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Manik went on trip around forest. Nandini is busy in some tribes work, she completed her work washed hands and went her room. She felt like sleepy so bent on bed to make neat the lady named archi came running and stretched bedsheet cleaned it and made it neatly spread
"You shouldn't stress your body in this early stage of pregnancy princess"
"Small thing can't I do?"
"You are already doing so much work you only need rest and be happy with kids so many animals and all have good food princess"
"I know but Yuvaraj want food which I cook and I want to knit some sweaters to child that's all"
She smiled
Nandini slept on bed when she fell asleep she to don't recognise

When it was lunch time Manik returned back, he came straight to bedroom and found Nandini sleeping with smile. He smiled walked near her leaned kissed her forehead she smiled more Manik got bright smile he kept hand on her belly trying to feel his children she didn't move. She is in deep sleep.
Manik got changed "Nandini wake up! You need to eat something"
"Hukhum let me sleep"
"Manik lifted her and walked down on steps she is hugging him and kept her face on his chest, still sleeping to his surprise she went to deep sleep again in seconds
He brought her to kitchen made her sit down, lady who helps Nandini in kitchen came placed all things ready when she was about to serve Manik stopped her and asked her to leave. When she left, Manik looked at Nandini she is sleeping while sitting Manik moved his head in disbelief he woke her up. With annoying face she woke up but still lazy, she served Manik
Manik took morels and started feed her she surprised at his act she "hukhum!!!! You have food first"
"Chup!!! Eat fast" he made her eat her and he too ate

Manik had to return to mahal. It's been more than a week Manik is away, he doesn't want to go back but he doesn't have any choice. Manik completed all his morning works and walked to Nandini who is at kitchen, she is preparing hot hot rotis for him,

"I need to go back to mahal"
Nandini expresses is plain, "Ok when are You planing to go back hukhum?"
"Now after having food"
"This early?"
"Yes I know if I say it early you start worrying from that very moment till I return back so I want to make it least that's why I am saying it now"
"Still.... its very short notice"
"Nandini don't worry stay here with smiles and take rest I will be back soon"
"Without you hukhum how can even smile?"
"For children you are having inside you, take good care of yourself eat on time have good rest"
"Ok I will" she got tears
"Ok now let's eat first"
Both had their meals. Manik didn't paid attention on her tears as he know they might become his weakness at any point so he made stern face and made himself strong to stay away from her and started.

When Manik reaches mahal, it's already afternoon. He walked to his room got fresh up and was about to go to his father room, he found dasi
" Yuvaraj!your first wife want to meet you"
Manik got frustrated but he knew that it is coming so he let her come
"hukum! Pranam"  hema said obediently
"what you want now?"
"I want to talk about our daughter marriage"
"dismiss from here now"
"hukum!!!! She is my daughter, I want her to get married as soon as possible"
"she is my daughter so I know when how and where to make the move so now you just vanish"
"hukum!!!! It's been 8years can't you forgive for once?"
Manik laughed, "really do you want me to forgive you?"
"Yes "
"want  attempts did you do to get it"
"I always asked for it"
"like provoking latha against my future son, asking the lady to be killed by her"
Hema face changed she started panicking
"no I didn't"
"what do you think I am a useless Yuvaraj?"
"No!that's not my intention"
"Hema!!! Beware of your actions I know you came here to complain on Latha about her behavior but believe me I forced her to do so, I even want to watch more in public I will plan it tomorrow what do you say?"
"Hukum!!!" She exclaimed in shock
"Yes Hema I am going to enjoy action now"
"this is not fair hukum she is last wife of yours I am elder one and first one I am the one who gave you first child I am future queen you have lot more to do with me so beware you need me the most"
Manik laughed more "really???is it so??? OK we will see but for now it's my turn to watch the show and I love watching my ladies fighting publicly I will enjoy it"
"no hukum you won't stoop that low"
"you are challenging me?" Manik raised his eyebrows
"no!!! But you can't do that to me"
"I am your rani future queen of this kingdom"
"no!!!!I won't allow you I will choose padma or any other wife on you"
"it's my right I married you first"
"so???? I will declare you as not sufficient for being queen see I am already on the way.  Queen won't complaints or fights with other ladies of mine, she won't nag on everything she won't spike food of King mostly she should be mother of a son you know that very well. You don't possess any of them so you can't be my queen"
Hema for tears "you won't do that it is my birth right hukum my right"
"then prove it to me"
"Kill latha"
"hukum?" She gaped jumped on her skin "that is suicide"
"wow you are genius!!! Same way make you queen is suicide of kingdom itself why will I do that to my kingdom?"
"Hukum please I beg you stop that"
"give me a reason? You want to kill my son how will I allow you to be normal when you have me attention"
"I will not repeat that again"
"I will not give you chance to do so I know how to keep my children safe so for now dismiss"
"hukum I will be mother of your son and give him all that he needs I will keep him safe and love him to moon" she said as if she is agreeing for a sin
Manik smiled "he will be future king do you think I will let him to be with a criminal?"
"Hukum I am not a criminal, he needs a mother and more over no one in Mahal will accept him as he is soon of a Dasi"
"aha!!!! Stop thinking Hema and stop wasting my time I know how to raise my son and he is bhramin lady son so he is born lucky don't worry about him"
"bhramin????" She gasped loud in shock
Manik smirked

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