or their children are snatching them and making them suffer?"
Manik looked at Nandini with pain, her words made him get stabbed in his heart directly "you mean to say even in mahal I need tabs?"
"Yes, keeping this organized for once don't keep this tidy daily when you make things a check makes them neat and tidy"
Manik looked at her in surprise
"I organized this room as I liked but daily once I revise check whether things are in correct position so that you get them ready when ever you needed, so is mahal so is country. If not everything will be messed up as always"
Manik when completed his lunch he ordered Dasi to bring pen and paper to write down
"if you are me what would you do to mahal to make it get organized?"
"Call for meeting with servants, make all list of people whose words carry worth to listen like father mothers and you same way among all of us what will be the sequel, then I make list of works they have to do and what not, I will even put a punishment infront if they cross the limits, I will oppointed a head among all the servants Dasis so that he is one who will keep taboo on them and make sure to follow rules you gave them to follow-up, being all royals servants and Dasi face problems whose to follow whom not? So give them clarity that's it"
Manik hugged her made her take herbs and made her sleep. He went out to work on it.

Manik walked to his father's room
"father Pranam!!!! I need to talk to you"
"I too need to, you cooked food how shame full? I run a country and I can't keep my own son have luxurious? Atleast on food?"
Manik took deep breath "harsh truth is yes, being Yuvaraj of this country I couldn't give each my own rani a plate of food she wished when she is specially pregnant"
"I need to make everything set once again"
"for that I have something" Manik explained what Nandini said
King felt happy listening this and approved Manik to go head "in fact I think from now mahal duties are yours nor your mother's nor me will interfere"
Manik bowed his head walked away.

Manik called for meeting made people at work he called meeting with all his wives distributed their works and explained the punishment, then he made a meeting with all at once along with parents and gave all information and punishments, even he informed the sequel of their authorities accordingly to servants so that they can follow them strictly. Manik oppointed a old servant as head of all servants and Dasis to keep taboo on them.

By night everything which Nandini rendered was implemented wisely. Manik even made list of works which should be kept on taboo in his country, he did so much hand work on paper to make a list of people he want to oppointed for those works. Instead of punishments in these works he thought of incentives to people who is doing these works perfectly so that people trend to do best work.

When after completion of his work entered his room Nandini is knitting Manik got changed and sat besides "why are you not sleeping?"
"I am unable to sleep alone"
"wow!!!!!! You want to sleep with me" he joined her made her things away from her and started doing his favorite work playing with her body. She giggled

Next day was again fight day: it's about boarders and alliances among neighborhood countries. Nandini is proved pro in it, Hema failed in this in two question, same followed after game fest happened. Nandini went to her room to take rest.

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