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Manik came to mahal, as expected news of Latha's personal dasi came to him first when he reached the entrance, he smirked as heard it,

He walked in met Raja ji
"Manik what is going on???? How can she try to kill your wife???? Is this the way we are maintain our mahal??? How can we safeguard our boundaries?"
Manik smiled
Raj Mann sigh became furious for a second then got something in mind he looked Manik keenly
"Hukum!!!!! You should take rest I will settle the matter and inform you, and......... this is best one" Manik said giving him some hint
Raja understood his inner meaning but felt bad for Manik

Mann sigh knows Manik wives are cunning, he never had good relations he also know that all these are because of him forcing Manik to marry all of them but..... sitting on throne is not that easy it always ask for sacrifices and blood thrust he took deep breath walked with worried face in

Manik ordered soldiers to cremation, he called all personal dasis and warned them to be careful and even warned them to be loyal towards kingdom rather than persons in singular

He walked to latha room, she is divastered state, crying, sobbing and even lost in her own agony, Manik sent all the people out locked the door sat on the couch with full attitude Latha didn't even recognise his presence

Manik smiled wickedly, "so...." he said
She chocked and jumped a little in her place in fear
When she saw Manik her eyes went wide with fear she shivered hugged knees tight and sat like a ball
"You want to kill my son?" He asked playing with his knife
She is seeing him from corner of her eyes with fear
He is not at all need to see her
"Ok I will say what plans I have done for, I will walk to king say what happened last night how your Sakhi died, then he will call you give you punishment of abondance from mahal people will treat you like shit as they love me a lot" he stopped as she is holding his legs tight
"Please hukum!!!!!!! Forgive me I beg you" She is crying badly
He jerked her she sat down and crying
"You tried to kill my son? This enough for Raja ji to punish you severely"
"No hukum No I was out of mind please I won't repeat I beg"
"I won't give anyone other chance"
"No hukum please I will do whatever you want I beg you I will do"
Manik smirked "for that you should stay here na?????? But you are not"
"No hukum please hukum I cant live like that please hukum I beg you hukum please"
"Acha!!!!!! What will you do?"
"Whatever you say" a hope took place in her eyes
Manik came near her face said in very low voice "kill Hema"
She gasped horror took place in her face she is for sure going to die now because if she even think of it the guards will kill her mercilessly, as she is future queen she looked at Manik in terror
"Hukum!!!!!! Kill me"
Manik laughed

"You think you can kill her that easy???? Now listen no one I saw no one can even touch her hair got it????? Now!!!!! Your punishment, I will never touch you and you will never come infront me.
You will be dasi for my next wife for lifetime, you will be loyal and always I refer always be obedient to her,

You will never respect Hema in public she should be humiliated in front of everyone daily at back of me not when I am

You will never say a word to anyone nor will have any comforts from now no self dasis you will do your works by own.
Every time you come across me eyes and head down, I shouldn't listen your voice anywhere in mahal you will live like dead corpse from now
How dare you try to kill her??? How dare???? I just want you get rotten but she requested to be generous to you that's why as yuvarani your place will be safe for people outside but for us all above rules will be followed."
"I accept Yuvaraj" she bowed down
"Last one don't you dare to wear your footwear in life time"
He walked from Latha for last time. She cried her lungs out.

Manik went to his father, said everything and even said about the punishment he gave to Latha, he even requested him to bare the cat fight going to happen between Latha and Hema. Having no other way he agreed. He even pitying Manik

Manik informed him that he is taking Nandini to safe place where no one knows about her presence.he agreed and even worried about the safety of her.
"Is she pregnant?"
Manik pressed his lips as he don't want to lie and same time he don't want to reveal as chances of abortion will be more till she complete three months, now it's only two months he don't want them to get excited about news and when anything happens he don't want them to be worried

"Wait for a month father"
"Are you??????? I mean...."
"I want to make her rani"
Mann sigh astonished about the statement, he is stunned.
"She is bhramin daughter of shaker murthy!!! She is virgin, she is all what I needed as my women, she is best actually the fact that I......  before marriage is the only fact to reject but as you all know having son with wife is not possible so after celebrating ....... I want to marry her and make rani bring here keep her safe here"
Mann sigh listened "take time!!! Let me think"
"Hukum!!!! Can I request you one thing?"
"Don't discuss with mothers until you take decisions I don't want them to be worried or over excited and also I don't want anyone to know about me wanting her"
"Ok Manik I owe one for you and I will do this for you"
"Thank you father"
Manik got broad smile

He came back to Nandini

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