My possession

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Nandini is about six months pregnant, her baby bump is visible now. She is finding difficulties in doing some works like picking things from floor and sitting for long time.

Manik is constantly insisting her to take rest, but she is doing some or the other things. Like making arrows, collecting pebbles, packing some powders or making medicines. She is even cooking.

Manik knowing her stubbornness, left her for her own, but he too making sure she is safe, he always makes her sit comfortably, he makes her eat well, daily night he is making relax while he is giving her proper massage. He is even make her drink coconut water daily so that so many minerals present it will help her to gain energy.

Today is different Nandini' is in tension. As Manik went along with family members of those who were sent to other village, to meet Samanth as he ordered them to meet. She is scared that Samanth might not do any silly things to harm him. As per plan he can't reveal his identity now so he will do as Samanth orders.

Here Manik came along with all men, he is in common man dressing, Samanth c is sitting in his chair, all the men along with Manik stood in front of him without their turbans and Chappel, they folded their arms and head lowered.

Samanth smirked seeing them, and said in very cold tone, "so you are all here, now say me where are your family members who were been in my remand? And I just want the name of them who made them release? Who is main culprit as I heard it's only one person who is it? If you give me his name I will leave you if not you all will suffer for only one person, so common day who it is?"

"Hukum!!!! We don't know who it is!" An elderly man spike on behalf of all
"Ok then bare your punishment" Samanth singled his soldiers
Soldiers started beating everyone with hunter, Manik blood boiled when he got one, his skin burned and his heart roared for all of them. He felt his failure more.

One among the group started covering Manik but , Manik made that man stand in front him and got more beatings.

"Tell me who it is?" Samanth this time roared in anger
"Hukum we don't know we are saying truth" again the elder one said with crying and pleading tone
"Ok then bring all of them back to me"
"Hukum they did not come to our houses where they are we don't know"
"You do listen to me??? Guards beat each hundred times with hunter" Samanth ordered and went away
Soldiers gave each one hundred beatings and left them. Manik too got hundred, everyone around him looked at him with sad faces "Yuvaraj!!! Why did you come with us? See your skin is red now" the same elder man said while making him comfort by blowing air
Manik felt guilty. He folded his palms, and asked for forgiveness "I failed as Yuvaraj, that is why you are suffering I am sorry"
"Yuvaraj don't say that you came for us with your wife to help us that is best thing ever happened and you are suffering for us, your gharwali is doing chores for us being pregnant is most appreciated thing we are greatfull for that"
Manik too is proud of Nandini. He couldn't ask more from her. She is best thing happened

When Manik reaches home he found Nandini pacing here and there waiting for him, seeing him she almost came running to reach him. Manik scolded her "Nandini!!! Look at yourself, walk slowly, take best care of yourself"
"You are fine??? He didn't do anything na Hukum???? She asked him immediately neglecting his scoldings
"Nothing happened I am fine see" Manik made her stand proper
Nandini felt relaxed
"You take bath I will serve lunch"
"Ok" Manik walked to wash area. Nandini went to kitchen, made everything ready and served in plate and made ready. Manik came. Nandini sat besides him and started giving him fan while he is having food.
Manik is silent, Nandini understood that he is in bad mood she just kept silent. Manik had a little food and said he is full Nandini felt sad. She didn't bug him. Manik sat besides her and made her eat well she know that she shouldn't deny him now so she had full. When Nandini is taking things back to kitchen she found the marks of hunter on his bare back she instantly got tears, she came running to him and touched them softly he hissed she shivered in pain. She hugged him from back and cried
"Shhhhhhh Nandu!!!!! I am ok don't cry please" he begged
"Hukum!!! How did you bare them?" She is crying
Manik took her hand made her come front made her sit in his lap and hugged her securely and kissed her saying "these marks are not hurting me Nandu!!!! My failure is hurting most what should I do to make this failure to win????"
"What you are doing is enough to win Hukum"
"Still I need to do this fast so that no one can get harm more"
"Yes we need to do things fast, I called a meeting of all soldiers who are working for Samanth I want them to make the soldiers to understand that they cannot do anything that hurt people I want to make them sense able."
"Will they listen?"
Nandini smiled "today why don't you sleep in other room Hukum"
Manik instantly got angry "why should I????" He said hugging her more possessively. Nandini laughed "same can happen with every one that is what I want to teach them" Nandini smirked
Manik opened his mouth and felt awestruck "really???? You want to play this card on them"
"Yes, think Hukum!!! You men want food and bed compulsory if we resist it you will try to at least think about it what do you say?"
"It is true but that doesn't mean you will try on me anytime I will just drag you to bedroom and keep you naked all time and make you scream my name all day" He wishpered deadly
Nandini giggled
"You are just my possession, priceless possession I am owner if you" she skipped her heart beat and smiled smiled back he kissed her senseless

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