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Manik and Nandini started their return journey, it's been long two months they left home, Manik is worried about Nandini's healthy. Since from the day he brought her to mahal one or the other things happening and all are making her worried.

First, fight with Hema, next Nandini getting injured, then war, after that this trip all together made couple worried and distant which worried Manik. He want her, he want them to be together as before how carefree they used to be at seaside mahal.

Manik stopped the journey as it evening time. He asked men to make tents to stay near river bank. Manik gave hand to Nandini to get down from pellenquen she took his and got up. Manik touched her stomach, it's seven months her swollen belly, made him more fascinated.

Within no time all the soldiers and servants made tents and arrangements, Manik made Nandini sit on a rock near river bank, he took bath, did puja. Nandini washed her face and she to prayed then came to cook food.

"Can't you take rest? Dasi can cook" Manik said with concern.
"No I know that you want my cooking it's just matter of an hour then I will rest"
"Why are always stubborn?" Manik asked in anger
"You are stubborn not me" She monked
Manik ruffled his hair and smiled "ok fine but take help of dasis. She nodded.

When dinner completed. Nandini asked dasis to serve to all the men and she took food to her chamber, where Manik is doing his work.
"Hukum!!! Food is ready shall I serve?"
"Yes I am coming" he kept the papers aside and washed his hand and came to her sat and did puja and started eating. "Really I am addicted to your cooking."
"That's best thing then" she smiled
"You are making me an addictive," in husky tone
She smiled and blushed.

Nandini knee after so many days he is in jolly mood. All the stress and tension he took all these days are washed away. Manik made her eat properly.

When both are sitting at river bank Nandini is making paan for him. Manik is watching the moon.
"Hukum!!! When will we reach home?"
"Tomorrow night we may reach"
"Nandu!!! This river bank reminds me of our sea side mahal. Those memories are so special"
Nandini blushed
Manik got up made Nandini stand and took her to his tent. He removed his shirt closed the tent door, dimmed the light and came near Nandini
Nandini understood what he is up to, she is blushing.
"Don't blush, it is making hard for me" he removed her pallu and opened the knot of blouse, with out wasting a moment he took her soft and erected nipple in mouth. She moaned

"Since from so many days I am not giving attention to my own properties, today I will take best care of them" Manik said in husky tone and lifted her carefully and placed in bed and removed all the fabric which is on her and made her naked. He too became naked and just entered her.

Nandini hissed a little. "Are you Ok??? Shall I stop?" Manik asked in worry
"No ..... Hukum...... do fast" She with great difficulty said
He smiled and did as she asked. Both enjoyed the bliss till morning and when they are tired they slept.

Next day after having breakfast they again started journey. Nandini slept all the while as she couldn't sleep last night. Manik checked on her all the while as he is worried about her. He scolded himself for making her wake up all night but then he felt it was her mistake by looking beautiful and blushing she instigated him more.

When it was lunch time Manik stopped and asked dasis to cook as Nandini is still sleeping. He made her sleep on cot properly till food was ready. When everything is ready, Manik woke up Nandini. After freshen up she had lunch along with Manik. She then slept again.

Manik smiled at her situation, by night they reached mahal. Manik's mothers did arathi and then made them come in. Dasis gave Nandini a warm bath and she wore light weight dress and had dinner in room.

Manik met his father, said some needed details to him, took permission came to room, found Nandini sleeping again he strictly warned himself to give Nandini proper rest. He took bath, did puja had dinner and came to Nandini hugged her and slept.

Due to journey Nandini became weak, Rajvidya came to check her as Manik felt its needed. Nandini constantly said not needed but Manik didn't listen to her. Vidya checked her and asked Manik to call lady who does deliveries. She came checked Nandini and said she will take more two full moons to deliver. She recommended Nandini to take best rest as she is weak.

Manik ordered all dasis to take care of Nandini. He too looking after Nandini well. The Samanth who was arrested was given death sentence as he planned against Manik.

Manik is still worried, this type of things may happen in any village, how to stop them and how to get grip of all the officials? He don't know.

Since he returned back he is just thinking about this. Nandini could read his mind. She knew Manik is not normal so today she cooked for him, took thali to their room when Manik came to know that Nandini cooked he came to room with angry
"Nandu!!!! Why did you do all this?" He shouted in anger
Nandini smiled took his hand made him sit in front of plate and said "I just want to talk to you so I cooked food for you"
Manik anger flew away "still you should have just sent a word I would have come"
"Why are you not interested in my food now?" She pouted Manik looked at her in disbelief and nodded his head took morsel and kept in mouth. He felt as if he is eating after so long time with out wasting anything he ate full, Nandini smiled.
"Now say what you want to talk" Manik asked
"You say Hukum!!! Why are you always lost what is bothering you?"
Manik looked at Nandini in shock and then took her face in hand kissed her forehead with admiration "you know everything about me, ok listen what had happened back in village may happen in any village how to identify and how to stop them once for all?"
Nandini kept silence for some time and then said "appoint some detectives in each village, they should report every month about all small and big incidents happened in village to reporters. They will inform you, in that way you can know about them totally. About how to stop such things, make a puppet show what had happen d back in village how common people revolt on a bad Samanth, so that people will learn how to protect themselves. If possible make a rule that all girls and boys of age ten should and must learn fighting skills. It will help in two ways, if required they will protect their families and when war occurs they can protect country too"

Manik felt proud of her, he discussed about it in very detailed manner then he walked to king and explained his plan king agreed.

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