A mistake

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When Manik is sitting in balcony as Nandini is sleeping peaceful he want to cuddle her sleep but he is not sure of his hormones, he already took her twice today he don't want to stress her body, so he sat in bolcony  looking at water and moon light.

It's very peaceful here, not only the nature but Nandini presence is making him more peaceful, it's been just three full moon days she became so close to his heart, her giggles smiles pout her soft fragile skin same time her wild cat nature at bed he is totally into her

Manik when thinking about her, he heard a small sound in bushes he stood up what he saw made him frown, he waited more to confirm, when his doubt confirmed Manik went to Nandini lifted and took her to next room she woke up and about to ask he palmed her mouth made her stand "shhhhhh Wait" He signalled

He went back to her room and kept pillows in shape of Nandini covered it with bedsheet and came back to Nandini stood silent watching the widow. As he expected the lady who is at bushes came to balcony hold the tree branches she slowly walked to bed and with all force pierced knife as its only pillow she astonished and was about to turn Manik stood infront of her

The lady is beyond shock she started to Panick, Manik smirked he sat on the bed the lady kneel down head bent down
"So Latha sent you to kill the lady here?"
She is silent
"Good you want to kill her so..... what punishment should I give you?"
"Kill me yuvaraj"
"I will....... do you think you won't get that?????"
She is scared to hell now
"Before that tell me total truth"
"Yuvaraj!!!!!! Your badi wife provoked yuvarani latha, saying you will give her son as she is childless now, and the child caries lower class blood for whom yuvarani must be mother hating this fact she sent me back of you I came and waited till you sleep but my bad luck I am here"
Manik smirked "so I have all my wives cunning"
She didn't speak
"Do one thing go and kill Latha"
Nandini who was still standing at window too got tensed
"Kill Latha if not I will take you mahal we will go to Raja ji trails of truth occurs she will be found guilty I will give her death sentence all will hate her if you kill all will pity her dignity will be maintained she will be a honourable wife for life time though I knew the truth So choice yours"
"Yuvaraj I beg you she is just impatient because you are not touching her since marriage I will make her learn to be good I beg you Yuvaraj please for this once leave her"
"Ok you want trails good I will call guards"
"No no no I beg you Yuvaraj"
Manik smirked
"After killing her don't you dare killing yourself I will kill you" Manik tone is stern and cold
The lady is numb scared to hell she is shivering crying
"Leave morning I should hear the news when I get up now go"
The lady is looking at Manik with fear and hope but Manik is much serious
"Can't you kill me now Yuvaraj"
"No do your work come to me beg for death I will provide it now go"
"She is my baby Yuvaraj I was one who brought up her" she took knife and about to kill herself Manik is so fast he held her tight and kept his other hand on her neck pressing hard "how dare you disobey my orders? This is how you brought her up? Doing vulgar stuff? That is why you will kill her with your hands for not making her learn good deeds" His voice is rock solid everyone in the mahal flinched and shivered
He left her and ordered to go she having no choice left.

Nandini came running "Yuvaraj no this wrong you should not kill your wife it's wrong you are doing wrong"
Manik slapped her hard "how dare you appose my decision??? I will not even think for a moment before killing you if do again"
"Sorry Yuvaraj But....." she was about to say something he pressed his lips on her not even giving her chance to react his kiss is very hard furious angry held in it he bit her lips which started bleeding he drank the blood made her sleep on bed removed the cloth which is wrapped around her, he just entered "this for talking nonsense" he started to ride her like animal very harsh and very fast but he took best care of her stomach, when she is out of energy he gave her orgasm and he dropped seeds in him

Both are patting heavily, he kissed her again but softly "Why did you come Nandini I was frustrated angry on myself your words made me loose sorry I hit you and sorry I was animal on you but you made my mind calm" he kissed her
"Yuvaraj it's all because of me?"
"No because of their cunning nature"
"I am scared guilty"
"She won't die Nandini just a part of game that's it"
Nandini looked at him sharply with surprise
"Yes, my security in mahal is not that week that a close dasi can kill my wife, she will be killed by guards that's it"
"Then you will take yuvarani to trails?"
"No!!!! I will bargain with her for life time"
"What does that mean????" She is confused
"Nobody will even think of touching you, I want you for my life time, sleep you need rest I already troubled you"
"You need rest Yuvaraj"
"Ok let's sleep" he cuddled her more and slept.

Next day morning is new morning for so many life's, some may loose some may gain some might gain interest some might loose power but one thing was sure change is going to happen.

Manik for first felt fresh and new in nature he is really happy that Latha made such attempt though he is afraid of Nandini safety he want this to happy somewhere in mind, he even got Hema this time.

He freshen up made Nandini eat well and take medicine, he warned dasi to make Nandini sleep well and take best rest he even warned Nandini not to get up bed till he return back. She is still tensed so she nodded he kissed her forehead asked her smile and went away on his horse

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