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Manik is waiting for Nandini to wake up. He sent information of Nandini been saved to mahal and king. Manik himself cleaned her naked body with hot water wash she hissed in pain even in unconscious state. Manik he himself got fresh up and did puja when he was about to go to the room, he was stopped by kids of tribes.

"Pranam Yuvaraj!" A cute girl came forward of almost six years, Manik smiled at all and returned a smile to them all
"how us rani say?"
"She is sleeping she will wake up soon"
"she made us learn this knitting work which completed we want to gift her" all shows the knitted woollen scarfs
Manik ruffled her hair softly and bent to their height and "when she wake up to give each it to her personally and get a good kissy from her"
All smiled
"she is beautiful as fresh flower she smiles like butterfly so I made flowers and butterflies on a scarf," the one who came forward said
Manik smiled widely "Yes, and all your works are beautiful as she is" all giggled with happiness
She kissed him. Manik smiled hugged her
All hugged him tightly giving group hug at a time Manik laughed

When Manik is with kids playing he listened so ream from his room he left everything and ran to room as he knew it's Nandini who screamed.

Nandini in sleep stirred her back came in contact with a bed which made her wound leak blood and she screamed in pain. Manik, when came in the old lady, is trying to make her turn to a side Manik came took Nandini in arms and made her lean on his shoulder she is crying in pain. The old lady removed the cloth which tied she we worried whether stitches reopened? But to their luck they didn't, she cleaned blood applied some herbs and tied again

Nandini is crying Manik is saying soothing words in her ears, while keeping her head on his shoulder kissing time to time. She is not in full conscious still in sleep and crying in pain. Manik wants to kill everyone on earth as she is in this much pain but he knew she needs her most.

Whole day she was whimpering with pain in his arms, all time he is trying to comfort her, he us hell worried her sobs are making his heart flinch with pain and agony, still, he is trying to make her feel better.

When it was almost night, Nandini came to consciousness she first shouted for Manik, when she found herself in Manik's arms she started to rub his cheeks, with love and affection, she checked him thoroughly to confirm his safe, Manik got tears for her effection, she when seeing him crying felt like her life us wasted "hukum!!!! Hukum!!!! What happened??? Are you hurt??? Show me where are you hurt?" She asked suppressing her pain, Manik is amused by her act, he took her hand and kept on his heart she examined him keenly found nothing she in confusion looked at him,
"seeing you hurt my heart flinched it even shrink in pain for you," he said kissing her then all of sudden he gripped her hair and made her whimper in pain by dragging them hard "how dare you? How dare you? How many times I have to say you this your body soul heart mind and even pain is mine all mine then how did you rusk it? Say it how dare you to plan to make me see in weakness? Why???? Do you know how much weak I felt? You know how much I screamed and showed everyone my weak point? Do you know how much, the pain I felt?"
She smiled and pecked him. He got angrier but her smile is contagious so he melted a little which was enough for her she kept her head on her bare chest, she smiled kissed his heart "hukum!!!!! When I am here with you in your arms I am safe, don't dare insult my hukum strength? He us undefeated warrior and empire" she said with anger
Manik chuckled at her words "I saw today almost defeat"
"I will never let you defeat hukum"
He kissed her again
Manik let her, sleep on one side safely, he went out and brought food some soup and milk fruits. He himself made her eat and gave medicine and slept beside her hugging he felt her body warm Manik got panic he ran out brought the old lady to check Nandini she took her hand checked pulse "Yuvaraj! She is fine her body will be warm for more than two days as stitches has to heal properly so let her not stir in sleep place some pillows at her back so that her shoulder shouldn't reach the bed, Yuvaraj!!!! Can you stay away from her?"
"Daima!!!!!! No" Manik said in angry
"Yuvaraj I mean to stay away as husband"
"Daima!!!! I know her state do I look such heartless?"
"No Yuvaraj but royal blood and your madness about her and her naked body may make you lose balance"
"never will I loose my control but still if you feel so keep that smoke so that I too can sleep"
"ok, Yuvaraj I will keep the smoke little so that both of you can wake in morning" she informed her king and added smoke to the room.

After one week Nandini stitches are removed recovered, but not fully. She is still in bed and Manik is not leaving her side not even for a second, the tribal king took maximum care of both.

Nandini is requesting Manik to let her go out of remove but Manik is stubborn to keep her in bed, "hukum!!! See I am obsoletely fine just a small pain on shoulder my legs are fine I am OK just for the walk please" she is almost begging him
"Nandu!!!! Do let me feel guilty but no you are not going anywhere it's final"
Having no choice she made pout, as usual, Manik took her pout in his mouth "I missed you so much, I was scared to hell, I would have burn whole world in anger"
"hukum!!! Who was that attacked you cowardly?"
"Rival country the poison is from that place"
"what is your next move???"
"Maybe I may go to war once you're safe and healthy"
"war???? Ya they attacked you still war kills people lot of people"
"that's unavoidable and we can't ignore that"
"how could you do that I mean how do you know that they planned this? Manik is curious
"I really don't know I was feeling weird my heart is beating like drums all of sudden felt something is going to happen to you very strongly I couldn't even feel like breathing I came running all I know is to see you that's it"
"I was foolish to turn you the other side if not you would have been safe"
"no I would have died on spot with fear and shock, look it's me so came here carrying but how could I?? So no more guilty and regrets" Nandini hugged him he held her tight from her waist.

The old lady who treated Nandini gave permission to travel to mahal so Manik greeted everyone especially the kids who used to be his only entertainment in his all dark days, they made Manik learn many things like playing some games knitting even cooking some special food items. They all gelled with Manik very well. they even took care of Nandini made her room filled with flowers some decorated with diyas flowers they even used to make her laugh which made Manik happier.

Finally, they reached mahal. All welcomed the couple and enquired about Nandini health Manik gave them all instruction what should be done what not specially Dasis are threatened to death about her caretaking.

When Manik final got time with Nandini at night, he checked her wound which is really healing fast. So he made her remove her blouse and dupatta to avoid any type of rupture on the wound she got on the shoulder. She did and leaned on his chest to sleep. Manik looked at Nandini once her naked back, and two bounce feather soft boobs which to avoid from him seeing, she pressed herself to his chest he turned towards her side kept her hand on neck and pressed his lips on her plump lips, he assaulted them for more than five minutes when she was almost out of breath he left her.
"I need you, I want to feel you, I want to make sure of myself that you are safe beside me breathing for me" while kissing all the way from ear loves to cleavage he asked her
"hukum I am safe all safe with you breathing" she is moaning with each word she spoke
He removed her lehenga and twisted each other place his back is on bed and she is hovering him he planted his dick and started thrusting from down she shipping weed by his touch she is deep inside feeling all inside him
"you are my only mine to please me like this cherish me and I am only one to make you feel such way and make you moaning and screaming my name come on ride me" he commanded

She slept peacefully, Manik is observing her. She is fully naked under duvet slept one side face is peaceful sindoor is been scattered, hair is stuck by her sweat and duvet is covered to her body and the only shoulder are naked kept out cleavage peeping out slightly. Her breath is even Manik felt proud of her, her beauty is enchanting inside him.

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