Making space for her

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Hema started fighting with her own thoughts, "she is bhramin????? O my God what should I do??? I can't kill her nor keep the son as hukum don't allow it, what to do?"

Manik is sitting with his father he is discussing with him about some problems at borders. Main problems of their long time fighting with climate at borders is worse all time now a days there are even some wild animals invading at borders so Manik wants to build a fence at borders which are costly still he wants to do it for the safety of soldiers.

When Manik completed discussion on problems he raised the topic about Nandini. King kept a silence for a moment then spoke "Manik I dont have any objections nor any issues I am positive about this marriage but I am worried about my heir as pandit said non of your wife can give  birth to a son, how can we get a son of yours?"
"She is pregnant with twins" Manik blurred out
King is surprised shocked and overjoyed he hugged Manik tight with happiness "congratulations my son I am happy I know she can do it all. Ask me any thing on this occasion I will grant you your wish"
"father I want her to be the queen I mean future queen"
King is shocked "Manik you know what you are talking"
"Yes father she is the only one who deserves it none other than her, she is best in many ways she can handle our kingdom when we are out for wars too"
"OK  but don't announce it till needed"
"OK son bring  her home I want to see her and my grand sons soon"
"as  you wish"
"marry her and come so that no one can't object about her and take best care I don't want any risk about kids son I want healthy grandson"
"sure father"
"Manik!!!! Are you sure that you want to mess with Hema?"
"No!!!! I want to get rid of her father she is having so much fun till now she even planned to kill my son now water reached till my nose I can't take more I planned everything"
King nods with pain in his heart he always regret that for allegiance he has to make Manik marry so many marriages and to his bad luck almost turn into disaster
"you don't worry farther I will plan properly you take rest shall I call viyadhy ji?"
"No need Manik I will take rest"
King went to his room Manik came to his room he removed his crown and undressed himself walked to his bath areas and drown in water closed his eyes for relaxation a flash of Nandini face came in his closed eyes her smile giggles and also make outs with her flashed in front of him. All  of  the sudden he felt an argue of having  her in his arms kissing her, seeing her naked make her want  him desperately his bonner have him pain he came out of water dressed up properly and took a wine glass filled it with wine and  took  a sip "this is not going to work I need to bring her  home Nandini you  are making me weak" he  cursed himself and sat down in balcony sinking all the thoughts of them together specially about makeouts.

Next day Manik ordered latha to insult Hema in main hall among all ladies. Latha pleaded Manik to spare her but Manik was deaf  to her pleads. Having no options she wiped tears and walked to main hall

Manik's Badima ordered all ladies to prepare food as Manik is at home today all his favorites were ordered and all his wife's are taking as challenge to please him with their food items

Latha came to kitchen she looked at Hema she is busy in ordering things to Dasi latha wantedly hit Hema shoulder while walking Hema know that it's Manik who is playing,   so she did not react latha after sometime made all the dish which Hema cooked drop on floor and get wasted Hema lost temper she slapped latha. Latha returned slap to Hema cat fight started all got involved kitchen became war zone

When Manik's mothers came to kitchen it is totally smashed all mud vessels are broken vegetables are smashed on floor metal vessels are on floor
"what the hell is this all? Aren't you all ashamed for your behavior???? God how can we even expect these people to become future queen with this type of behavior??? All get out of the kitchen and never touch food till tomorrow this the punishment who disobey will leave the mahal and go away forever" she yelled all kept silent

"Dasi clean the kitchen we will cook today for Manik go away" she ordered all went away from there to their respective rooms with sad face.

Manik smirked "not even single one out of them thought I will be hungry they should cook food instead of fighting or watching the fight, if Nandini would have been here she would have brought me food while they were still fighting. Why do I compare her with this bimboos??" He nodded his head in disbelief and left from their.

Manik is madly missing Nandini he want to go to her and hug her tight, have food she cooks but he want to complete works and mostly be can't bring Nandini to mahal till a week as pandit said next Monday is best time for her to enter the mahal as she is carrying his heirs. Manik as to agree he don't want to take any risk about her specially.

Manik knew that she might be missing him badly and she might be waiting for him badly as he is waiting for her.

King informed his wives about Manik and Nandini. He even informed about her pregnancy they all are super excited but he warned all not spill the beans till Nandini arrive the mahal. They talked about marriage and pregnancy. They raised the topic of get pregnant before marriage but king rejected their objection saying he married her they adjusted. As they want the heir future king for this kingdom and they already heard about Nandini family and her charter from king and being bhramin also added to it

Guys i am sorry for not updating regularly I am not coming out of the old issue that's it give me time I will try to be regular as before
Love you guys

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