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Manik said to Nandini about pandits warning she too agreed, but she want to spend time with Manik as she worried, according to her own prediction she may deliver in a month and she is little scared of delivery.

Marriage rituals started. All the relatives are invited, horses and elephants are sent to Rajkot, cows are been donated, all goldsmiths, weavers of silk cake to mahal and are working day and night to make clothes jewelleries.

All the room and halls of mahal are been cleaned and decorated, all the rooms of mahal are opened for relatives and specially Vasantha mandapam is been decorated for marriage rituals. All Rajkot people accommodation is been done new building which was been built specially for such occasions only.

All wives of Manik got gifts from king and queens. All relatives of his wives are been invited specially, Samanths are sent invitations, boarders security is doubled so that all the rituals should go smoothly.

Manik is all time busy in marriage works, Hema and Manik are doing all arrangements. He is sleeping in puja room as pandit said. In short Manik is staying away from Nandini. Daily he comes to room to take bath he enquires about her health and food then he goes hurrying as some or the other works are most important to fulfilled

Hema is super happy that Manik is staying with her all time in all rituals she is even happy that Manik is not visiting Nandini. He is staying away from her, which made her smirk too.

Manik is missing Nandini but he is unable to meet her and sit with her for half an hour and talk. She too missing him like hell. All the rooms of mahal are filled with relatives except Nandini's. As no one are there to attend from her side. His chachu family will attend the marriage as Samanth. Only her room is silent and empty which made her feel more lonely.

To the surprise one of the king who came to attend the marriage with family asked king about Manik's second daughter hand for his son who is just some months elder to her, Manik hesitated as already a marriage is going on and other one, made him worry but king accepted. The other king requested to make both marriage at a time for which all surprised more but having no option as king requested saying no may cause problems Manik accepted.

Manik is happy as all fathers, his one daughter is marrying elder son of Rajkot as first wife, and second one is marrying only son of Ratnagiri. Both in future can become queens if they are not like their mother.

As both marriages are been arranged Manik became more busy. Knowing the news about marriages all mahal became happy, Hema is running crazy. She is taking care of everything. Manik is missing Nandini more.

Nandini is left alone. She is not feeling well. Since from two days she is having back pain but she is praying god, to postpone her delivery till marriage rituals completed.

Marriage date came, both girls are been made brides, they are looking beautiful, Manik felt sad he don't want to send his daughters away from him but he can't go away from rituals. All rituals done in very appropriate manner. Both marriages done at a time.

Being girls father, Manik did every ritual as said, Hema parents gifted both girls with so many things. At last the girls are sent to their in laws houses. Whole mahal ladies cried, Manik felt heavy hearted. King too cried as he mostly attached with girls.

At evening after bidai, all relatives had a big party. All men are having at new building where as ladies are having at their mahal.

Songs dances games are been arranged by king. Everything was going on smoothly. Manik is missing Nandini like hell. He sneaked from party and came to Nandini as rituals completed he is now free. When he was about to enter the room he over heard "no rani sa!!!! My earth is not allowing me to keep quiet, I made sin by saying lie to Yuvaraj, how I am sleepless god knows"
"Rajpurohit ji!!! What happened happened now saying the truth will hurt Hukum more which I don't want he is very happy that his both daughters got married staying me away from rituals didn't made any harm so why to say it?" Nandini said

Manik hand fisted. His angry rose to peeks, as he missed Nandini a lot and he worried for her daily night he slept on floor in puja room so that he can punish himself as he kept Nandini away from rituals now when he came to know that all that is just false and stupidity he got more angry

Manik came in like a storm, Nandini gasped in horror, Purohit is pain and shame he closed both hands and bowed his head in front of Manik and said "Yuvaraj!!! Punish me as you want I accept my sin"
Manik looked at him in anger but then stiffened his muscles composed himself and spoke each word stressing "who said to do so?"
Nandini came to Manik took his arm in her hands and started to beg"Hukum!!! Let him go everything is happy now please don't create any Tamasha all relatives and friends are in mahal please Hukum I beg you please leave the matter"
Manik didn't look at Nandini nor spoke to her he is just glaring at Purohit.

Purohit is shaken by Manik's glare he shivered a little and said "Yuvaraj!!!! Badi rani sa called me a day before and ordered me say you to maintain bhramacharya and she even said that choti rani sa should stay away from all rituals I begged her but she didn't listen she threatened me of killing my only son I was weak Hukum" Purohit cried
"Badi masa said this?" Manik asked in disbelief
"No no Hema rani sa"
"Purohit ji you may go home, what you have did is not sin, it's ok I will look in to matter, but next time if anything such happens in future you will walk to me straight away and say about it" Manik warned Purohit with light heart thanked both Manik and Nandini and accepted his warning and went away.

Manik made Nandini sit on bed asked about her health, made her eat dinner then made her sleep on bed. Nandini is worried she is scared of this Manik who is silent
"Hukum please stay with me till morning"
"I will be with you all the time as promised don't worry sleep"
Nandini looked at him she smiled he too smiled at she closed eyes thinking that Manik dropped the issue here itself.

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