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Manik next day when woke up Nandini is already in mandir. Manik took bath went to puja hall performed puja. He shifted all his things to the room where he is sleeping Nandini brought food for him he sat "you are spooling me who will give me food when I am out?"
"You are Yuvaraj you can order people what you want"
"Ya!!!!! And they will cook something tasteless "
"It's not fair we should respect food"
"I do, Ok listen I am going to meet doctor you suggested so I will come after a week"
"Ok that's great he is best you will get good help"
"You didn't listen I will be back after a week"
"Oo" she just pouted
He pecked her lips she took back palmed her mouth
"Why you reject me all time?"
"No I am not just we should be alert and maintain timings and place"
"Before I start my journey I want to explore you fully so that I can go much relaxed and you are not going to object it's my order"
"Yuvaraj!!!!! Why are you so stubborn?"
"Why are you so difficult always?"
Manik lifted her and asked her to close the door she did. Manik made love with her, she too co operate happily.

"Can you do some work till I come back"
"Sure Yuvaraj"
"Ok then these are papers of all old people in our kingdom I want to give them every full moon day an amount to fulfill their general needs like food medicines and clothes. I want you to calculate the amount each person should get and how much I can effort every month for our treasury and how to earn that money every fullmoon without giving burden to any people"
"Ok Yuvaraj till you come back I will make everything ready"
"You are Shanker murthy daughter I don't expect any single missed piece I want perfect economical planning"
"You can be relaxed"
"I hope so Ok take good care of yourself I will reach next week will you miss me?"
"Yuvaraj I think you should move it's best time for journey"
He smiled faintly "bye I will return soon"
"May god make your work complete easily"
Manik started his journey.

Manik did not go to mahal he just informed about his journey by a solider, he continued his journey with two members. They all time travelled for hours when their horses needed water they stopped journey near by a river and made their horses relax drink water Manik brought some grass from near by area and made his horse eat it he washed his body came under tree and opened the parcel which Nandini gave, she made some chapattis and a curry which can last for whole day for three people Manik called his soldiers gave them chapatis and curry he too ate them. He opened other parcel it is of dry poha which is easily sorted for a week and weightless which is equal to rice in energy he smiled for her thinking process tied the knot of all and placed it on his horse. He relaxed for some time and then started his journey.

When it was night they went to near by village asked for shelter, that family recognised Yuvaraj and heartfully welcomed him and other men with him. They had made arrangements for Manik. They prepared hot hot food, gave him best place of house and cot to sleep a glass full of unwatered milk.

Manik was little awkward but having no choice perks of being Yuvaraj he has to accept everything. When he was having food he remembered Nandini serving him, he felt sad a little but could show to them praised the food taste and had stomach full. After talking about their village and their problems having some discussions Manik went to room to sleep, the owner of house brought milk Manik drank it made good night and slept.

When Manik was in deep sleep he felt the soft touch of Nandini, her soft naked body when touched his rock hard body he felt flattered he twisted and tried to grab her very soft fluffy so sensitive boob in his hand he felt empty he in irritation opened eyes and saw his next side is empty then he recollected where he is, he felt really sad but same time he had smile "panditani you are on my nerves, never ever felt as such before and I am loving it"

Manik reaches the doctor in one and half day, he first introduce himself to the old man then proposed him about his requirements, old man looked at Manik once "I heard about you but now I got a chance to see a legend, I liked your idea I will give you some information about medicinal plants and their existence how to plant them and how to maintain them as such. This is book you can use it."
"Thank you very much you made so many lives safe I am greatful to you vidhy ji"
"How do you know me? I am not that famous I know it"
"Actually Shanker murthy daughter Nandini murthy suggested me about you"
"Narayana murthy grand daughter???? That's great is she good?"
"Convey my blessings and please give this Tulasi to her and ask her plant infront of her house and pray to it daily keep it always green. Never let anyone touch it, it has thousand useful medicinal values"
"Thank you" Manik took it
"Till now all doctors who studied medicine has preserved this plant as their own property not letting everyone to know about it so that they can earn more  but it should be spread like air as it keeps so many diseases away if you can try to plant it infront of each house. It grows roots plant the root you will get new plant"
"Thank you very much I will surely do it"
The doctor made Manik stay for some time he taught him some medicines and even gifted him a rare medicine which will him make much more strong. Manik took it. Manik even granted his book to be made up in copper writings so that it will last forever and name it on his name. He gave vidhy so much money and some piece of land to so that he can grown some medicinal plants" vidhy accepted.

Manik started return journey.

Guys no blushing but it's true for so many years Tulasi plant was kept in dark by some selfish doctors I just used it here no offence just story nothing with history or anything's
Still if I hurt anyone I beg your apology from heart

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