Care and lust

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Manik is managing Nandini very well, as she is having heavy vomitings, she is unable to eat anything whatever she eats she is throwing out, she became weak, all time sleeping Manik is always sitting besides her and making her comfortable, by rubbing her back, talking something which makes her smile making her drink lots of water juices and milk

Manik is visiting mahal veryless, maximum time he is spending with Nandini as she has none to look after her and he doesn't want dasis to look after Nandini. But as Yuvaraj some time he is staying away from her. As he didn't reveal the news of Nandini pregnancy to anyone he couldn't even keep some caretakers for her.

Manik came to mahal last night he want to go back to Nandini but he couldn't as their was a important meeting all the enemies are making a group and trying to invade the kingdom as news is big the meeting was important it lasted till early morning, so he couldn't return now he is planning to go but he had some left over works which he want to complete and go so that without any disturbance he can spend time with Nandini

Before taking bath he goes to practice when he is in mahal because night he doesn't do any exercise at mahal only with Nandini he does that to full time one, so he don't need to practice and then barber came to shave him and cut his hair in good way, clean his underarms too. Manik did everything except beard

It's a ritual that if wife is pregnant husband keeps beard till her delivery so, he didn't go for shaving, when barber completed his work, Manik went to bath then walked to mandir did puja and offered krishna 6flowers daily he offers 4 but from today on he want to offer 6as he knew Nandini will give birth to twins.

Manik ordered sunar to make some diamond and khundan sets he also ordered some pearls chain for him. Manik ordered a big size waist chain for future so that Nandini can wear it when she is ninth month pregnant. Manik ordered cook to make some healthy halwa and pack it give to him by evening.

When he completed his political works he took all the things and went to seaside mahal. When he came he didn't find Nandini in bed he asked dasi "where is Nandini?"
"Yuvaraj she is in kitchen"
Manik got angry and walked to kitchen but seeing Nandini there his heart swell with lust, she is sitting with two legs folded back and placed in right side, body is twisted left side cutting some tomato's the curve of her waist is making him go crazy, "how can she be always so sexy and attractive? Everything in her is crazy" he thought and walked to her without noise signalled dasis to leave and took some atta and with his finger tips rubbed on her curved waist she shivered and looked at him she jumped "Yuvaraj you scared me"
"Really?" He pressed her curve she moaned
"Yuvaraj" she placed her hand on his cheeks rubbed it all the tomato juice was on his cheek
He took the chopped tomato's in both hands squeezed them with hands the juice dropped directly on her cleavage and traveled down she throat atta on him he took milk pot and poured it on her she is fully drenched she hugged him and dropped turmeric powder on him he took atta and dropped it on her it stocked on her body he felt more sexy he pulled lifted her and placed her legs around his waist opened his dhothi a little and took his dick placed in her pussy she hissed for his sudden reaction as it's unwarned act he smirked placed his lips on her and turned her making her back is placed on wall and started making her jump on him she is moaning he is groaning with much more energy and his well toned body he was handling her like easy, he bit her standing nipple from her blouse she hissed with pain and pleasure she held his hair and pressed him more on her boobs he started licking all the milk tomato juice which is struck on her boobs luckily no atta on them her dupatta was there so atta didn't reach boobs.

When she had two orgasms he had his climax and hugged her tight she patting heavily he rubbed her back "Are you Ok?"
She nodded
He took her to bathroom places her in water and he started rubbing her body softly she too helped him. All most after an hour of efforts they are clean now when she was about to go and wear dress Manik took her kept on his lap and took her earlobe "I need more now"
She turned towards him to say something he took her lips took her in between his legs and placed his dick inside her placing her legs on his thighs and hugging her tight he started thrusting her she is hissing bitting his ear pushing her nails into his skin in pleasure when it was almost an hour both climaxed and exhausted

Manik wrapped cloth around her lifted her in arms like a small baby keeping on his chest and made her sleep on bed carefully "Sorry Nandini I should have taken care of you" he covered duvet on her and ordered food she ate some tomato curry and rice as she felt they are little sour taste which she liked he even made her eat some halwa which he brought from mahal which has lots of ghee dry fruits and mava she ate little drank some juice

Manik made her sleep and he sat besides her stroking her hair smoothly she slept. He kissed her forehead touched her soft lips and peck d she smiled
He felt happy touched her stomach felt proud.

"I am father to four daughters still I feel it's first time I am becoming father, it's not my daughters problem it's all because their mothers, the elder two daughter were out of big betrayal done by Hema so he didn't visit her often nor felt her tummy at least once all time he was angry on Hema for two deliveries she took all this as game of thrown to her fate she got only daughters so she tried third time but she had miscarriage and even her betrayal was caught,

When my third daughter was expecting it was anger towards Hema which I want to show by going to Sudha she got pregnant but after that I felt disgusting so I didn't visited her too, about padma I went with all my will and tried to love and care her but her nagging and demands made me feel much more irritating so never I got chance to take care of any of my daughter from start.

Every time my wife is pregnant I travelled travelled travelled till I get news of daughter only see my lovely daughters face I used to return. But this time I want to experience all, I really want a daughter like Nandini beautiful brave cleaver and intelligent one. She became most beautiful and irresistible , I really want her more"

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