Dream about win

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Manik took Nandini to room and made her sleep comfortably and he locked room, she gasped "Hukum!!! It's day time" she warned
"As if I care?" He said with smirked and started removing his cloths, he then came to her took her legs placed them on his shoulders and lifted his dress placed himself in between her legs and with one jerk entered her she blushed and gave him more access he smiled. Both enjoyed every bit of it, it's not just love making its expression of so many emotions which can't be expressed by words and held by heart.

When Manik is sleeping, Nandini brought butter and applied it on each wound, she felt tears brimming she is trying to stop herself but she couldn't. Manik knee that but he just kept silent and let her do her work.

As Nandini planned, she gathered all ladies on name of some puja and made everyone understand her point she f view about the soldier's duty and how they are miss using it, and she even explained if they are caught by king what happens to them, how they will be killed without any excuse, which made them think about it.

Next day when Nandini is in temple some group of ladies came to her, and started asking her how to stop their men from doing all their illegal things, Nandini explained them how can they restrict it. They felt shy but accepted her point and went away blushing.

Nandini explained Manik how her plan working he smiled and took her for love making more and more. She blushed and smiled. Nandini knows that Manik loves intimacy, it gives him strength and relaxation. He loves to play with her body, she know how fresh he feels after that. It is his booster dose which he calls it as drug.

Here Manik made so many officials to work for people. He even trained all common men and some farmers to fight back. When he felt it istime now, Manik made all the workers who works for Samanth to stop work for him. Like servants, barber, washerman, cleaners, cook and so on. Everyone made excuses and skipped working for two days which made Samanth suffer.

When all workers at a time skipped the work Samanth became impatient as his wife gave him tough time she started insulting him saying he can't arrange a worker properly, he came to his officials and order to punish the workers and bring them to work for which officials denied saying that works are having genuine reasons to skip the work.

Samanth became cautious now, first people from his remind escaped, now workers stopped working officials denying to him, mostly the men whom he sent to kill Yuvaraj is been escaped and how and where they are god knows, he got alert and made a meeting with his very much needed people whom he trust most.

They all gave same information saying that all the ladies at home are denying to work illegal works, and common people are going rebellious if anyone give punishment openly.

Samanth became more suspicious he started linking everything and now got total picture and even figured out that it's Manik who is doing all this. He ordered to bring five men to kill Manik from other country. His minister denied but financial minister agreed as he is as greedy as Samanth.

Manik is at river bank, he is meeting with some officials of other villages and even taking some classes for new trainees. Nandini is at home, she is not feeling well. She had some swellings of both feet, she is feeling heavy. She is now seven months being twins inside, she had large swollen stomach.

Now a days she is craving for some pickles, she is eating less as she is feeling heavy and full stomach. She is walking with heavy foot. Daima said her to take rest and sleep with pillow near her legs so that swelling may be less.

Manik is worried of her, he wanted to take her to mahal as early as possible, even his mothers asked her to bring back, he want to send Nandini alone back but Nandini didn't listen. Knowing how stubborn she is he gave up.

Now he is planning to attack Samanth financially so that he can now come in term of common people. But he is no where thought that Samanth will attack him again.

When Manik is returning home after his training session, two men from back attacked him, Manik got two cuts on his shoulders, he within no time took his knife from his waist and throw it on one and took his sword and started to fight.

Another five members came from tree branches and started to fight with him. When Manik is dealing them, he felt some one back touched his, he turned and found it's Nandini's cousin who is helping him.
"Hukum Nandini has sent me here to check on you she is correct she felt some thing odd she want to see you I with so much plead made her stop and came here." He explained
"She knows my dangers before it reaches me" Manik killed four men already, Nandini cousin killed one, Manik made all other to die as he knew they are from Samanth side and they are not of his country, so he killed everyone.

When he returned home, he found Nandini making mess, everyone around her are trying to convince her. "Nandini" screamed Manik seeing her so lost and panicked
"Hukum!!!! You came you are safe na I had been scared I felt it, I don't want to loose you I can't lose you, I have only you, I can't loose you, how can I live without you Hukum promise me that you will be safe for me" She is crying like child
"Shhhh Nandu see I am fit and fine"
She hugged him tight he too hugged her back.

Night when Nandini found his cuts on arms she again started crying she even started saying to finish this hide and seek game with Samanth and kill him and return to mahal back. Manik smiled hugged her and kissed her "I can be a failure but I can't make my people fail Nandu. You are my strength you are my weakness too, stand with me don't panic it shows my failure, do you want me to taste failure????"
"Never Hukum I prefer death"
"Good then sleep and dream about our win"

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