What have you done yuvaraj

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Manik took her and sat leaning to the tree and she leaning on his chest holding her waist with one hand and twinging his fingers with her tiny fingers. He is kissing her head time to time.

"You don't want anything from me?"
"What do i need more? You gave everything I needed"
"All my wives ask for power jewellery or want to throw themselves on me, if they want to praise them what you want such?"
She giggled "my mom said never ask husband anything because if he has to give he will at any cost if he doesn't want to give them that means you don't deserve it, so in both cases you don't need to ask if we ask it leads to distraction in relation nothing else"
Manik smiled "it's true, what more teach you got about relation?"
"She gave me five rules"
"What are they?"
"1.Don't sleep till sun rise it makes your house drown in emptiness, and always be early than husband
2.Never disobey husband only give him need guidelines which he really needed or asked for
3.Never eat or sleep before husband
4.Never dress up if husband is away from you on any journey same way never look dull infront of husband be always presentable well dressed up and always added with flowers bangles sindhoor and turmeric
5.Last one never ask anything which husband cannot effort, it is his insult"
"So you follow all"
"Yes till now I did if I missed any you can warn me and correct me"
Manik took sindhoor from the thali which is besides them little far, he dropped it at her hairline "this is always missing" he said
"Yuvaraj???????" She gasped heavily "what have you done???? You know what that means? Still???? What happens when Raja ji or maharani comes to know this? They might think I tricked you, what have you done?"
"I want to do so"
She is scared shivering "Yuvaraj!!!! You wife cannot give birth to a son for you, my purpose of coming is gone wasted you have to search for some one more to have son for you"
"Shhhhhhhhhh look at me, you know that you are my son's mother yes or no?"
She looked at him with confusion "but....."
"Nandu!!!!! Come here!!!! I never went to any of my wife for real pleasure, I only went to them to release my stress or to get release, they got pregnant, if you believe or not till now I didn't go to any one second time in one day, even I didn't fuck these many times for all three till all these years, it's only you who made me feel wanted more and more I am unable to get over you instead I want it more and more when I come out of you why I really don't know even when I hated you I couldn't stay away from you, I being Yuvaraj I never explained to anyone see I am doing and I want to explain you so you are here to get me son is reason but I want you is my wish my desire and my want you are totally mine for me. You know all my marriages are not my choice but now you are my only choice"
"But Yuvaraj I am scared I will become a threat to your family life, it's written and you are dragging to that stay away Yuvaraj I may give you pain in future"
"You can't and you won't Nandini that is only you who is cherishing me"
"No no!!! How can I explain Yuvaraj!!!! Jealous is one point which may destroykingdoms,Mahabharata was of that reason here you are saying I am your choice means you will give me importance that do make all other rani get jealous and they may take drastic steps which may cause so much damage that you can't recover I beg you Yuvaraj" she is almost in tears

Manik got up stood with a stern look "do one thing rub the sindhoor from your forehead with your hand then I will go without a word"
Nandini took two steps back in fear "Yuvaraj!!!!" She wishpered
"Ok shall I wipe it?"
"No no" she took more steps back
Manik took his arm and dragged her towards him she is scared of him now with shivering lips teary eyes she is begging him not to do so, "this is reality we cannot stay away from each other that is truth you are made for me that is why your parents died, you stayed homeless for years you have to accept be mine without marriage that is why I am fucking you day and night and that is why I kept sindhoor, you can't run away, if our fate has more distraction we cannot stop even if we don't marry or if we stay away from you, you say me don't I be father of a son?"
Nandini said in blur "you will have two sons at a time"
"What???? Really???" His eyes turned soft smile appeared
She too smiled
"Aren't You their mother?"
She nodded lowering her head
"Then, so stop thinking and panicking"
Nandini took deep breath she composed herself bit her corner of lip once then raised her head looked at Manik and said "Can I ask you a promise Yuvaraj"
"Don't ask which my heart deny" he warned
She closed eyes "can you keep our marriage secret till you get your son?"
Manik looked at her with angry and also with disheartened "why?"
"I can't stop fire but I can divert it till it reach river, I can't stop the distraction but can postpone it so that our sons may be safe at least"
He twisted his lips now looked at her with stern face "now you reveal who is threat to them?" He took her wrist and placed on his head
She shivered "you won't believe and I don't want to violet rules of horoscopes"
"At my cost also" she closed his mouth with her palm
"Let all dirty words reach me instead of Yuvaraj"
She prayed "never Yuvaraj utter such words again nothing is more than yours"
"Then say" he demanded
"Your........ wife......." she closed her eyes
"Which one?" This time is commanding
She nodded no begging with eyes he held her arms in anger "make your daughters get married next month Yuvaraj that will make everything settle that much I can say and please Yuvaraj kill me after my delivery" she cried like a child in his arms.

"Nandini.... don't you want to be my strength when that distraction occurs?"
She looked at him with fear as she felt tears of him
"Yuvaraj" she wiped his tears
"You don't know Nandini I already know this......"
She gasped "you know this????"
"Yes, when I got married to Hema pandit said this, she will try to kill my sons, that is why you are staying here instead of mahal. She is the one who will be reason of my father death. Having no choice all my mothers perform so many pujas and hawans. So many time I feel like sending her away but I can't she is mother of my two daughters." She hugged him

"Yuvaraj!!!! Can you???" She stopped
"Say it"
"Can you maintain a puja for six months?"
"What is it?"
"Can you daily bring a saint home and feed him with your hands then you eat, if you can't any day ask your any wife to do so it will make your horoscope satisfied a little bit distraction may postpone or even cancelled"
"Can we do here?"
"But..... my identity should not be revealed"
"Yes, but no wife will do for me"
"Ok we can do one thing, bring saint here I will be as bhramin feed them so they won't deny to eat"
"Ok is it ok for puja?"
"Then we will" she smiled
"Come let's go in we will eat and I want you for whole night" she blushed

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