Who am i????

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Next day when Manik woke up he felt heavy and stressed out, even sleep couldn't make him relaxed and fresh as daily. He is missing Nandini.

Manik got fresh up went to his practice ground, twelve members attaches Manik at a time he is taking them all in one go he fighting as if he is in war one by one are falling on ground, his hands body is fighting but his mind is experiencing his hands on Nandini body. All time when she fought with him for kiss and how she landed on him how he traced her all curves and pressed her to himself every bit is moving in his mind. He is obsessed

After an hour practice he came to his room had bath went to puja room, all his wives mothers and his father are present even his daughters. Seeing all the family together he felt happy. He greeted all performed puja. When he was in chat with them after puja he got information that next day is ganguar festival. In which his wives keep fast he has be present to night and tomorrow night.

Manik felt more sad. He took breath and just walked away on his works. He called sonar and ordered same variety of necklaces for his wives. One more separate one for Nandini. For his daughters he ordered bangles and mothers he asked Payal. Goldsmith accepted order and went away.

Manik then became busy with the economical work which Nandini solved for him which he gave before going on journey. He discussed the same balance sheet with his economic ministers, then with his father all approved.

Nandini suggested to have tax on wine so that lower class people stop drinking it in fear of coast where as middle class people will shut it down to occasions only when it comes to higher class they don't mind to pay tax as it's not burden to them. That tax amount can be paid to all old age people for their monthly expenses.

Raja Mann sigh appreciated Manik for this he praised him for this idea, and even gifted him a beautiful horse. Manik felt very happy as Nandini was the reason for his fathers happiness. She made him proud. He now want to go to her and hug her tight but....... he curved his lips to control the urge

Evening goldsmith brought the all items to Manik. He took them paid him good amount. Out of all he picked only one and checked it

He imagined how it looks  when it touches her high breast? How it dances up and down when she take breath slow and studily

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He imagined how it looks  when it touches her high breast? How it dances up and down when she take breath slow and studily . He even imagined how it will be when she is all naked jumping on his dick fast and furious. He felt arousal, he stretched his body moaned a little under his breath kept it in his pocket and asked dasi to keep in his room, she went away.

At bhramamurath Manik went to dinning hall as all ladies will have food so that all day they stay fasting. Manik made his presence so that his mothers will be happy. He fed his daughters with his hand while they are saying random things in half sleepy. When they had food Manik took them to their room made them sleep and thought about their marriage for a while.

Next day whole Mahal is decorated with flowers and mango leaves. All ladies dasi servant all are fully dressed up with new clothes and jewellery, his daughter too got dressed up and running here and there. Manik did bath and completed his puja went to arms area as he want to order some new weapons, he is checking all old one.

When it was afternoon dasi came asked him to come for lunch, he refused and doing his work very interesting. Till evening he checked his all weapons personally and asked his assistant to write the items which are required to be replaced. He said the weight height sharpness and also it's length in detail. Manik is very tall man he needs all weapons little more length than usual.

Evening he got ready for festival. All high profile ladies of kingdom are gathered here a panditayan came and doing all puja. Seeing her Manik mind again went on Nandini. "She will also keep fast as all girls do, but will she keep for me this year???? Will she wait for me? If so how can I go? If she won't then?" His fist tighten turned to white. "No no she keeps for me, if not? Why should it bother me? I am not her husband, then who are you? No Yuvaraj she calls you her swamy, she treats you as her man, she doesn't even dress up properly when you are out, she cares for you lot. She will fast for you too" he got smile

When Manik was in deep thinking process, puja finished all his wives stood near pond and performing puja with thali in their hand. Manik stood up and made himself look in water so that they can all see at once. But he want to see only Nandini in water. He hissed a little. He felt pain in heart

Here at seaside mahal

Mahal is decorated with flowers and leaves. Nandini herself decorated whole place with diyas, she herself dressed up with orange colour dress, added all jewellery she had she neatly draped her hair in new style and placed so many flowers and gold plates here and their on her plate. She wore many bangles along with the one Manik brought. She kept Kajal, bindi, but eyes are filled with sadness.

Manik didnot visit her since three days, there is no news about him, daily she is waiting for him cooking for him but he is no where seen, since from three days she is not eating properly as she waiting for him eagerly. Today it's festival she is in fast, she knows that he can't come his family needs him his wives need him it's his responsibility but.... am I not his responsibility? Am I nothing for him?i don't need him? Can't I be his part? My love my care my agony is nothing? How can I be so neglected who am I to him???? Nothing nothing just a dasi who is required to give him a son, she got tears

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