Hungry both ways

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Manik came back to mahal, he doesn't want to leave Nandini and his best comforts she is giving to him. Yes Manik life is not that easy from childhood being only son he got everything extreme. Mostly responsiblities.

Manik have three mothers, one gave birth and gave him to other and the third one gave him breast feeding in such he have all mothers responsibility and their love too. MA shaheb (Leela)is elder one she gave him birth. MA is second one who gave birth to a dead son, she was so weak and about to lose her life so ma saheb gave Manik to her. She recovered soon, but she couldn't give milk to Manik so choti ma (Radha) Who already have two months baby gave milk to him as ma shaheb was weak. This way Manik has all three mothers to love and care. He loves all three. He is their weakness and they are his

When Manik was 8years old Hema became his wife both used to fight a lot that continued till he was 11 then he was sent to ashram to learn all things which are needed to make him king. He returned in four years, all grown learned and enthusiastic young man. When he returned his father sent him on war for first time he won it got two girls of that defeated king as wives, then a border kingdom king offered his daughter Sudha to him his father accepted so he again got married. Some or other the way he got married many times and all their responsibilities came on him.

Among all his wives no one has real attachment to Manik. As he never spends time with them, he just goes to them when he really needs, that to he won't even sleep after he fuck them he returns to his room to sleep he tried in starting they used to either nag or demand some or the other thing or they used to make him feel that they have done so much favours by submitting themselves to him.

Manik is vexed with all of them. He started hating all of them slowly. But he loves his daughters. Manik even take care of many things to lessen the burden of his father. He does all the works of kingdom king only takes major decisions which Manik asks his approval, Everyone in rajmahal knows that Manik word is ultimate word but they also knows that he respects his father and mothers to core.

Today he went to meet his mothers. They will be in masahab room, every morning till lunch all three will discuss all things need if not they will make up each other, gossips on many things but spends time together, at lunch all three goes to Raja ji room and all three serves him then eats together. To take a nap they goes to their rooms, at evening they all pray together and play with kids then goes to respect rooms.

So Manik reaches MA shaheb room and asked permission to enter, dasi came running and requested Manik to enter he removed his chappal and entered greeted all touched their feet and took blessings
"Manik!!!! When did you return? And why do you travel can't anyone go instead of you?" MA asked in angry as always. She is unsecured when he is away from mahal for one day. Manik has always take time to convince her when he has to go away on work many times he will send Hema to say about his tours.

"MA!!!! It was important see I am fine I went to meet a doctor for medicinal plants which we have to plant in every house of our kingdom"
"Ok Ok you need to take good care of yourself"
"Ok MA, how are you all?"
"We are fine beta, how was your trip?" Choti ma asked
"Good very useful"
"Parihaar" MA Shaheb said in stern voice all dasis went away
She turned to Manik "now say!!!! How is Nandini?"
Manik blushed "she is beautiful"
"You are blushing??? Did you like her?" MA asked
He blushed more
"For first time we saw happiness in your face bhramin lady is bhramin lady they know everything, they even know how to please men, see 12 wives couldn't do that which she alone did, I am happy now we can have a grand son soon" MA Sahab said
Manik smiled "she is wise enough, she is good"
"Is she co operating or shall we talk to her?"
"MA!!!! She is..." he blushed more
"You Stop it, Manik make sure she is comfortable and safe her identity or her being with you should never be  known"
"Ok Masahab!!!"
"Manik give this to her, no no tie this on her left arm it will keep her away from bad eyes" choti ma gave
"Ok choti ma"
"Eat some thing Manik you always neglects food"his MA said
"I had food MA she is daily cooking for me"
"Really!!! She is taking care of you?" MA sahab asked with surprise
"Yes, she does all my works two times she is cooking for me, serving"
"Good I hope she gives you son"
"It's god grace we hope so"
Manik said so and took permission to leave.

Whole day he was busy with so many works, night he has to meet all gupthchar, it's most important so he had meals and went to meet them in very secret place. He met all and asked them to observe his all enemies, he warned them to be most alert.

As Nandini said that his father will be killed soon he is more scared Manik want to keep him safe and sound so he even passed an order not to  allow any new comer into mahal in any situation.

Manik when completed all his works and returned mahal very late, he felt tired. It's not first he is this busy are doing these many works but still he felt tired. He washed his body took only lower kept his chest bare, came to balcony looked at sky
"She might be waiting for me, I am too hungry two ways..... she became drug. What ever work I do I am thinking about her what to do????" He ruffles his hair and went to bed slept. Empty stomach all his junior up as it was his time to spend with Nandini

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