Back story

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Nandini got ready went to seaside with thali as she needs to do puja on time, she performed puja and sat there. Her mind is running with so many things.

Her childhood how colourful her life was, whole family used to enjoy this festival, her mother used to cook so many items all the day for evening, and when it's dark they used to dresses up and do make up add so many jewellers, her mother teaches her how to do puja then they used to eat all items  when stomach was full they used walk in lawn talking laughing.

She lost everyone, why she is left back god knows every moment she felt she too have died with her family on that day it would have best, she still remember that day.

They all are in horse cort she was sleeping on her mother lap, when she heard some noises, her mother hid her and peeped out to see what happened she screamed all of sudden her brothers and she ran down she too came down her father is dead already three men with sword stood their, her brothers started fighting but one came from back of them and at a time cut their throats, same time her mother said her to run she didn't but she shouted she did, the two who were fighting with brothers came back of her rest one killed her mother as she heard scream she got tears but she was running all of sudden she lost balance she fell on ground, they both came and stood infront of her they both smirked at her

"She is beautiful chicha, why to kill her let us explore her" one said
"We will bhramin ladies satisfy most" other said
Third one to joined
She try to get up and run but they were fast she begged them to kill her but they laughed at her started to rip her clothes one by one she is screaming and begging all of sudden she heard a sword sound all three men head dropped down on floor she is astonished, looked at the source who did that it's Yuvaraj. She again shivered in fear may be he same as them, but ..... yuvaraj took out his head wrapped cloth and gave her, she is still in shock. He wrapped cloth around her body. Shakes her slowly. She fell down she was unconscious

When she woke up she was at river bank fire lit covered with some piece of cloth, Manik was sitting little away. She tried to cover herself properly but couldn't as cloth is small listening to the sound Manik removed his shirt and gave it her, "wear it" he turned around she did.

"Who are you?"
She cried, remembering her family she said everything he didn't ask names she didn't say. He took her to the place, made all the bodies placed in a row and performed last ritual giving them fire then he took bath she too took drowns in water as ritual.

"Where will you go?"
"Can you please leave me at any temple I will serve god all my life"
"I can give you shelter and work"
"No Yuvaraj I want peace"
"Ok!!!!" They travelled for one full day, he brought a dress when they were near a village she dressed up properly, he gave her five more dresses, some money and a ring as token of royal "when ever you want help you come to mahal show this they will send you to me feel free to take any help from me" he said and left her in a temple.

When she came away from her agony and pain she remembered Manik seeing her full naked. She decided to sacrifice her whole life to him  without his notice. She started worshipping him. Unknowingly he did two works one seeing her naked, second giving fire to her family. Both made him her husband. Her mother used to say only three people can see a girl full naked one mother two the dasi who help in giving her bath and cleaning her body hair, three her husband. In that case he became her husband, her father taught her as ethics, that when any family doesn't have any heir daughters husband can give fire to her family, so in that case too he became her husband.

After that day, all the rituals and pujas which a married women perform she too did all, for two years. All of sudden when pandit asked her to give birth to Yuvaraj son she is beyond astonished, "What is my fate?" She thought. He is becoming everything to her except wife which she desperately want. But she can't.

She checked Yuvaraj kundali, she came to know many things, she even learned how much her life effects his life. So she kept that condition. She came here. She saw hate in Yuvaraj face. Her hope that he might be remembering her went into vain. She took that too as her fate.

But now, she knows Yuvaraj is interested in her, he cares for he thinks about her but still can't come to her in this situation still she want him. She self pitted. She cleared her eyes took her thali and turned she clashed with hard thing she irritated at looked up found Manik who is smiling at her
"Yuvaraj!!!!!" She screamed happily
"So, you were lost somewhere" he teased
"Yes in your thoughts, please come let me do puja with you" she took him near water, he held her from back softly she gave arthi, dropped water from tumbler folded hands then slowly turned gave arthi to Manik, kept sindhoor on his forehead touched his foot he lifted her gave water to her she took it made him to drink first then she drank.

Manik took the jewel from his pocket and placed on her neck she smiled. "It's beautiful" he kissed her.
"You are beautiful"
"Aaaa how did you come Yuvaraj???? It's puja today all your wives might have waiting for you"
"They all completed puja, then I came to you I was missing you"
"I too missed you a lot" she hugged him

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