What is mine!!!!

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When Manik and Nandini reached puja room all are joining slowly. Everyone greeted Manik and Nandini greeted all when king with his wives entered all stood straight bowed infront of them they blessed all.

Pandit came made Manik and Nandini do puja and arthi when they finished  pandit read the future of couple he took book and counted starts and some other things and started

"Maharaj!!!!! This time this young lady will bring peace and happiness along with a heir to this palace. She is the one who make Yuvaraj a new ruler Till now he is untamed horse but she will make him huge dignified elephant Yuvaraj will become empire he conquers hearts of people when she helps him to make him rule the hearts. According to Shastra she might be already pregnant by now she might be carrying twins of Yuvaraj. They may be born by Deepawali his birth gives new trend to our country this year along with new rani Yuvaraj performs his two children marriages at a time but........ You have to take good care of yourself the boy has dosh of grand father jealous and greediness will consume you, the first marriage shadow may bite you hukum" he said

"any remedy" all three ranis asked
"I don't know" pandit said
"hukum may I?" Nandini spoke in low voice
All turned towards her Manik said yes
"my grand father said if their is dosh we need to make a huge parihar so that blessings of large amount of people can make this dosh get remedy as people here have water problems why can't we make some wells which causes people extremely happy and get father blessings from them?"
Pandit opened book once again and read something which made his face lighten up "Yes hukum!!!!! She is right digging wells making poor people marriages and supplying pilgrimages food and shelters may make such dosh nivaran"
"ok then from today on we will make all these we three will provide poor people marriages, hukum you make the digging of well and Yuvaraj you take care of pilgrimages shelters and food at times." Badima said
All accepted.
"So her entry is pathetic she is going to consume father" Hema said
Manik fisted knuckles turned white he was about to say something pandit said "no!!! That is because of her he might be servive"
Hema was about to say some more thing "Hema!!!!! A single word more you will be hanging in the middle of the city infront of all people"
"hukum she mortified
Manik was about to go out Nandini held his hand tight he looked at her took deep breath and stood there

Manik's mother took both Manik and Nandini to a main hall and made them sit together more two hundred people are sitting in the hall
"first Yuvaraj will start the ritual then mother in laws then all her other ladies then we all will start" she said
Manik got up, he opened her vail which he hates most as it covers her beautiful smile he opened it smiled she with small nervous smile looked at her Manik took a small pouch took a necklace and placed on her neck. He took some gold coins rotated around her and gave them to Dasi, and took his place
All his mother came looked at her as they are watching for first time all commented as beautiful so fair and attractive, then came his wives they all faces went pale even padma too felt jealous on her beauty then all ladies came looked at her gave so many gifts ritual went toll lunch

When everyone completed the rituals Badima made Nandini kept her vail on  her head "from now on infront of our hukum, other men you will wear full gunghat other than you just keep it up"
She nodded
All walked to lunch
Royal family reached dinning area Manik's father had some work so he already had lunch and went away so his mothers and Manik are sitting for lunch first Nandini came forward started serving food to all four, when Manik looked at food he remembered what happened in the morning so took a sip of lassi "where is mint and coriander leaves in my lassi?" Manik asked
His mother looked at him "didn't Maharaj ji added?"
"call him" shouted his MA who is over possessive about his son
Maharaj came running
"what  have made Maharaj ji?" She asked
He listed out
Manik's  Badima shouted "what the hell Maharaj ji none of them are Manik's choices what chotibahu morning you asked me permission about ordering food for Manik is this the one you ordered?" She is now angry
"Nandini!!!!! You ordered this?" Manik asked in stern voice Nandini looked at him in shock he knows everything still acting stern unbelievable for him
She was about to say on defensive Maharaj ji spoken "padma bahurani ordered meals nayi bahurani came to me to give order but......" He gulped the lump
"what the hell Maharaj ji???? How can you deny my wife order when she came to you personally?" Manik shouted
"padma bhaisa too came she is senior so????" He replied
"padma yesterday I ordered not interfere in my food then why did you do so?"
She became panic Manik looked at her "sleep on floor for five days and no cosmetics and new clothes for ten days allowed for you" he shouted she started crying Nandini felt sad same time she is shocked about their punishments none of them are harsh one or hard one

When lunch completed Manik went on some work. Nandini is their room and started to make the room available for her dresses and things she is hell tired and drained out unknowingly she slept.

When she is sleeping Hema came to meet her. Dasi informed about meeting her Dasi said she slept Hema felt insulted and in rage she came busting in and found Nandini sleeping she made her Dasi wake up Nandini. She woke up
Nandini adjusted her vail and did Pranam
"So this your face and this beauty made hukum marry you? Anyways according to royal rituals first wife should give gifts to the new lady who enters mahal, you know your number na thirteen and many more may come. See these are some gift I know being bhramin mostly you would have begged all the life or your family might be some pandit pampering some rich families you would have never seen this type of clothes and jewelry so enjoy now" Nandini got tears her family is most respected family in society but now because of her they all are been taunted as beggars???? She felt so low
"no di!!!!! My grand father is the guru of our father my father is well known respect personality all kings used to come to him to take his advises even our hukum is among them and our father too is one among them." She replied to enlightened here about gifts and dresses they never fascinated me flowers do, next time when ever you want to gift me give flowers I will be most happy anyway I am great full that you certainly to visit me have some fruits" Nandini offered
She refused her pride is been crushed
"what have you made hukum room you filled all your items why??? How will he survive he never adjusts with anything" she screamed
Nandini flinched in her tone
"hukum ordered me to make my things added in this room"
"no no this is not done look hukum is very possessive about his things and his wants he will never I mean it never adjusted in anything Dasi remove all of them and shift to new room which I alloted"
"I think we need hukum permission" Nandini Said
"don't make it a fuss just move from hukum room he needs his space always"
Nandini bit her lip "di let's talk to hukum and then decide he will be angry" Nandini is trying to make things easy and make her understand because Manik is planning so many things with her to night
"I am ordering to leave hukum room now"
"still I can't as hukum ordered me not leave his room and his order has more value than yours di as he is our husband"
Hema went rage she walked to Nandini and slapped her in angry "now get out of the room" she shouted in top voice
Nandini held her cheek and tears running she never ever had been slapped
When Nandini was about to move Manik entered Nandini turned back wiped her tears Manik looked at Hema and Dasis
"what are you doing?"
Dasi bowed "removing nayi bahurani things from your room to her room"
Manik anger rose to peek " why? And how dare you to touch Her things and who are you make her move away from my room"
"Yuvaraj rani ji ordered"
Manik turned Nandini towards him she is not seeing his eyes he lifted her face looked at her eyes which are glassy then his eyes felled on her cheek which had print of hand
Manik closed his eyes to control himself he turned to Hema "why did you do this"
"she is not going to share your room she is taking away your own freedom"
"Who the hell are you to say that?"
"I am your wife"
"ok ok" Manik is in total rage Nandini got scared she held his hand "hukum I can adjust anywhere you know that then why this argument?"
"Shut up!!!! You are not going anywhere and you can't leave me alone did you get it now you..... Wife????? Yes wife...... I am tomorrow invading on your parents country I will kill your brothers first then your father then with take that country and at that time I will talk to you as husband Dasi!!!!!!! Clean this room now arrange nayi bahurani things properly make room neat decorate with flowers and these gifts you distribut them among Dasis"
"hukum you can't do that to my parents country is not that weak remember" she warned
"so you doubt on me let me show you what happens when you touch what is mine"

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