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Manik is planning for Nandini entry to mahal. He doesn't want to give Nandini a separate room. He want too keep her with him so that no one can even think of touching her.

Manik plan for her was even different for his own happiness. If she stays with him all time he can make out anytime any where in his place.

Generally Manik is a non adjusting person when it comes to his personal things. He never sleeps in any room in mahal and he never allows any one to sleep in his room it's  his first time he is planning to keep some one in his room. He ordered for some things which can be useful for Nandini like wood cupboard, small stools so that she can sit with easy or keep her feet when she wants to relax and he even appointed some ladies to help Nandini

Manik didn't disclose the matter about Nandini to anyone he just made all arrangements in such a way that he is doing for himself for his own comfort zone Manik is excited as all as Worried about her.

Till now Nandini is safe but once she reached mahal she will be directly attacked by her lot of enemies like Hema and who knows and unknown rivals too. He is even worried about his freedom with her. In mahal he can't take her any time everywhere before he never cared about circumstances when he is with her but now in mahal he had many restrictions

After all preliminary arrangements Manik meet his mothers "Manik are sure she is the one you want?"
"Yes MA" Manik said with confident
"ok then when are you going to bring her here?"
"I am now leaving to bring her back"
"Manik you should have informed us we would have arranged everything" all three screamed in union
"that is why I didn't inform you in prior, till she arrive here don't spill it let you guys be as surprised so that everyone here couldn't blame you people"
"ok k!!!!!! Bring her safe and take good care of twins"
"ok I will bring her safe"
"when will you return?"
"In two days"
"take care " all blesses him

Manik started his journey it's just half day route. He already planned everything about Nandini journey. When he reached wood house. Nandini is backside of house near river sitting under tree stitching some thing

Manik walked to her at besides her and kissed her cheek she blushed "I known it's again a dream before I deliver I might surely become mad babies please take care of me your father might be angry on me that's is why he is just in our dreams" Nandini rubbers her belly slightly

Manik smiled at her words and got up dusted his dressed and lifted Nandini into her arms like a bride she screamed and when she looked at Manik got confused  touched his cheeks and placed her palm on her mouth in shock "hukum!!!!!you are real?"
Manik smiled brought her to bedroom and closed the door placed her on bed carefully and started to remove her dress fast she gaped by his emergency of removing his dress
"don't look at me like that it's you who haunted me all time I can't waste a second any more " he became naked and removed her dress throwing all at room corner she is blushing all time hard

He is missing her like madly. He checked her naked body then touched her stomach with atmost love. Then he again lusted her body came to her hovered over her started kissing her neck "whom do you belong to?"
"You"she said immediately he smirked "that's my girl" he just entered her without warning but didn't move "hukum!!!!" She moaned with frustration
"what do you want?"
"Hukum!" She blushed
He again smirked "say it"
She nodded no
He stiffness his body but didn't move which made Nandini frustrated more "please" she narrowed her eyes
"please what Nandini?"
"Hukum"she said in angry now as her body is out of control and she really want to get pleasure Manik smiled kissed lips with passion
She started to move a little Manik widened his eyes stopped kissing gaped and looked at her with amusement she blushed hard even tried to close her face with palm but Manik didn't let her do so
"so impatient?" He smirked more she is not looking at him he kissed and started to move in slow pace she is enjoying every bit of his  moments and getting pleasure
"you are beautiful Nandini your soft skin glowing face sparkling eyes everything is capitative I love to make love with you for ever" he is thrusting her more
"hukum!!!! Faster please"
He smiled and started thrusting fast when both are almost at the verge of release Manik came out and made her sit on him and ordered "pleasure me now"
She is on the command of him so took his stick inside her pushed it and started moving Manik held her as cheeks and started thrusting more fast both screamed and climax at a time
Manik took Nandini in arms kissed her forehead "did I troubled you?"
She nodded no
He kissed her again "I am taking you to mahal with me"
She suddenly became stiff "hukum me????but........"
Manik understood all her confusion fear and questions "I talked to father and my mother's they agreed and happy to have you and about others don't worry I am with you always so don't worry"
Manik bit her lip got up and started to talk but stopped in thinking then again opened but stopped
"ask" Manik hugged her from back squeezing her boobs softly she blushed tried to stop him but Manik glared "mine" she blushed more
"in mahal you can't do all this" she said showing him his own hands on her
"I know we will have some hard time but I swear I will fuck you every night and day"
She closed her mouth with palm
"hard and fast " he completed
She turned her face in shy Manik dragged her into him and entered again took fast making her gasp she  laughed he thrusted more

When Nandini woke up  after some time it is almost night she got up dressed went to river took bath came back looked for Manik he is in puja room she didn't distrubed him and walked to kitchen cooked his favorites Manik after puja came to her Sat in front of her Watching
"how are you all these days?"
"Fine alone no work to do only knitting"
"did you take good care of yourself?"
She nodded
"missed me?"
"Madly" she said looking straight into his eyes with glassy eyes
He hugged her made her sit in his lap "I too. Come on let's eat you might be hungry and I am hungry in other ways "
Nandini looked at him with shock "again???"In disbelief he smiled "are you tired"
She blushed and then smirked a little and said "very much I think I need rest atleast for a week"
Manik played his cheek with tongue looked at her mischievous smirk and laughed "I will massage your body with mine very slowly" he said in husky tone which made her heart beat skip widened her eyes "monster" she said blushing kissing him softly

Guys I am reading now a days Where wolves stories and they are interesting thinking to write one when I finish one of my story I know I am.not writing all my old stories I promise I will try to write them.too

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