First time

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Manik and Nandini came to puja room whole family along with daughters and son in laws are present. Manik's sisters and their husbands too are present. They all performed puja. As king and queen Manik and Nandini did the puja for first time.

Manik and Nandini took blessings from mothers and father, then they took blessings from all sisters and jujus, all youngerones and wives of Manik took his blessings they had Prashad and all went to get ready for Manik's first day of assembly as king.

Manik and Nandini came to their room, Manik removed his puja dress and took new silk doothi and blue sharwani and wear it, Nandini helped him with his jewellery and then she placed his short knife then his sword, she combed his hair too.

Manik gave his crown to her and said "daily it's now your duty to place it on my head" Nandini took looked at him and said "being king is not pride its duty to serve people for people to people this is your responsibility not your right" she said with smile and then placed it on his head "I will remember" he said made her sit on his lap and kissed her passionately
"Hukum we need to go to assembly" Nandini reminded Manik left her "you always distract me" he said she pouted he took her lips into his she giggled and left him went in and changed to orange colour lehengas and same colour blouse, she came added jewellery and then made her braid added flowers to it, then added golden beats to braid, Manik came forward and added sindhoor to her forehead she smiled then placed her new mangtikka to it, then she kept sindhoor near eyebrows, she adjusted her pallu to her head Manik took her crown and placed it on her forehead, she smiled widely. Manik looked at her totally and felt as if she is some Pari. He kissed her again.

Manik gave Nandini a small golden knife 🔪 as gift , "never hesitate to use it when it is needed" she agreed. She took it and placed on her right side of waist. So that no one can see it. Both wore chappals and kissed their sons gave them to daima and left for assembly.

When they entered all the court members, ministers, jijus, are present, ladies all are sitting in first floor of the assembly. Except Nandini no lady is present in the down floor of assembly.

Manik addressed to his court members and minister about his dedication and even gave them some hints about their duties and responsibilities. Manik when finished his basic speech he called for today's courtship.

Manik took deep breath and then ordered soldiers to bring Hema and her father for judgement. All of sudden air in the courtroom became thick and hot, it is pindrop silence in room, Nandini felt scared and she got wet in her palms. She shivered a little. As she knew Manik is not going to leave them this time it was father who is suffering because of them.

Manik mindset is different, he so want to kill them as he killed both the sons of shivadatt but he don't want to end them this easy, he want them to suffer till eternity. He want to punish them more dangerously than death.

When soldiers brought Hema and her father both are looking like zoobies, shivadatt both hands cutted, tied with chains from legs and waist. Hema hands are tied she all shattered. Manik felt disgusting, he puffed with anger when he was about to go out of control, Nandini held his hand he looked at her, her fragile face held so emotions which made him come to sane.

Manik cleared his throat so that all present in the hall looked at him. Manik with full authority and deep voice said "the persons present here are responsible for our king my father distraction, he is still under recovery, he left his kingdom and staying in bed, this shivadatt, raised his sword on me in this hall on that day, his two sons came in and started fighting with me,

one of them who wanted to back stab me which is totally out rule, my father came between me and got injured in stomach his internal organs are not in good condition till today, I killed him, but his brother came to fight with me, I killed him too, when this shivadatt is about raise his sword once again I cutted his hands, so in short he is the culprit to my fathers I'll health so he deserve punishment.

About Hema, she is the main reason behind it, she did conspiracy on your ranisa, and me so I want to punish both." Manik said and looked at everyone in the hall. All are silent and waiting for Manik's decision.

Manik looked at Hema smirked "I here by announce that I am leaving Hema as my wife, she is no more my wife, and for her sin I here by as king punish her that she will stay in jail till death, and daily she should clean ranisa chappal till she lives." All gasped both are very harsh punishments Nandini felt bad she held Manik's hand and looked at him with pleasing expression. Manik held her hand tight and didn't listen to her request.

"Next this shivadatt committed sin so I give him ten years on jail and then hang till death." Shivadatt fell on ground with thud.

Manik then announced that simhalgarh will be now part samahalgarh kingdom, and he is going to rule that country. All hailed in happiness as it is one of the large countries in boundaries which will lead to more security to the kingdom.

"Now assembly ends for today tomorrow we will discuss about how to make things right with boundaries of our with new enlarged kingdom" Manik got up. All stood up and walked away when Manik was about to go Nandini stopped him

"Hukum!!! I need to talk to you"
Manik stood back turned towards her and asked "what?"
Nandini made him sit on his chair and she stood in front of him and said "Hukum cleaning my Chappel is humiliating her which I don't want I feel guilty please don't do that"
"So you want to challenge my punishment?"
Nandini took a step back with horror "Hukum I am requesting"
"Which I already denied" Manik said with attitude
Nandini felt insulted "so my request doesn't hold any value?" She too asked with attitude
"It does but while punishing never think with emotions and heart only mind"
"Only mind will lead us to be devils not humans"
"Nandini stop thinking let her suffer she is the main reason of this all"
"No Hukum I am the main reason of this all"
"Nandini" Manik raises his voice in anger "you are no where reason for this once again if I listen you saying such words I will harm myself with this" Manik showed her his knife
Nandini took his knife in one jerk "Hukum don't you dare say that you don't know me I will myself if at all you do so"
"Then stop thinking and saying nonsense"
"Fine!!!!! You won't change your punishment fine then from this moment I will stop wearing Chappel" Nandini said in anger
Manik looked at her with shock and surprise she expressed her anger for first time, she fighter with him for first time. She walked away leaving Manik back

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